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What kind of glue do you use and general adhesive Q&A

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Sorry if this has been driven into the ground before...I've searched a bit but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for. I currently use Testors "Red Label" Liquid Cement (the one in the triangular bottle that "welds" parts together), and overall I've been very happy with it. However, I'm running low and before I get more, I wanted to see if there's something else that's generally recommended by a majority. I'm looking for pros-cons of other glues and possibly how they compare to the Testors, as well as any cons that I may be unaware of about the Testors I'm currently using. Also, what exactly is the difference between the red and blue label Testors cement? I know the blue is "non-toxic," but what's the catch...if it's "as good" as the red, why do both exist? I'm actually (as of this second) planning on ordering Model Masters brand glue next, but I think it's the same thing I'm using, it just has a metal needle applicator instead of plastic so it flows more reliably and is easier to get it "started."

Here's what I like and don't like about the Testors;

Pros - bottle is pretty much spill-proof, precision applicator is nice (the plastic one is pretty good, the metal one is even better), good value for money, dries\sets quickly but not too quickly, not messy, great bond once set, I can buy it locally

Cons - takes a bit of patience to get it flowing from bottle, and it sometimes takes a bit for it to stop flowing, so I usually end up wasting a bit into a paper towel

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