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Everything posted by JollySipper

  1. Thanks for the help guys, especially with the links...I want to get the 6 cyl. bad enough that I may go the resin route.... maybe use the V8 for a hot rod build later...Thanks again!
  2. I just ordered the Revell '50 F1, but I want to put in an in-line 6 cyl. instead of the V8. Which kit from Amt or Revell would make a good donor for this?
  3. I read on Wikipedia the color was Big Bad Orange, an AMC color...Interesting little fact, the editor-in-chief of Hot Rod Magazine had the Disco Z28 painted Big Bad Orange, and he is a huge DoH fan...
  4. I can't remember which kit has taken the longest to build, but my quickest build was a '66 Chevelle snap-tite kit I put together when I was about 6 or 7 years old... I believe it was molded in tan and had metal axles
  5. Wow! This topic turned into something really cool! We're all learning a little about each other and hopefully will continue to do so. I was afraid noone would take this thread seriously, but 4 pages in a day prove otherwise. Very cool, guys! Now, lets keep them coming!
  6. I see a lot of cool user names and avatars on here and I was just wondering how you guys come up with them... My user name is something I came up with in high school. I wanted to start a band called Jolly Sipper's Bottling Company. As for my avatar, that's Flapjack. He's a character on a show on Cartoon Network. So what's the story behind your's?
  7. I may can't offer much help, but I'll do my best. First off, you may want to wait about a week before putting any kind of tape on your fresh paint. When you do decide to begin masking, use a low tack painter's tape ( I use Duck brand blue tape from Wal-Mart ) Then be sure to burnish down the edges really good before applying a second color.
  8. A lot of guys say that you can soak the model in water, then stick model in large zip-lock bag then put in freezer. As the water expands in the joints it forces the pieces apart. If you need to strip paint, LA's Totally Awesome seems to be a popular choice. edit: sorry to repeat^^^ we posted at the same time!
  9. Also, there isn't much need to post some things, like questions that newbies (myself included) have for the older forum members. A lot of times they are told that their questions can be answered with a simple google search, which is very true. Just yesterday I searched how to make a Mexican blanket, and search results provided a link to this very forum with a couple tutorials on the subject.
  10. I've got a complete decal sheet for the '71 Cuda that has woodgrain for the dash and console, also has the billboard stripes, side marker lights, everything but gauges. If you decide against painting the woodgrain, let me know...
  11. I was browsing through the truck section and the thread I was reading gave me the option to make a reply post anonymously. There was a blank avatar with window for post just like I was signed in, only I wasn't. Is this something You guys know about?
  12. Thanks for posting the thread, they have the same kit.
  13. Thanks for that... They didn't do any retooling to solve the problems with the parts fitting? Once the front suspension is in place, the front cowl won't mate to the chassis, and the engine just won't go into place, period.
  14. Has anyone had any luck building the Coyote X from MPC? I went through a period where I was building cars from my favorite shows. I got lucky (or so I thought) and found a Coyote from the show Hardcastle and McCormick. The darn thing won't go together no matter how much pleading I do. AMT/ERTL released a similar model some years ago. Is it a better kit than the MPC version?
  15. Is it better to paint, BMF, then clear? Or should I clear first, then use the BMF?
  16. Yea it seems that Doc has written about 17 books and is a very well respected poet and novelist! Those who know him better know that already but I was suprised when I read his Wikipedia.
  17. I just read Doc's wikipedia! I didn't know he was such a respected figure in literature. I guess I'll do more research next time before showing my ignorance! Sorry Doc! and to Keef I didnt think we were allowed to be jerks on here... the thread should prob ask "Do you follow Greggs instructions"!!!
  18. Thanks for setting me straight guys! Im new to the forum and have really just met the man, but he is an amazing builder and i figured he would share the wealth of knowledge
  19. I dont understand the "Really?" I dont know the Doc as well as you guys do, but I thought that was a legitimate question. He has probably written tons and my ignorance is showing. I know he has tons of tutorials on the forum just haven't read them all
  20. Doc, you keep things lite and fun and thats very cool! just a quick question, have you written any books on modeling? If so where could I find a copy? That would be instructions worth a read!
  21. Andy, I recently finished a '66 Batmobile and was so proud of how I thought it was going to turn out that I rushed and glued the frame to the body without routing the exhaust thru the body first. I then had to cut the exhaust apart and run them thru the top. What could have been a clean build turned into something that I'll never be as proud of as I would if I had only double-checked the instructions.
  22. Mr. Ira, I really enjoy viewing your WIPs! what would i enter as a search to see more of your work?
  23. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! As far as building, my next project will be an AMT '62 T-bird. As soon as its finished you guys will be the first to know! Again, thanks
  24. Im new to the forum but have been visiting as a guest for a while. there is a pattern I've noticed and that is that you guys turn out AMAZING work! C'mon, a cut-down Willys into a DW? a flying Impala? I realize I'm trying to run with the big dogs just by joining, but maybe I can learn some things here that i'd never learn on my own. thanks for reading and keep up the awesome work!!
  25. Im new here, so you guys be gentle! My next project will be an AMT T-bird. I want to do a 60's style mild custom, lake pipes, cragars, etc... I mainly want to find out if this is a quality kit and how yours turned out. thanks!
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