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Tony Bryan

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Posts posted by Tony Bryan

  1. I personally don't see what's so special about this build? It's nice but I have seen many other builds that have much more work into them and are entirely scratch built, This truck has several parts from kits. I'm not knocking his work, it's very nice but I have seen much, much better! There are some construction equipment models out there that would make this look like a snap together!

    Would have to agree Ben,

    Here is something that is a true scratch build in every sense of the word, by a master craftsman, and he sure is a clever man

    My link

  2. Tony,

    These are excellent. Let us know what you have and when you have things available. I'm interested.

    Thanks for letting us know what your up to.



    will be a couple of months, have a lot of 1/16th stuff that needs to be cast, and I just don't want to do it,

    The Six rod needs a bit of photo etch and white metal stuff

    Not that sure if I am going to cast the tyres yet, may just do these for myself

    Will let you know when or if it will happen

    Wow! Excellent work! Are these the Bridgestone M843 and R194 tires by chance?



    well they could be anything I want really, as they still have no label on them, I will add that detail when I can come up with something that won't get me

    into to much trouble, they where actually modelled off a Bridgestone case, but I may not even have them moulded yet

  3. Hi, Tony!

    Have you found pictures of the gear box clutch assembly? I would use it as reference.


    I have over 20,000pics, of trucks and machinery, not many are in folders, one day I will fix that

    Here is the better pic I have, this shows the fork in place, what it does need is a way of engaging the fork, this is done either by air or hydraulic ram or even mechanical means

    you can just see it behind the bell housing


    A better pic of the ram set up


    You could build what ever you like here and it would still look the part, as not many people add this,

    I have other modern detailed pics of a road ranger box from a truck show if you need other detail pics

    Hope these help

    I also had the opportunity to photograph a W model Kenworth , which I took 300 pics, this was in a re build stage,

    and it was a perfect opportunity to take a lot of detail shots

    A W Model setup, with a series 60 engine, note how clean the joining of the box is to the engine, and the Mech clutch


    Hope these help


  4. Tony..Super nice....the 22.5's will be a must have for my SAR project later this year........Matt


    A SAR mmm, interesting, I have a couple of photo's of one, What rear end are you going to be using?

    I have already done a 6 rod as well as a henrickson HAS460, The 6 rod I set up to use the existing holes in the diff, so it lines up better, the main frame sits where the original air glide sits,

    I have also done the intercooler and radiator to suit the 3406B, and the roof console and floor console for the SAR, also the 36 in high rise sleeper for the Gold nugget,

    Here is a pic of the 1/16th Six Rod, the coloured parts I am changing for a photo etch fret , these won't cast to well


    and the HAS460, still need to do the torque arms and air bags, the KW ones are a little small


    they will all go to the casters soon,

  5. Tony.Very Nice............Be sure to send all of your spares to me!!! LOL matt


    Going to do another 2 patterns, and split them of the rims,

    I want to cast these in rubber, and the rims in resin

    Hey Tony, I am a truck wheel fanatic and I think they look great! I sure hope you'll be offering them for sale!!!!!!!


    I don't know if I will sell them yet, I want to add the photo etch labels on the side walls, but am reluctant to brand them with Bridgestone,which these are,

    I can how ever label them something else but it does take away the realism of the whole effort

  6. In Australia, we don't use the 24.5 inch rims, instead we opt for the 22.5, so with that in mind,

    Here is a sample of what they will be like



    These are fitted with a true Alcoa rim

    Do they look better than the kit rims and tyres????

    the drives will suit logging, and off road etc

    I also have the Alcoa rim in 24.5 to replace the kit rims which are less than accurate these are with the kit tyres


  7. Thank you Tony. Do you mean a rim around engine/gear box joining? Thank you again. I was not sure about it. I guess I should file the rim off?

    As for the straps - they will be made using black and chrome vinyl tape.

    This picture was kindly granted by Don Schumaker, Mack Museum Curator

    Thanks to every one.


    The rim around the gearbox is fine, as it has some of the bolt detail, I would whoever fill the gap between the box and the engine to smooth it off, as between both is a flat area, if you can understand that, will see if I can find a picture,

    as for the gear box clutch assembly, that is the fork that operates the clutch, it has a hydraulic line that runs to it, and a slave cylinder that operates a fork arrangement will find that pic to

    Build is looking great, and the detail is very well done, I am looking forward to an update

  8. Sergey

    Nice detail happening here, with some nice attention to detail

    One thing most people leave off when detailing a engine is the clutch assembly on the gear box

    and when you do the tank straps for the tanks, they also have a rubber moulding under the strap in most cases, some custom trucks don't have these

    I attached a pic of the KW version of these straps, and a pic of the 1/16th version that I cast in rubber so you could see the result

    I really like the pulley detail, they really come up great, will have to use that idea myself

    Look forward to another update



  9. Dave, still enjoying every minute of this. :o

    Showed the thread/build to my nephew last night, he's very much a drag racing nut and crews for one of our Aussie Top Doorslammer guys. (Pro Mod equivalent)

    Had a hard time getting a squeak outta him.....totally speechless. :lol: And also VERY impressed, as I am.

    May I ask the source of the renshape.?? I can't find any thing remotely close down here in Aus. :lol:




    I really enjoy how things come together, and the assembly start, frame looks great with paint, and all those aluminium parts hanging off it, look forward to another update


    renshape is available in Aust, try here My link (WA) or here My link (QLD)

    but the biggest selection of the stuff comes from here My link (NSW)

    The stuff isn't cheap, the best thing to do is find someone using it, and ask for the off cuts, if you want to try some I can send you a bit to carve/ play with it is really good stuff

  10. Tony,

    Many Thanks for posting that link. Very interesting and looks quite simple once someone tells you how to do it.



    No problem,this link was giving to me by a dear friend, but one thing to remember is to cover the rear of the etch, so that it doesn't attack the back, use primer, tape, just some to stop the etch

    unless you are etching both sides, really all that etching is, is a cover to stop the etch ...... etching, have heard of people using marker pens on very thin brass

    The above link is a simple way to do it, to etch properly, you need some very harsh chemicals, like ferric chloride as the etchant, and sodium hydroxide at the stripper, uv light....... and the list goes on

    Have a go at it, and show us the results

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