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Posts posted by checkmate

  1. Tamiya cars and bikes go together very easily, well engineered and miles ahead of Revell, AMT etc.

    The only downside is that Tamiya make the most boring subjects(well in my eyes anyway).

    I don't want to build a F1 or BTCC car, I'd rather build a Chev van, Willys Gasser or 40 Ford coupe.

    Tamiyas bikes are well engineered to and I've build a couple and as everyone else has said, minimum mould lines, super detail and great fit.

  2. All good Bob, There's no kit as such, mine was built from a resin body that a mate of mine cast. Hopefully they'll be some other resin ones available soon. :)

    They're panel vans, I've had heaps of discussion over the years about them with vanners from the U.S a minority call them sedan deliveries and refuse to accept them but the majority think they're cool as, love them and relate them to Mad Max's van.

    Glad you liked the Majestic Vanners site mate, there's a few of our vans featured in the current issue of Rolling Heavy magazine over there in the US. :)

  3. They're different kits.

    Differences in the bodies are a few comparing the MPC Sorcerer van to the Vanton/Phantom.


    Has larger Econoline badges on sides

    better detailed/nicer door handles

    separate side door

    Different fuel filler location to Phantom

    Different indicators

    There's several other differences to and the more you looked the more you'd find I think, the Sorcerer also runs funny shaped side windows.

    Looking at the two side by side I think the MPC body is nicer, seems to be crisper, nicer details and separate side door is a nice feature.

    Cheers Rob

  4. A big Thank You to Rob for these beautiful 32 Ford Sedan Delivery bodies. I recieved them last night and can't wait to dig in. But, due to the limited space I have to work, they will have to sit in the queue until my current project is completed( kit bash, scratch build 1/24th scale 40's style Belly Tank salt flat racer).


    This was a smooth transaction and Rob shipped right away! He even included some cool resin cast bits I can use for other projects down the road!

    Thanks Mate!

    Glad they made it Hal., looking forward to seeing your build up's of them when you get around to them mate.

    Cheers Rob

  5. I'm sorry but they are not sedan delivery bodies. They are phantom bodies, as no such '32 Fords were built that way.

    Very true Lyle, Ford didn't make them like this, the '32 sedan delivery they made was based in the tudor body and ran tudor length doors. (Making it a tudor delivery? :blink: )

    These bodies run a front door the same length as a sedan, not a tudor, giving them a more useful and in proportion look for a sedan delivery. After all they were supposed to be a commercial vehicle so you'd think more cargo space would be important.

    Most other years ran a shorter sedan length door so this is a '32 Ford sedan delivery body if Ford had've built one with sedan length doors.

    Yes it's a phantom, but it looks like the one the factory should've made, had they have made a "proper" sedan delivery. ;)

    Cheers Rob

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