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Early Ford Wire Wheel Covers?

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Hi, Im wondering if some wire wheel covers for early Fords are available in any kit or from an aftermarket resin source in 1/25 scale. I have included an example of what I mean. The photo I have attached is from Jesse James 32 Roadster which is actually on ebay if you have some spare cash lying around :)

Also are any E&J Headlights available anywhere. They are pretty cool as well, also on Jesse James's Roadster.

Thanks for your help



Edited by mopargreg
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Im having trouble attaching an image from photobucket so here is the link to the ebay listing showing the wheel covers. Im not sure why the image wont load properly, ill look into it tomorrow


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I've never seen that type of cover in any kit.  You might try looking for a wheel cover with a similar shape (reissue AMT '36 Ford coupe might be a good start, then flatten out the outer edge) then scrounge (or scratchbuild) the "knockoff" center piece (which is probably holding the 1:1 cover onto the wheel).  Joined to an outer wheel half, this would make a good casting project...make one good one, then make a mold and cast as many as you want.  These wouldn't have the spoke detail underneath; the thickness of molded plastic spokes, and the wheel covers, would both be out of scale so everything won't fit together like on the 1:1 car.  That wouldn't be a big deal unless you want removable wheel covers.

No E&J headlamps in any kit, or in resin that I know of.  One of the "other" boards had pictures of a car with them...the builder said he made them out of siren bodies from a couple of Johan Rambler station kits. 

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Thanks for your help. Also thanks for adding photo. I think I'll have a go at making some similar wheels. Obviously like you said without the site wheels on the inside. 

Its a shame both the wheels and headlights are not available as it would give the early model builders more building options 

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