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Posts posted by RoadRunner1083

  1. Saw a great post with some of these and it gave me some ideas so I ran out and bought one of the kits.


    And while I was there I found this.....


    And This, My find of the day! It was damaged and opened so I asked the manager if he could give me a discount. He said he would. I was thinking 5 or 6 dollars off, but he knocked it from $17.99 to $5.00!!!!


    Thanks for looking! Got some stuff to keep me busy for a while!

  2. Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and and pretty much new to the hobby. I saw some of Doctor Crankys stuff on youtube and this is something I would like to be a part of. Seems fun and It would be pretty hard to mess a build like this up. Anyway, here is a pic of the kit I am going to work with:



    Thanks for looking! Can't wait to post some updates!

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