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Everything posted by toplessfury

  1. ok photo bucket is finally cooperating so here she is nearly done just need to add decals and lights on the other side and done.
  2. thanks.i put the n&k towing decal on and had to take it back off.the center parts of the letter were clear so they didnt show up.ill get them redone later and put them on.
  3. well ive got most of this done but photobucket is being a turd so no pics yet.mainly lights and decals left to do.
  4. does anyone have an old truck that they want to get rid of?? im looking for one to put behind my tow truck.doesnt need to be complete but needs to be cheap(or free is better )thanks jamie
  5. nice!! where did you get the steer tires from?? i need some nice ones(chrome) for the rear.
  6. i made some door decals for this today.N&K towing.it for my girls nikki and katie.
  7. welcome,im kinda new myself.keepyour head down. formerly 732nd det 1 ncarmy national guard
  8. thanks guys.i even used wal-mart brand $.98 can of primer
  9. ok here is where im at on this.am going to quit for tonight(got a headache from all the thinking)lol
  10. thanks. this is rustoleum cobalt blue metallic with 3 coats of rustoleum crystal clear
  11. thanks man.im thinking about building this one box stock but not sure yet.
  12. here is what im going to be working on next.i couldnt wait to paint it. this is probably my best paint job yet
  13. here is where im at on this.this is my cable system so far and here is a peek at the boom.still have to make the hydrolic lift cylinders.
  14. thanks man that is a big help.im very happy with this but i havent been around "custom" model builds and was curious what everyone thought thats all.
  15. great now keep in mind this is my first attempt at scratch building so please be kind .thanks
  16. any interest in this?lol ill post some more pics in the morning battery died.ive got the boom pretty close and the winch and cable also nearly done.wont be long and it will be time for paint. later all
  17. i used to build tanks similar to that.they were a pain in the rear.i hated it cause i found out that i was closterfobic.
  18. been hard at it again today and started final assembly on the truck.still have to finish the bed.i forgot to take pics of the interior before putting it together so i did the best i could with the camera. i made a spot to hang the chains i found at hobby lobby
  19. i went to walmart and they didnt have it so i bought rustoleum cobalt blue metallic for the kw
  20. i just saw that the kw123 is scheduled to be released december 2010they dont have pics up yet but here is where i found it http://www.horizonhobby.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=AMT687
  21. i havent heard anything.who is supposed to be putting them out?
  22. rust-oleum is an enamel paint.is that a single stage of do you have to buy multiple cans for different stages? im glad you posted that now i know what color to paint my kw
  23. ok this is a photo i found and will be using it at kind of a template but i wont be using a round boom.
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