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any Howard Stern listeners?


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I thought we could get a discussion going about his contract situation. He's only got 6 shows left on his current contract. 

What are your thoughts. 

Will he resign or ride off into retirement?

Since he said he would only do one or the other, the radio show or America's Got Talent, now we know he's not comin back for a 5th season of AGT. Will he resign? I hope so. I like the show, it's very funny. His interviews are like no other out there. 

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Pretty much the same here. Once in awhile I hear him in my wife's car, but he's gotten "old"  ... same old thing. Time for him to retire.

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I've never been able to hear him on the radio, but I used to watch his E show on TV about a decade or so ago. Some of them were pretty entertaining. He's a unique talent, that's for sure, and I think he's probably a pretty smart guy.

He was also IMHO the best judge AGT has ever had. He was NOTHING like what I expected him to be when he first started that.

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Pretty much the same here. Once in awhile I hear him in my wife's car, but he's gotten "old"  ... same old thing. Time for him to retire.

Yes and no. He still has the raunchy bits like he always did, just more raunchy now without censors. But his interviews are something else. Nowhere else can a celebrity, politician, author, or whoever, go and sit down and talk for an hour or 2. There have been many that have sat on his couch that I either didn't care for, or didn't know at all. After listening to them, you have a whole new perspective on the individual. I really liked the Bradley Cooper interview promoting American Sniper, or when Bill Murray was in promoting St. Vincent, or Metta lice performing live in the studio, or Dave Grohls many appearances, I can go on and on.

I'd like to see him continue on, just for the interviews and the occasion bit or phony phone calls.

Being a truck driver, I don't know what I'd do without my satellite. I've had it for 10 years, I can't imagine going back to terestial radio.

Edited by Petetrucker07
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I listen every day and have only missed a handful of shows since he's been on SiriusXM. That being said, I think he'll be back. I think that is one of the reasons he left AGT, was so he could focus on his radio show. I do wonder what he was talking about when he said that he has a serious offer on the table from a network. 

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Me too. I'd like to know what the life time offers are. I really think he'll resign. I can't imagine him letting a 30 some year career end like a normal show. With Robin ending the news with, "and that's what's happening", them Howard doin a live spot. I'd like to see him do a big goodbye bash, like his last birthday bash. That's how I'd like to see him go out, in 5 more years.

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Hhmmmm. That's a good question.

I'd have agree, her interviews are great, really changed my opinion of her. 

But one that got my attention was Cia. But she's kinda the same deal as Gaga.

And Madonna. Kinda funny all three are or were out there.


One person I can't stand, everytime she comes on is Tan mom. It's like nails on a chalkboard everytime I hear her.

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I know it. So sick of her. Her and Sal just need to run away with each other. She's gonna get smashed in that fight. I wasn't overly impressed with the Madonna interview, I guess I thought it was going to be so much more with all the hype of changing the shows time and all.

I swear, I love Eric Andre on there as Jeff's Lump, J.D.'s Sheets and Bobo's Toupee though. One of my favorite parts of the show right now.

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Don't forget Mamet's "ween". 

I wasn't that impressed with the Don Henley interview, but his performances sounded great. I really liked the mellow Boys of Summer.

The Madonna was all new info to me. I knew nothing of her besides the Virgin video and pointy bra.

I'm glad he's leavin Benji in the corner and not interacting with his issues. Me personally, I can't stand Alisa. Her voice is just as annoying as Mary Anne. 

I will say this, I miss Eric the Midget.

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Interview wasn't that great, but loved when he did Boys of Summer too. I'm a huge baseball guy, so I've always liked that song anyways, even though he said it wasn't about baseball.

Benji is one guy on the show that I wouldn't miss at all. His schtick makes me ill. Speaking of people on the show, where the hell did Lisa G go?

Eric the Acktor...Midget is one I really miss though. As ungrateful as he was, I loved that little guy. He actually blocked me on twitter because I told him I was in the Sacramento area and was going to bring him some Pepsi. When he died, I made this my avatar for a minute.

I'm going to be in the Hesperia area next Saturday as we'll be on our way to Disneyland. Are there any good hobby shops there?


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I remember the numb feeling I got when they said he passed.

Most of the news crew was let go. Where Lisa G went, who knows.

It's amazing how big a hypocrite Howard is. How preaches and moans about being on time, doing things in a timely manner, yet here he has 3 shows left, still no desicion.

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I remember when Howard Stern was simply the afternoon drive time guy on New York AM radio.  I rode in a van pool back then and we'd listen to him.  He announced his first live show at Club Bene in Morgan, NJ, which was an old dinner theater venue.  My father also liked Howard so my wife and I went with my parents.  Luck had it that we were sitting at the next table to his family so we were talking with his parents and first wife.  He came up after the show and we got to talk to him. He kept thanking us for coming. Back then he had a normal haircut and did the everyman routine. You identified with him because he talked about married life and things that happened to you too.   I lost interest in him once he hit it big and got too full of himself.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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I listened religiously to Howard Stern ever since his programme came to L.A. vis-a-vis the now-defunct KLXS 97.1 !    I just about lost control of my bladder when Andrew 'Dice' Clay was a guest (c.1991) ! I couldn't stop laughing !  I haven't heard his show in over 13 years now . When I moved to "Chorizo Valley" ( the dreaded Inland Empire ) , I couldn't get reception of L.A. stations here .

I'd venture to say that the high water mark of his show was the mid-late 90's . Once Jackie 'The Joke Man' Martling split , the show suffered to an extent .

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Yes and no on Jackie. Jackie was funny, but is drama got to be to much, kinda like Benjy now. It was funny then got old. After Jackie it was Artie. Samething, funny for awhile, then his BS got too much. Artie was a bigger part of the show than Jackie ever could've been. But that's what made Artie funny and a fit, till his drug abuse got too much.

I hope he re-sign too. But it's so hard to read their attitudes on air. They don't sound any different. The flat Ronnie deal kinda leads towards them returning, but if the show stays together wherever they go it bit still makes sense. I'll be listening very close to the first hour of these last 2 shows.

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