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Most of the people reading this board already know this, but for those that do not, GSL is the longest continuous running national-level model car contest in the history of the hobby.  The first successful one took place in 1981 (the 1980 even was cancelled at the last minute).  It ran annually for many years, then in more recent years, moved to a bi-annual format which seems to work well.  

More than just a contest, it is really a gathering of some of the world's best model car builders, as well as many aspiring and up and coming builders who are treated as equals and welcomed with great respect.  

You will occasionally read negative comments about GSL from some who attend the first time and don't understand what it is all about, but for many of us this is one of the premier events in the hobby.

If you are reading this Board, you owe it to yourself to attend at least one GSL in your lifetime.  


Edited by tim boyd
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Most of the people reading this board already know this, but for those that do not, GSL is the longest continuous running national-level model car contest in the history of the hobby.  The first successful one took place in 1981 (the 1980 even was cancelled at the last minute).  It ran annually for many years, then in more recent years, moved to a bi-annual format which seems to work well.  

More than just a contest, it is really a gathering of some of the world's best model car builders, as well as many aspiring and up and coming builders who are treated as equals and welcomed with great respect.  

You will occasionally read negative comments about GSL from some who attend the first time and don't understand what it is all about, but for many of us this is one of the premier events in the hobby.

If you are reading this Board, you owes it to yourself to attend at least one GSL in your lifetime.  


Absolutely Tim,its is ablast.if you a never been,you own it to yourself to go.amazing builders,models and opportunities to see kits and talk with people that are knowledgeable on our hobby.I aways have fun......Chris 

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