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41 Willys


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Started yet another build Monday afternoon, basically building this box stock just for fun as a quick build. I am even using the paint colors shown on the instructions for most parts. 

It has basically stalled though at about 26 hours after starting it. Waiting on paint and glue to dry. The floor pan in the kit was horribly warped out of the box though. Put it in warm/hot water and got it pretty close. Not sure yet if it is going to cause problems later on. Put in a parts request to Revell to see if I can get a replacement. 

Was a little disappointed to see that the kit has four wheel disc brakes, pretty new thing in the 60's, really doubt that the real car had them.


Quick shot of the body getting ready for some color. At this point, the inside of the body has been painted, outside only has overspray on it.


Car is actually completely painted now though. Turned out way too well for coming out of a can. Frame/suspension is also fully assembled, along with the interior.


Edited by 68shortfleet
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4-wheel disc brakes? Really?

Yep, quite a few High Horse Power "Purpose Built" Race Cars ran two and four wheel disc brakes in the early 60's timeframe.  It wasn't all that uncommon to see "High Dollar" Hot Rods running disc brakes then too, rear wheel disc brakes were less common on the street than the strip.

i suspect the SWC car that Revell modeled this one after is the "Restored/Recreation" of the SWC "Black Willys", if so then it is possible that if the original wasn't running 4 disc's I it may have been added during restoration. I think it's their last Willys which ran a Hemi rather than Olds as did their earlier cars.  Time period would be anywhere for original Black Willys would be 70 - 72 or 3 which wouldn't put 4 wheel disc's out of the picture either.  (Too lazy to pick through a pile of Popular Hotrodding" magazines at the moment to give you an absolute definite answer.) 

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Made a little progress on the body of this yesterday. Decals didn't turn out too bad, considering it had been at least 15 years(maybe even 20) since I had worked with a decal sheet. Body still needs a clear coat sealer though.

Made a big mistake on the placement of a pair of the decals though. Let's see who notices it first.

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CT Stroker decal goes on the hood.

Your absolutely correct Ted. Basically right above where it is now, but above the hoods body line instead of below.


Got an email confirmation a couple days ago that Revell has shipped out a new interior tub to me to replace the terribly warped one that was in the kit. With any luck at all, I will be able to get this kit finished up before 2016.

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