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Tony Bryan

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Posts posted by Tony Bryan

  1. That's some extraordinary work, Tony. Your brass work is as neat as a pin. I've done a bit and can appreciate the results you got. Fantastic!

    Thank you, I have also made and cast all the rubber mounts for the tanks.....

    Wow Tony, that's nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Ben, it certainly isn't no plastic kit, and is a lot harder to plan as well as making the tooling to suit the various parts that I am making from sheet stock,

    I may start a thread on it one day when the chassis is together


    Watch these video's on how the frame and core come together, may help you build yours http://www.ftrs.com.au/honeycomb/make_a_core.php

  2. It would have been easier to form the top tank over a buck, by using sheet stock, less solder needed and a cleaner finish, with brass you don't need a lot of solder to join it as long as the joints are tight

    and clean, it would also be easier for you if you made a jig so that you could stack the fins in place to solder,(I would have used shim brass) then use the core as a separate part into the radiator frame

    Working with brass takes a bit of forward thinking to achieve the same results as you would get with plastic, especially with the way heat flows and how it effects the other solder joints

    Here is a tip for soldering, cut your self a very small piece of solder, then lay it on the joint your are soldering, apply the heat and watch it flow, into the joint,

  3. I'm pretty sure this was his first semi, and I would like to see you do better.

    Looks pretty good to me, only minor imperfections that anybody could miss. Overall, I would say this is the best model I have ever seen, nobody can make a perfect model.

    Nobody can make a perfect model, well I disagree, either you only look at this forum, or you don't research any subjects at all, here is someone that is the

    best and builds a perfect model..... and from the 60's before all the modern machinery, all hand fabricated, and far surpasses Gerald Wingrove

    Read the whole story, and then look at what he has achieved with old school talent ferrari every part hand made, and if this doesn't sway you then try this one, 15, 000 hours work builds something spectacular Model Engineers—Louis Chenot

    What a lot of people do not realise, it is not a race to see who can build the most, but a hobby that lets you build your skills as you build, the more time and effort you put into some thing, the better it will be, it does truely amaze's me of what people can achieve when they have talent, or encouragement

    Please don't take my comments in the wrong way. First workmanship excellent, second attention to detail great, finally overall appearence nice. But a masterpiece no, the best truck model ever no, distinguishable from the 1;1 yes. Nice work on the graphics and some fine scratch building. The Aeromax/Columbia hybrid just detracts from an otherwise excellent model. I realize there are no models of a Freightliner Columbia in 24/25th scale but I bet you have the skills to fab one up. Giving the model to your father was a great gesture. Again please don't take my comments the wrong way I mean them in the best way.

    Would have to agree,

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