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Vallejo woes yet again!

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Are there any Vallejo experts that can help me?

Both my white and deep yellow Model Color line of paints go on milky, thin and show beush strokes.

They cover very poorly and casue me to paint multiple layers which start to peel off as this stuff sorta dries like latex which is wierd.

Is it me, my brush, my technique?

The Vallejo black goes on perfectly.

Attached is a video of what I am talking about.  Its not great but was the best I could do.

I'd appreciate any guidance.

Thanks in advance.




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Thanks MsDano.

Below is a pic of Taimya + yellow embossing powder.

I still have to shake off the excess and will wait a bit, but I've found a bad paint job won't be covered up by powder.  The Tamiya went on better.


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Ok, you made me crack open a few bottles and test them out.

I got a 16 Model Color pack for Father's Day this year but have a Citadel set that I am using for brush work since beginning of spring...and like a lot for consistency and coverage.

The white and lemon yellow MC's both are a bit on the milky side.  Yellow is always a bit of a B to paint and for sure I would prime white and do multiple thin layers to get coverage. I would normally prime white, grey or black depending what I am doing.

 I tried purple, red,orange, black and the azure blue(sky); all flow nicely and cover well.

The silver covers poorly when I tested a spot repair on an engine, will stick to Tamiya flat aluminum

Some colors are definitely better than others, thanks for the heads up


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Wow, thanks Twokidsnosleep!

Very very cool of you!

Have you tried adding water 1:1?

Scrolling to the bottom of this blog says to always do 1:1 minimum for type of application;


Yes, I've found the silver is tricky but I dilute it and its cool.  I don't know how to deal with the milky white or yellow.  But perhaps many diluted coats?

Good luck, I am hating that MC silver I tried

Below are some pics with there silver, red and black.

Knocked out some rotors/breaks/hubs today.

If your silver is chunky etc... email Vallejo and they will send a new bottle free of charge.


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...all I can say is anything Vallejo I have had nothing but problems. 2 brush paints that I tried are the worst junk ever, and their body filler, which does  shape and fill very well, all goes south when final wet sanding of your work takes place, as it goes to liquid ....all junk IMO...the ace...:(

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...all I can say is anything Vallejo I have had nothing but problems. 2 brush paints that I tried are the worst junk ever, and their body filler, which does  shape and fill very well, all goes south when final wet sanding of your work takes place, as it goes to liquid ....all junk IMO...the ace...:(

I agree on the filler Ace, it is junk, any sign of moisture and it just vanishes !, very annoying.

I actually like the paints a lot but I do airbrush them mostly, the yellow and white colours in the Model colour range are very thin and do not cover well at all, however other colours are spot on.


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Gary, I was talked into trying their junk by a person that normally has the scoop on these things....mistake on my part, I will never have that BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH on my bench again. Squadron putty is outstanding, and I stick to Tamiya and Humbrol bottle paint...rant over, the ace.......^_^

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Great article;


Many of the YouTubes seem to paint right out the bottle.  However it seems recomendd to always thin.

I'll post pics of my results with the challenging colors.

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Are there any Vallejo experts that can help me?

Both my white and deep yellow Model Color line of paints go on milky, thin and show beush strokes.

They cover very poorly and casue me to paint multiple layers which start to peel off as this stuff sorta dries like latex which is wierd.

Is it me, my brush, my technique?

The Vallejo black goes on perfectly.

Both white and yellow are relatively poor in the coverage department, probably due to a lesser amount of pigment that helps other colors do better in coverage (your black). I would not expect either of these colors to cover in one coat, and brush strokes would be inherent until the color becomes opaque. Oh and btw, this stuff dries like latex because latex is also an acrylic.

Are you thinning your paint before brushing it on? If you're using water as a thinner, that may be why it's giving you problems. Never thin unless you're airbrushing...

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It definitely has a more rubbery, latex surface texture to it than other acrylics I have used.

I am sure that sanding it would tear chunks out like crazy, especially on multiple coats. I got my little set as a gift and will use it sparingly, mostly those colours that go down well

It certainly is not a cheap for such poor performance

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I'll post soon but after reading several how-to's including there blog, I'm get MUCH better results diluting minimum 1:1 using distilled water.

Also, several thin coats seems to eliminate that rubbery latex characteristic and the paint adhesion is much stronger.

Some paints work great out the bottle, others I pallete and dilute.

The irony here is that I went Vallejo to simplify workflow as it seemed they work straight out the bottle.

BUT, it appears there is no substitution for prepping paint.

Still, I wished there were bottle paints good and ready from the bottle 100%.

Oh well....


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I just got some Vallejo paints as well and have only tested the black so far. From what I have read around the military forums, you MUST use a primer with these paints, and they are also delicate for handling unless you use a varnish or sealer of some sort. 

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The black is awesome, as is the red.  The silver requires thinning.

With several thin coats you can handel them just fine w/o varnish.

When I was stripping last night with Super Clean, the Tamiyas went pretty much right away but the Vallejo which were applied using several thin coats took a long while.

The Tamiyas were applied with a few coats as well.

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Ok, I had to go check this out because  just bought a set of the Panzer colors. Mine are in the little bottles with a squirt type top. I shook the bottle of Sand Yellow for quite a while and an tried it on a primered spoon. It did cover but not the best. I popped the squirt top out and stirred it with a tiny screwdriver, it definitely needed that.   The next attempt went on quite well and even covered well over the bare plastic spoon handle, if it sticks may be another story.  

I used a Red Sable brush  I had mine laying one their side in the tray they came in but that did make a it messy stirring it up. I now have them standing up.

I'll have to give it a Thumbs Up.

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Hi all,

Just an update.

I took a problem paint to my LHS who've had great success with Vallejo.

I took the problem paint, my brush and the part I was having difficulty with.  I even took my bottle of distilled water.

After a while, they determined that the paint was indeed old.

So much of my issues are simply old paint.

I did order there thinner to help reconstitute the paint as I've serveral bottles, about 50% of whats been tried has had issues, say 4 paints.

Kind of a bummer but it is what it is as I have about 40 bottles or so recently purchased.  Yes I went over board.

I did email Vallejo but won't expect anything as my recent emails have gone un-answered.

All paint dries so I can't really blame anything, its simply a roll of the dice.

It was suggested that I may be able to use Vallejos Crackle Medium to help re invigorate the paint.  However this seems an odd approach as there crackle adds cracks to a paint job.


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    It was suggested that I may be able to use Vallejos Crackle Medium to help re invigorate the paint.  However this seems an odd approach as there crackle adds cracks to a paint job.

Exactly! I can't imagine anyone recommending such a thing... That'd be like saying you can repair a broken window by throwing a hammer at it! :wacko:

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The blog I read said to slam the bottom of the bottle against your palm often while shaking it vigourously.

That did not work.  I thought about putting a glass bead in it while it was open to try that but got side tracked cleaning the mess up. Those are small neck bottles.

Can you get the top off? If you can, you could use a battery-operated stirring device to really wisk the paint together. I use one all the time, and it leaves the cover and top of the container pristine, so that you're not wasting paint. With Vallejo, you waste an awful lot of paint with the tip getting loaded full of paint and no way to get it back into the bottle.

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All you guys who use/want to use Vallejo paint... I would definitely consider trying to find a hobby shop that can tell you how old their inventory is... if the Vallejo color you want to use is not all that popular, who knows... the bottles could have been sitting there for months, or longer... :o

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Well, after some reading, apparently Crackle Medium shrinks the paint.  So, if it shrinks paint, that means it condenses and therefore thickens it?

So if a paint was thin and milky, you'd use Crackle Medium to thicken it up.

If a paint was thick, then you'd use thinner to make it flow nicer.

Seems interesting.

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