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A new trend selling kit parts?

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I didn't expect you to search first - I was just making a statement.  This is the thread I was thinking of.

Yep, I started that one with the intention of getting some intelegent dialog going on the subject; what I got was the same as the asker here has, smart a$ked answers from the same people who did so on both threads.  Kinda sad at times when a civil discussion can't be held without someone's comments tossing the discussion into the ditch!  Yeah, I've probably been guilty of doing so a few times and am sorry for it.  It just gets to me when the same individuals repeatedly drive a discussion sideways with either inappropriate humor or comments that have little or nothing to do with the subject!  

Rant Over...  Return to previously scheduled discussion if you can...

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The trend in selling kit parts and the market it has spawned is a reaction to the high prices these kits are priced at now. Back in the day when kits were affordable, you just bought a whole kit just for the parts. I remember buying kits just for the wheels or engines and disreguarding or even sometimes throwing away the rest. Now they are soo expensive, that I couldn't do that anymore. its usually more cost effective for me to buy just the parts I want than having to shell out for a whole kit.This was usually from sellers who were selling off what they were not using and not being greedy about it.. But lately, I've noticed prices for parts have increased dramatically. Just about to the point where it almost makes more sense to buy the whole kit now. I suspect this is from more people jumping in on the parts selling band wagon trying to make a living selling stuff on ebay.

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For example, the Revell 50 Ford pickup (yellow truck on the box art). I have sold several of them minus both sets of the wheels and tires and the complete Ardun converted flat head. I keep the flathead and the skinny wheels and white wall tires and small hubcap for myself sell the big dia wheels and tires off separately and then sell the rest of the kit. I mark it as being incomplete, missing engine and wheels and tires and I usually still get $10 for what is left of it. I will get between 5 and $6 for the large diameter wheels and tires out of it and that makes my engine, wheels and tires pretty cheap.

Man, I've been wanting one of those 50 F1 truck bodies like that..don't need the engine or wheels...Do you have any listed now?

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I don't have a problem with the way (Rotorbolt73) Matt's doing business on eBay, it's honest, (and as demonstrated by the next reply to his post) doing someone else a favor making the remainder of the kit available to someone else who knows upfront what they're getting.  I know there are others on here who,are doing parts and pieces sales as well as partial kit sales, I've bought from some of you got what I wanted at a reasonable price, Thanks.  Your doing the same as casual sellers used to do.  I buy stuff from these sellers all the time.

My issue is the same as others have mentioned before and is a two fold issue in my book.  1. Seller marks up the headers (or ?????) from any kit for like half to a third of the sales price of the whole kit.  2. Seller cherry picks the best parts out of the kit (new or rare doesn't matter) then prices them at half or more than the kit sells for, because they're doing you a service!!  

I've heard others mention this and have experienced it myself; you make a reasonable offer for said parts.  Next thing you know you have a two page email explaining first what an idiot you are, then explaination of how much overhead that they have in this business.  You know, you don't expect them to "offer this service" for free do you?  There's gas, overhead, their time, their inventory, their this and that, postage, handling, gas to and from the post office, time in line eBay fees....  they feel no shame in itemizing very little thing they think it's costing to offer this valuable service!   It'll be a cold day in July when I buy anything from one of these preditory sellers!

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