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10 thumbs


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Has anyone heard from 10 thumbs..... love his casting processes and Altereds

Still doing the casting stuff, thanks JR.  The '25 Altered is done, a AA/FD needs some paint and a Fuel Coupe is in the works, all done in metal.  They look good, I like.

Just not much interest shown here for the technique, so on to other grounds.

Time to move on.


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I hear you Michael, I check this site maybe once a week but had not signed in since October, I did last week one day because a member PM'd me and my phone is linked to pm's so I did the courteous thing and replied

I have been hanging out on the open wheel sites and another publications site..... Those folks seem to be a bit more friendly and receptive to Suggestions and Tutorials.

This site was starting to bum me out with all the back biting and know it all's..... IMO with all the financial woes that continue to plague the publication the days of this site are numbered unless someone with deep pockets ponies up.

The shame of it is for me at least is there are some really great builders and people here that I miss following and communicating with!

I had a lot of ideas and a few tutorials in the can but won't post them here.....I learned my lesson with my BMF/ Leafing Tutorial. The original pictures I posted with that one turned out really bad, I took some more and they turn out awesome but I never posted them because hardly anyone seemed interested in the process (I'll email you the Photos) I did the other side of the model I was using with 23 karat silver and it was unbelievable... The thing with that process which I didn't show is you can literally put the leaf on in pieces and it's seemless. BMF doesn't hold a candle to leafing..... scripts and door handles are so easy.... Brush on some size throw some leaf on it, brush off the excess and done! No cutting YADA YADA.....

I too have moved on from sillyville.......I'll be in touch via email

Jimmy "RASS"

I'd be interested, absolutely and positively. Have you already posted some how-tos? If so, I missed them.

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Thanks guys.

JR, I read you loud and clear.  We understand each other.  Also dude, many and again many thanks for your personal insight with F/A cars from those days!

Guys, read this.  JR wrote me quite often very detailed info on the fuel altered game from back in the day.  Read for instance the year 1970.  Before NHRA newer rules.  Run what ya brung.  Period.

He was the greatest delivery source for instance, on how the aluminum belly pans were connected, and also why they were done so.  jwrass is completely and readily able to relate to how the car smelled!  The dust and stink and crud thrown in the pilot's face.  Hey, plus the way a blown fuel altered Bantam felt when the light turned green.  It was only a point and aim deal....with big time hold-on-for your-life and hope for the best.   They rarely ran straight.

Big time balls here.

Thank you jwrass, my JR,  for the time!

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Steve; Thank you so much.....It's not good bye.... Just a break from posting any information for public consumption. My phone is linked to the site for PMs. I will respond to all PMs. I receive.

When I see some of he behaviors here change I will contribute. Until then I choose to be on sites that have much more mutual respect for each other!

I believe that 95% of the people on this site are great and well intentioned, It's the 5% of jag wads and trolls I choose not to deal with.

Much Respect Steve! 


Michael Michael........The God Father of the Altered Trend on this site.... FACT!!!!!! Thank You for your kind words my friend.

Michael first got my attention when he started his Altered builds as they are near and dear to me!

Now that the cats out of the bag I was indeed a owner and driver (more like passenger) of a Fuel Altered in he glory days of the class, my tenure in that class was from 1970 to 1975.

Though Personal messages I shared pictures of our car, the antics of the day and what it was like to strap on a Fueled Altered. I also shared the mechanics of what we did back in the day and why!

It was very satisfying sharing my experience behind the wheel of the WlLD and WOOLY... He was always so curious as he had a real passion and fascination for the beasts.

IMO He is probably the one of the most knowledgeable people on this site as it pertains to the Altered class as he has first hand knowledge from a owner, driver of what it takes to Build, Maintain, Fund and Drive a Fuel Altered, I personally know he did much research on said class through magazines and social media..... When he had a question he would PM me and I would answer his questions based on my team and car, It was a fascinating journey for me as I was able to relive the days of the run what ya brung era and my time in the seat! 

In the five years I was a pilot I don't ever recall making a straight pass..... I may have I just don't recall one! Back in the day when you mashed the loud pedal, It was like a box of chocolates you never knew what you were going to get. I'm sure many have seen coverage or witnessed modern day pedal fests...... Pretty much every pass in a F/A was a pedal fest, that's why spectators loved the class.

I don't really know if it took Big Stones...... It was more like being certifiably half insane.... The car never really scared me, however I always had the utmost respect for what it could do to me in the event it broke or I drove beyond what she was going to give me! We always ran hard and tipped the can to the max.... We didn't pay to much attention to using up parts as when we formed the team we made sure we had the necessary inventory of parts to run hard... I mean what's the sense in running a car if you are not prepaired to make a full pull each time you stage. Did I have some anxious moments in the seat..... Absolutely, however it was one of the best E tickets going. 

Michael, again thank you! Our journey was so much fun for me..... You and I will be lifetime brothers from another Mother........ Our communications will continue via other mediums other than this forum.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jimmy "RASS"



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See what I mean guys?

JR is a trip.

He can relay what it smelled like when firing up and rolling up to the tree.

Starting procedures, gear engagement, the car is a rattling piece of pure power....and it stinks to high heavens.  It's loud and unruly.  No place for wussies here guys.

The start procedure is not simple.  The start procedure is very intense.  The launch is insane, the cars do not go straight.

Mr. JR was more than able to relay this info in a truly literate way.  These words are for me gold value.

The guy is good.  Real good.

Many thanks.

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