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Everything posted by Six-Fo

  1. Got it repainted . And I love how the side design came out this time. Now time to open a beer and design the roof patterns
  2. I've been working on the body this week but all my hard work didn't give me results. I had no idea the primer was so faulty until today when I shot few coats of base paint on the body. Zero Paints are really sensitive for the surface so any flaw on the primer will show up. Plus I pulled off the pinstripe tape too late when the paint was already too dry, that's why the sidestripes are so rough. Oh well, need to repaint the body now.
  3. Yeah it is the icon, thats the car that brought me to lowriders and its been my dream 1:1 car ever since. I've been laying down some pinstripe tape tonight, hopefully I can shoot few coats of paint tomorrow.
  4. Thanks guys. Yeah Janne, I've been building lowriders since 2007 and they're the biggest passion for me. 64 Impala has been my dream car and I've built it like 3-4 times http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q169/siim1234/koik/P1060131-1.jpg
  5. Hey again, I'm moving to university this autumn so I decided to build my favorite model kit of all times during the summer since I'm not sure how much time I'll have for modeling in university. Anyways, will gonna be lowrider, with crazy paintjob(zero paints cobra viking blue as a main color), hopefully my skills are sharp enough to add some details too(havent built anything for at least half a year). Nice to come back with my favorite car and lowrider scene.
  6. Thanks for feedback Its all painted freehand.
  7. My 56 Chevy straight from Eastern Europe will be there . Unfortunately I didnt pack myself in the package because the weight limit was 500 grams
  8. Lol :lol: Thanks for posting up the pics Mike, I'm so glad it made it
  9. Date is getting pretty close and I'm not sure if its gonna make it to NNL West. Package tracking showed me it should be in United States already, but who knows how long they gonna process it.
  10. Lol I thought these were the reference pics of the 1:1 car because it does look like real thing. :)
  11. I was like "lol wtf" when I saw someone talking about Estonia in this forum But sorry that I cant help you, I dont know anything about these things.
  12. Yup, thanks! My reference is from pictures I see online. Barely see any classic US cars around here, only once a year in American Car show/meeting. Only US car I've ever been in was 89' Cadillac Eldorado
  13. Hey again! First I'm not sure if this topic should belong to this section, but I think its fine. Not many of you know but I live in Estonia, which is far in Eastern Europe and model car building is not well known here, so not many shows around here. Lately I finished my LS9 powered 56 Chevy and few days ago I shipped it out to El Destructo Inc so he can take it to NNL West and many other shows. It will also go through few other guys, one of them lives somewhere in South California, but I cant remember what username he had over here (Luis give a shout here if you see this). Another guy lives in North Carolina so he can take it to some kind of NNL show in August. These are just a few shows that I have been planned. Maybe El Destructo can let you guys know more about when and where you could see my car. At first I planned to send 3 cars but due to some kind of temporary block from US for incoming packages over 500 grams(some kind of terrorism thing) I was not able to send them all, so I had to send 56 Chevy only. Anyways lets hope this car will make it there by NNL West(if not, then other shows) and you guys can see a car built at the other side of the Earth. Siim (sorry for my crappy English)
  14. Thanks for feedback these are engraved with the sharp end of this tool:
  15. Nice 65! Are the side patterns airbrushed or decals?
  16. Thanks a lot! 2011 will be the worst year for me. the 56 Del Ray was pretty much the last big project. Its my last year in high school and exam season is soon to be start, + in spring I need to move to another city to another school. So I guess my modeling will be complicated, or maybe even stopped.
  17. Thanks! ###### I still cant send it out to United States. The posting service to US is delayed to March 10th or something like that due to terrorism stuff.
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