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Is this real?

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Six million, now go to bed.

you might want to get your facts straight, once again with JUST the Jews, there was A LOT more he killed under his regime that apprently no one knows about, hmmmm I wonder why? :):blink:

Don't get me started on my WWII......

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Six million, now go to bed.

man if you want to have a pissing contest dont start with me bro

soviet union genocide,chinese genocide,turkish genocide,1915-1950(In 1915, during World War I, the concept of Crimes against humanity was introduced into international relations for the first time when the Allied Powers sent a correspondence to the government of the Ottoman Empire, a member of the Central Powers, over massacres the Allies alleged were taking place within the Empire.)

all of this can be found on wikipedia

so hitler wasnt the only genocide that happened

but it is the only one remembered

now you go to your room and think of what you've done

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Yes, true Kevin and thanks but that's not what this is about :blink::)

it seems that eveyone through out history has called the germans bad people because of one genocide

when there were many others that happened befor and after the halocaust im tired of having my race of people dragged through the mud for one act of stupidity hell it seems that all countries have benn in a genocide or two including the US and no one remebers it or the people that died

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The model companies do not show the swastika on the boxes so that they do not have to print different copies of the art work and the box tops. The swastikas are usually included on the decal sheets, but they are cut apart in pieces. That way they get around the law, since it is not an actual swastika on the decal sheet. The model is then left with the decision to either piece together the swastika or leave them off.

You gotta be kidding me! I kinda understand the box art dilemma, but why cut up the decals? Even if there's an intact swastica on the decal sheet, you still have the option to leave it off and dispose of it properly. Or are they trying to punish those who are politically incorrect enough to build historically accurate models? All this sounds like when the Russian communists retouched pictures to hide people they didn't like... Like a problem would go away if you ignore it and refuse to talk about it.

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You gotta be kidding me! I kinda understand the box art dilemma, but why cut up the decals? Even if there's an intact swastica on the decal sheet, you still have the option to leave it off and dispose of it properly. Or are they trying to punish those who are politically incorrect enough to build historically accurate models? All this sounds like when the Russian communists retouched pictures to hide people they didn't like... Like a problem would go away if you ignore it and refuse to talk about it.

:rolleyes: yeah anyways, but seriously just give up :o....... :lol:

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"6 million"...add another 5 to that ROUGHLY 11 Million

Gypsies, catholics, handicapped, gays, children, political axis, Jehovahs witnesses, people who went against his party, people that had different culture, religion, sexual preference, women, Russians, Germans, and even Americans died over there, I can keep on going if you'd like. ;) This is coming from a book I have but mainly from my knowledge.

Edited by Nick F40
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"6 million"...add another 5 to that ROUGHLY 11 Million

Gypsies, catholics, handicapped, gays, children, political axis, Jehovahs witnesses, people who went against his party, people that had different culture, religion, sexual preference, women, Russians, Germans, and even Americans died over there, I can keep on going if you'd like. :) This is coming from a book I have but mainly from my knowledge.

dang you plain served him on a silver platter

and he is left speechless

good job

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"6 million"...add another 5 to that ROUGHLY 11 Million

Gypsies, catholics, handicapped, gays, children, political axis, Jehovahs witnesses, people who went against his party, people that had different culture, religion, sexual preference, women, Russians, Germans, and even Americans died over there, I can keep on going if you'd like. :) This is coming from a book I have but mainly from my knowledge.

Childs play compared to the estmated 53+ million Joseph Stalin had killed. Funny we never hear about that though.

Some places the symbol is still considered good luck.

However, I can't exactly place good judgement on the model company to produce such a kit with these markings. I would seriously like to sit down with whoever's idea this was and ask them why?

I can understand that military modelers who want to be historically accurate, but this, unless, there was a real car out there it was based off doesn't seem to have any purpose other than to associate the Bug with the Nazi party, and it was a political party. It was necessarily a German idea. Similar extremist ideas ran ramped throughout Europe, these ideas even existed in this country. The only real difference is the Nazi party perfected to a science and documented it very very well. Unlike the Russians who were secretive about everything, but were much more proficient at it under the direction of Stalin, who also was in power a lot longer.

Edited by CAL
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I think that the true meaning of the schwastika is pretty much a moot point in this case. To some it is a positive symbol, to others a negative one, but this model was made to promote the hatred that the Nazi's (not the germans) were propagating. The use of the symbol here is without a doubt innapropriate, and intended to recall the horrors of WWII. To see something like this, in my opinion, is an insult to all who lost family durring those terible times. I mean WTF, how insensitive can someone be. And a note, Jews were indeed not the only group targeted by Hitlers campaign, It was a smudge on the whole world's history, not just one religions... I think the question is not "is this real", but should be "why are promoting these ideals by making this a collectors item".

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The Swastika was just a symbol and as many have said, represents many things to many people. A symbol is nothing without a “belief in a cause†behind it. In this case it is just a plastic model kit with waterslide decals. Big freaking deal!!!

If you GIVE it value beyond that, then you are buying into the thought that the symbol has inherent power.


Satan has no magical power on this earth! (yet, but that is another story)

Hitler had no magical power on this earth!

Symbols, ouiji boards and pentastars have no inherent power on this earth!

Only GOD has power on and over this earth!

It’s just a stupid black and white image, it means nothing unless you GIVE it that power! If you were blind, you could not see it and therefore it would have no power over you.

It’s all a matter of perspective. Seeing it as such does not disrespect those who died in the struggle unless you choose those racial views yourself….

To those who do not respect History…. The famed historian Santa Anna said: “Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it!â€

Many world-conquers depended on this fact including Adolph Hitler.

What does this mean? It means that if you do not know the signs of repression, communism, socialism, loss of freedoms, condemnation and control in the name of security…. Then it will happen to you before you know enough to make changes when you have the chance.

This is happening to the American people right now and unfortunately most American’ are too medicated with drugs, sex, mowing the lawn and reality TV to know the difference.

So if you don’t mind paying more than 50% of your income to the government…. Keep voting for the idiots and we will have socialism in our lifetime! Mark my words.

The Swastika is nothing but a symbol of a dead and now powerless movement. DO NOT FEAR IT! It’s just a decal.

Is it tasteless, yes probably!? Not enough to burn the kit but in my opinion who cares? Build the bug as a Cal-look and save the decals for nice 1:48th scale German WWII Fighter because the political-correctness-nazis ARE having them banned from model airplane kits unless you have not noticed … The heat in the pan is being slowly turned up to boiling…

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Build the bug as a Cal-look and save the decals for nice 1:48th scale German WWII Fighter because the political-correctness-nazis ARE having them banned from model airplane kits unless you have not noticed

LMAO ! I think that is funny! (and ironic)

Jairus, I edited your post but you are dead on correct about what the swastika (and other symbols) mean to some folks and they get all caught up in being politically correct that they lose sight of what is happening around them on a daily basis.

Thanks for the post and glad to see you around here!


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:blink: Whose political correctness nazis? ;) Yours? Or Mine? :D

We all are a bunch of superstitious, ignorant savages in the first place. :angry: You can put clothes on us but we all still want to kill a lot. Given the right opportunity any group of people in the world will commit atrocities upon any other group of people. No group is intrinsically better than any other. If you think your group is superior to any other then you are a few short easy steps away from genocide.

Back to the original subject of the Imai Beetle. It probably just seemed like something cool to do by someone not familiar with Western history or sensitivities. I would venture a guess that he was going for a rebellious attitude with that look. Why is the Maltese cross and German helmet popular with bikers and show rod guys? I think it is poor taste but it is certainly no big deal to me. Imai kits are pretty crappy anyway. I wouldn't bother with them.


Edited by Modelmartin
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The Swastika was just a symbol and as many have said, represents many things to many people. A symbol is nothing without a “belief in a cause†behind it. In this case it is just a plastic model kit with waterslide decals. Big freaking deal!!!

If you GIVE it value beyond that, then you are buying into the thought that the symbol has inherent power.


Satan has no magical power on this earth! (yet, but that is another story)

Hitler had no magical power on this earth!

Symbols, ouiji boards and pentastars have no inherent power on this earth!

Only GOD has power on and over this earth!

It’s just a stupid black and white image, it means nothing unless you GIVE it that power! If you were blind, you could not see it and therefore it would have no power over you.

It’s all a matter of perspective. Seeing it as such does not disrespect those who died in the struggle unless you choose those racial views yourself….

To those who do not respect History…. The famed historian Santa Anna said: “Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it!â€

Many world-conquers depended on this fact including Adolph Hitler.

What does this mean? It means that if you do not know the signs of repression, communism, socialism, loss of freedoms, condemnation and control in the name of security…. Then it will happen to you before you know enough to make changes when you have the chance.

This is happening to the American people right now and unfortunately most American’ are too medicated with drugs, sex, mowing the lawn and reality TV to know the difference.

So if you don’t mind paying more than 50% of your income to the government…. Keep voting for the idiots and we will have socialism in our lifetime! Mark my words.

The Swastika is nothing but a symbol of a dead and now powerless movement. DO NOT FEAR IT! It’s just a decal.

Is it tasteless, yes probably!? Not enough to burn the kit but in my opinion who cares? Build the bug as a Cal-look and save the decals for nice 1:48th scale German WWII Fighter because the political-correctness-nazis ARE having them banned from model airplane kits unless you have not noticed … The heat in the pan is being slowly turned up to boiling…

Actually the PC Nazi's are a secondary reason Swastikas are not found in many kits.

The do sell alot of kits in Germany, but the Swastika is illegal to buy, sell, trade, display, possess or own in Germany.

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No group is intrinsically better than any other. If you think your group is superior to any other then you are a few short easy steps away from genocide.

Are you crazy Andy? Of course some are better than others! It is obvious due to the fact that wars are WON and lost over this very motive and the fact that life continues to exist on this planet.

We all are a bunch of superstitious, ignorant savages in the first place.

I am not, so please speak for yourself!

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Childs play compared to the estmated 53+ million Joseph Stalin had killed. Funny we never hear about that though.

Some places the symbol is still considered good luck.

However, I can't exactly place good judgement on the model company to produce such a kit with these markings. I would seriously like to sit down with whoever's idea this was and ask them why?

I can understand that military modelers who want to be historically accurate, but this, unless, there was a real car out there it was based off doesn't seem to have any purpose other than to associate the Bug with the Nazi party, and it was a political party. It was necessarily a German idea. Similar extremist ideas ran ramped throughout Europe, these ideas even existed in this country. The only real difference is the Nazi party perfected to a science and documented it very very well. Unlike the Russians who were secretive about everything, but were much more proficient at it under the direction of Stalin, who also was in power a lot longer.

That's what they want us to do, so I won't. History is full of examples of what happens to those who do. :D

Yup, exactly, I agree with the both of you. :angry:

Nice one Jairus. ;)

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Are you crazy Andy? Of course some are better than others! It is obvious due to the fact that wars are WON and lost over this very motive and the fact that life continues to exist on this planet.

I am not, so please speak for yourself!

Jairus! Such hostility! :angry: I think you are proving my point.


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WOWZA!! Gotta say I'm more than a little stunned by that model, I've heard of it but never seen one in person(I have the 'stock' version). I'm sure somebody thought it was a good idea to market it, and somebody out there wants it for their collection, but nobody at my house.

IMO the swastika makes the rebel flag look like child's play.

I was going to say you really need to do more homework before posting, but why change your M.O. now?

Ferdinand Porsche designed the Beetle, and the KDF('Strength Through Joy') philosophy was his; the initial plan was to call the little car the KDF-wagen. The German government, with Hitler as chancellor, provided the financial backing that was needed to make Porsche's little car a reality. Hitler's government instituted a savings book plan, promising that everyone could afford their own car.....the "peoples' car," as they renamed it.....strangely enough, nobody ever received one.

Yes, Porsche just designed it, but had nothing to do with production. Nobody but the military got any. After the war it was spoils for England who could never get it going because no one was interested to make a go of it and gave it back to Germany.

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