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Nick Notarangelo

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Posts posted by Nick Notarangelo

  1. Before this goes Any further I once promised to give someone rims about the same time I was moving from one house to another and in that process I completely space the rims and for that I am sorry to that person.

    Now you can stop with the nasty emails

    I ask that the Moterator please lock this thread

    Thank You

  2. First thank you all to the person messages that were sent to me.

    But from those messages I was not the only person duped by him at lease four other people were also.

    Highway this didnt start as a trade but was made a trade by the other party so he didnt feel guilty for getting something for free,and it was said AFTER he got the airbrush.

    But I am true to my word I will not name names but the guess from everyone who has emailed me is correct.

    I Hate that it came down to this,and considering how much I like mostly everyone on here and have had prior dealing with others here who have been very good to there word as I am to mine.

    Thank you all for reading this.

    And Gregg keep up the good work and never go corporate and ruin thissite and mag,to bad there are others who ruin things for others

  3. About two or three weeks back I answer the call of another modeler who had some bad luck with a thief and had his airbrush kit stolen,so being a nice guy when it was asked if anyone had a extra airbrush I replied that I had a extra to send,but the person felt bad that I gave a up a nice air brush and was wanting to know if I wanted a trade or something for it.

    Being the person that I am and I had noticed he had a few kits up for trade I made a suggestion of maybe a few kits he had on his list as payment and it was agreed apond by both parties but he wanted to try it out first soI didnt see any hard in it,That was almost two weeks ago.

    I will not name names but if you ever see a call out for someone with a extra airbrush DO NOT REPLY.

    Do to this,I have learned not to be trusting to help out a fellow modeler who puts out a call unless its someone whom I work with in the past,And I hope no one get burned for tryin to do a good thing from this person again.

    I don't blame anyone but myself for tryin to do a good deed.

  4. And also with the advent of the internet all the reference stuff on hand,plus a trove of pics of other peoples builds of the same subject so you can see how to make yours different.

    About 20 years ago I was working in the local hobbyshop in my hometown and detail master was just a up and coming thing and using things like photoetch was something completely new or was just barely new.

    Now look at your builds and think of what you do now you didn't do then, Even some of you guys who have things in all the mags and shows,from tips and tricks to new paints and glues.

    And Art for me it wasn't thread is was fishing line.

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