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David G.

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Status Updates posted by David G.

  1. Ah, I found you!

    It was great chatting with you at DSC on Saturday. I look foreword to seeing more of your work here on the boards.

    David G.

    1. Russell C

      Russell C

      Likewise! Been bogged down with 1:1 scale home improvements where I'd been disorganized ever since the middle of last summer when I moved out of one place and into a much smaller one. Hope to get enough free time carved into my schedule soon to get back into model building, maybe the first among the projects will be a slight restoration / improvement of the old roadster buildup I show in my Wanted post here. One of the other guys here at MCM answered my ad and plans to snail mail the blue flame decals he doesn't have any use for. And perhaps I can do another simple WIP thread on a different little roadster project that would clear out various scrap parts I've had since forever. My other projects, like my mod/rebuild of an old Quicksilver, take on levels of complexity that invite building burn-out. Counted 'em up one time for somebody's MCM thread of "how many projects have you started?" -- got 18 of 'em.  If only I had more time ......

    2. David G.

      David G.

      Yeah, we went through the home-improvement hustle last year. I lost about six month's worth of bench time. Don't you just hate when real life interferes with hobby life? As it is, I already have more kits in my stash than I could finish even if I lived to be 110! I'm way behind schedule! :D 

      That Quicksilver looks like a fun kit-bashed custom rescue.

      Catch ya later!

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