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Tha South Has Risen frum tha Ashes Yall......

Guest zebm1

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And my guns have killed one less person than Laura Bush's car. I'm moderate. I think all politicians are full of it.

I believe Laura was just a High School student when she did that. It was truly an unfortunate accident, hardly like leaving the scene and letting your passenger drown while you go home, sleep it off, get up, contact attorneys and then call police.

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I believe Laura was just a High School student when she did that. It was truly an unfortunate accident, hardly like leaving the scene and letting your passenger drown while you go home, sleep it off, get up, contact attorneys and then call police.

And now Ted Kennedy has been diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor.

What goes around comes around?

You'll reap what you sow?


All of the above?

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The recent updating of the laws in FL regarding self defense is just one more reason I love living here. The guns at work debate did have me alittle torn because of the property rights issue, but I'm glad it came down the way it did. Once again, we had kooks saying it would be showdowns in the streets, but as always, they are wrong. Still gotta figger out what pistol I want next... :(

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Guest zebm1

For those of yall a wantin' to understand why Southern Folks, even tha Blacks fought against the Yankees...may I recommend this website to yall......


Ya know, there a Blog Forum down here called Bn9....Cable Channel 9.... one fellow said that tha Rebel states were Traitors to tha Union..... I couldn't resist settin' him straight. According to the Original Constuitution, all States that Ratified the Constitution also had a Constitutional Right to Secede from the Union if that State's legislature voted to do so. It waz legal and it waz Constitutional.

What waz indeed traitorous waz President Abrahame Lincoln and the "Yankee" Congress Declaring an Illegal War upon other Americans, because what many folks don't take time to remember...... They didn't call themselves Tha Confederate States of redneck yahoos......they called themselves.... "The Confederate States of America." What was allowed before the Constitution, was not allowed after.....money and power, money and power in ever greedy conservative hands.

And also don't forget, Sherman's March to tha Sea was not the 1st Act of terrorism against the civilian citizens of the South, my Great Grandfather's farm waz burned to the ground in 1862, in Selma, NC, by Yankee soldiers...he waz 4 yrs old....and he hated Yankees all tha rest of his life, until he died at 102 yrs. If his sisters and Mother hadn't been hiding in tha swamp...they'd have been raped and perhaps murdered as well.

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:blink: WoW I had NO idea these feelings ran so deep! I was born and raised in Deeetroit,even though my grandparents were born in Mexico.I don't harbor any kind of sentiment for Mexico,Because I are not from there.I've always considered my self an AMERICAN/MEXICAN,and not vice/versa.I could care less about the Mexican/American war,even if it is American history.My dad used to joke about his uncle riding with Pancho Villa,against Gen.Pershing,Till I found out from my uncles(his 2 remaining brothers)upon his passing that he really DID have an uncle who rode with the ol boy.I certainly dont hold any feelings of any kind against America for that.That was then,this is now!To be judgemental over something that happened 150 years ago does not make any kind of sense to me.Were any of us THERE?The ones who fought and died for thier ideals are long gone.God rest their souls.Blame the media,T.V. and Movies for stereo typing the "Redneck" veiw of the south.My beloved wife is from Florida(Tampa) and aside from them ###### gators an bugs I don't got no bad feelins about the south.But then again gators an bugs can't hold grudges for 150 years.That's Why stuff is so fu#*ed up today! Folks holdin grudges about sh8t that happened 2000 years ago, Did David or Abraham have any idea how STUPID all this was gonna get?People Killin BABY'S cause your Daddy ain't right? No one can change the way things are now but US! and we HAFTA change things or soon nothing will be left! These old attitudes are for the birds,Yet the birds seem to get along alright.At least the ones around here do.The Confederacey is GONE let it rest in peace.We are now ONE United States Of America.If some or all of yous think this was too much flag waving so be it, But I LOVE MY COUNTRY!! and I'm PROUD of it, I wouldn't live or FIGHT for any other country in the world,(though I'd like to try OZ)for anything.God Bless America and all it's people. :lol::lol:;) Edited by george 53
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Bearing in mind the Mark Twain quote, "There are 3 kinds of lies - Lies, ###### lies, and statistics!". I will offer that almost everything I have read says that a firearm is far more more likely to kill or injure it's owner or a family member or friend than to ever repel an evildoer. I know, I know, all you gun enthusiasts will say that no one keeps track of successful defensive use of weapons. It seems to be common sense that the more weapons floating around out there the more they will be used. Duh! Unfortunately there are already too many weapons out there and they very easily get into the wrong hands.

As for all of you who persist in name calling and blaming liberals for all of the woes of your small little worlds I say wake up and try to figure out how the real world runs instead of listening to talk radio and thinking that semi-clever putdowns of others will actual do anything to solve anything.

Oh well!


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Good history, Z...

Bet you can't use any of those other flags on a Charger roof on the SA forum, either!

Don't know about Charger roofs, but I'm living proof that you can't use one on a racing program cover and then say anything about it being deleted! I STILL can't post on that lame site! :lol:


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Guest Davkin
say wake up and try to figure out how the real world runs instead of listening to talk radio and thinking that semi-clever putdowns of others will actual do anything to solve anything.

Hmmm....maybe you should take your own medicine, that statement sure sounds like a put down to me. Just because someone listens to talk radio doesn't mean they don't think for themselves.

That said, I am a constitutional conservative and therefore I beleive in the right to bear arms even though I don't own a gun myself. I however don't agree with some of the language used in these debates, I think we can disagree without labeling or stereo-typing each other.


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Guest zebm1

I wasn't putting anyone down or anything like that....just relating some Family history and some of my own research into American History....I prefer tha real truth rather than the fiction that the Victorious wrote to excuse their own actions by blaming the Defeated.

The real reasons behind the Civil War are in the Congressional Archives having more to do with money, power and greed centered primarily around the price of a bale of Southern cotton. As yall have no doubt noticed since the Conservatives came to power in 1994/95 our government stopped supporting "Free-market Capitalism" with the resulting decline in the fortunes of the Middle Classes. This is the same problem that our Nation was facing in the run-up to the American Civil War in the years 1850-1861. The Corporate elites don't want free-market capitalism, they prefer instead a tightly controlled market which is called an Oligarchy.

Very similar, in fact, to that which eventually brought down the Soviet Union and is currently being re-constituted in Russia by Prime Minister-for-Life Putin. I wonder how many of yall know that the Russian Title for King in Russian...Czar...is actually Russian for Caesar, and that the Russian Orthodox Church is the remanent of the Byzantium Church which fled to Russia when the Arabs conquered Constantinople. A whole lotta history out there that is no longer taught anymore.

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:lol: WoW I had NO idea these feelings ran so deep! I was born and raised in Deeetroit,even though my grandparents were born in Mexico.I don't harbor any kind of sentiment for Mexico,Because I are not from there.I've always considered my self an AMERICAN/MEXICAN,and not vice/versa.I could care less about the Mexican/American war,even if it is American history.My dad used to joke about his uncle riding with Pancho Villa,against Gen.Pershing,Till I found out from my uncles(his 2 remaining brothers)upon his passing that he really DID have an uncle who rode with the ol boy.I certainly dont hold any feelings of any kind against America for that.That was then,this is now!To be judgemental over something that happened 150 years ago does not make any kind of sense to me.Were any of us THERE?The ones who fought and died for thier ideals are long gone.God rest their souls.Blame the media,T.V. and Movies for stereo typing the "Redneck" veiw of the south.My beloved wife is from Florida(Tampa) and aside from them ###### gators an bugs I don't got no bad feelins about the south.But then again gators an bugs can't hold grudges for 150 years.That's Why stuff is so fu#*ed up today! Folks holdin grudges about sh8t that happened 2000 years ago, Did David or Abraham have any idea how STUPID all this was gonna get?People Killin BABY'S cause your Daddy ain't right? No one can change the way things are now but US! and we HAFTA change things or soon nothing will be left! These old attitudes are for the birds,Yet the birds seem to get along alright.At least the ones around here do.The Confederacey is GONE let it rest in peace.We are now ONE United States Of America.If some or all of yous think this was too much flag waving so be it, But I LOVE MY COUNTRY!! and I'm PROUD of it, I wouldn't live or FIGHT for any other country in the world,(though I'd like to try OZ)for anything.God Bless America and all it's people. :):blink::lol:

Hi George, I like your view on things. I too have heritage in Mexico. I consider myself 1/2 Tex Mex but all in all an American. I'm not a history buff although I have family members who are and they pretty much gave me this little bit of information.

My mothers Great Great grandfather fought and died at the Alamo. Yes he was Mexican (Gregorio Esparza). There were 7 or 8 Mexican family's that fought with him along with the other more famous defenders of the Alamo. He was just a farmer who was trying to protect his farm land and its fruits from the Mexican government who wanted more than their fair share of what was his. He actually fought against his own brother who was part of Santa Anna's army.

I guess my point is, there is a lot to be said for those who die or live for that matter, protecting certain freedoms and idealolgys that are bred into us as Americans.

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Theres another thing I can not stand!!! Republicans, Democrats, Liberals?? And all the other BS poltics there are!! How is it okay to choose a side before you even hear the problem at hand????? I cant stand it!! I'm not a republican, democrat, OR liberal!! I can see points from all sides! I, mean- How is it okay to vote against something that may be a really good solution just because you're the opposite party!!?? I say F!$* PARTIES! All it does is get in the way of solving real problems!! And as far as being against the right to bear arms is just unamerican. There may be some kinda constitutional right I may not like or diagree with, but I am not AGAINST ANY RIGHT, nor would I ever want it removed from the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION just for the fact that I would not the ones I use everyday to be effected in any way WHATSOEVER!!!!! Those are OUR rights, whether you choose to use them or not!!!! DONT F!%* WITH MY RIGHTS!!!! They're there for a reason!!! Our forefathers would be rolling in their grave if they saw what the govenment is doing to our country!! They'd also wonder why were all sitting on our a$$e$ and LETTING them do this and get by with it!!!! That is why they came here to this beautiful country of ours!! To get away from the British dictatorship!! Isn't that whats going on now??? I mean, since when did our constitution say you have to have a permit to speak in public??? Or have a permit to carry a gun?? Or worship in a way that people say is okay??

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Basically what this means is that if WE THE PEOPLE fell that our rights are being taken away we have the right and OBLIGATION to defend our freedoms!

Thats all for now.


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Hi George, I like your view on things. I too have heritage in Mexico. I consider myself 1/2 Tex Mex but all in all an American. I'm not a history buff although I have family members who are and they pretty much gave me this little bit of information.

My mothers Great Great grandfather fought and died at the Alamo. Yes he was Mexican (Gregorio Esparza). There were 7 or 8 Mexican family's that fought with him along with the other more famous defenders of the Alamo. He was just a farmer who was trying to protect his farm land and its fruits from the Mexican government who wanted more than their fair share of what was his. He actually fought against his own brother who was part of Santa Anna's army.

I guess my point is, there is a lot to be said for those who die or live for that matter, protecting certain freedoms and idealolgys that are bred into us as Americans.

Now thats some HERITAGE!! Wow.. My great great, etc. 2 uncles fought under General Jackson. I am so proud of my family for fighting for the RIGHT side. General Lee surrendered, NOT ME!!

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Don't know about Charger roofs, but I'm living proof that you can't use one on a racing program cover and then say anything about it being deleted! I STILL can't post on that lame site! :blink:


I remember seeing that in SA Racing section and later it got deleted....cause of ...welll :lol: Seems so silly to delete something like that but those 'folks' over there get so worked up in such a frenzy about stuff like til they... :)

~ Jeff

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Indiana here too! Columbus. 45 mins. south of ya. My grandparents moved here from GOOD OL' KENTUCKY!! I love it there. So beautiful!! Especially in the fall.. I think a road trip is in order!... See ya'll later...

Oh, I know Columbus VERY well.

In fact, the model club that I'm a member of (SCIMA) is based in Columbus. We're pretty informal, just a bunch of guys getting together to talk about the hobby.

While you've always been welcome, you may consider this to be a formal invitation to come to a meeting, sir. If you'd like, I'll even engrave an invite for you! The next meeting is Saturday the 14th of June at 3pm. The meetings are held at the bank (used to be Home Federal, but the name recently changed) on 25th Street East of 31. This month we're having a figure painting demonstration.

relating to other recent posts:

Yes, both political parties suck. We need more choices. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Yes, Laura Bush's car has killed as many people as Ted Kennedy's. However, Ted gets the target painted on him for attempting to wipe his backside with the US Constitution. BTW, I absolutely despise Ted's politics, but I hope the doctors can cure his brain cancer. I sincerely hope he recovers.

Andy, your comment about guns being more likely to injure their owners or family members, while possibly true, is pretty weak. If keeping people safe is indeed your goal, there are FAR more productive targets for your crusade, such as playground equipment. In fact, if keeping people safe is indeed your true goal, you might want to take a look at crime per capita in the cities that have the most stringent gun control laws. It's a proven fact time and time again- more gun laws=more crime.

Anyone want to try and say that the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to individuals? Please?

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I remember seeing that in SA Racing section and later it got deleted....cause of ...welll ;) Seems so silly to delete something like that but those 'folks' over there get so worked up in such a frenzy about stuff like til they... B)

~ Jeff

He seemed to see it as a "hate" thing, I guess. The only thing I hated was that they lost my stock car racing heritage and sold us out to the California crowd when we lost the Southern 500, the FIRST and still the best, superspeedway stock car race!

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Guest zebm1

Well I waz talking about tha college crowd. Mah daughter went to a Central Flawduh Lake/Beer Party up near Lake City, FL, unheeled. Sos whilst they waz chugging down tha brewskis...one of tha girls got into a discussion as to who were better shooters...girlz or boyz.

Soo, tha girl who drove my Cassie up there, shucked her short-barreled 45 auto outa her Gucci purse and they went to plunkin' beer cans.....guess who were tha better shooters, drunk or sober?


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Oh, I know Columbus VERY well.

In fact, the model club that I'm a member of (SCIMA) is based in Columbus. We're pretty informal, just a bunch of guys getting together to talk about the hobby.

While you've always been welcome, you may consider this to be a formal invitation to come to a meeting, sir. If you'd like, I'll even engrave an invite for you! The next meeting is Saturday the 14th of June at 3pm. The meetings are held at the bank (used to be Home Federal, but the name recently changed) on 25th Street East of 31. This month we're having a figure painting demonstration.

relating to other recent posts:

Yes, both political parties suck. We need more choices. I'm sick of voting for the lesser of two evils.

Yes, Laura Bush's car has killed as many people as Ted Kennedy's. However, Ted gets the target painted on him for attempting to wipe his backside with the US Constitution. BTW, I absolutely despise Ted's politics, but I hope the doctors can cure his brain cancer. I sincerely hope he recovers.

Andy, your comment about guns being more likely to injure their owners or family members, while possibly true, is pretty weak. If keeping people safe is indeed your goal, there are FAR more productive targets for your crusade, such as playground equipment. In fact, if keeping people safe is indeed your true goal, you might want to take a look at crime per capita in the cities that have the most stringent gun control laws. It's a proven fact time and time again- more gun laws=more crime.

Anyone want to try and say that the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to individuals? Please?

REALLLY???? WOW.. I cant believe ya'll meet so CLOSE to me! It's the bank thats right next to one of the funeral homes or at least a few doors down? Didnt that bank get robbed a few times 4 or 5 years ago? If anyone knows my town, that is very strange to happen here.. We have somewhere like 1 cop to every 10 cictizens or something like that. We've been named one of Americas top 100 safest cities. Do I need to bring anything? Do you guys bring your work with ya? My boys would probably want to come too... Is that okay?? They'd LOVE to go and see some PROFESSIONALS work. ;) They've been sitting here in amazement (along with me) at all the beautiful work on here.. I WILL definitely be there sir... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE INVITE!!!!!


OOOOOHHHH NNNNOOOOO!!!! THATS FATHER'S DAY WEEKEND ISN'T IT???? I have a family reunion in GOOD OL' KENTUCKY that day... B) Whens the next time you guys meet?? It'll give me more time to finish the Challenger if you guys bring your work. Seeins how my woman "accidentally" threw my last 2 (which was the only thing that survived my childhood) away. Either that or they're lost for good. They weren't that great anyway. I cant wait. I feel like a lil' kid again.

P.S. Are there many people from Columbus in the meeting?

Edited by abedooley
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Can anybody post a website, or an article on the newer FL gun laws? I am a new resident of FL, one of the first things I did when I got here was to secure a CCW. I am just not too well versed in the ins and outs of the FL laws.

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Well I waz talking about tha college crowd. Mah daughter went to a Central Flawduh Lake/Beer Party up near Lake City, FL, unheeled. Sos whilst they waz chugging down tha brewskis...one of tha girls got into a discussion as to who were better shooters...girlz or boyz.

Soo, tha girl who drove my Cassie up there, shucked her short-barreled 45 auto outa her Gucci purse and they went to plunkin' beer cans.....guess who were tha better shooters, drunk or sober?


Gotta love a woman who can shoot!!! Even though mine has no interest in firearms (no matter how much I tell her I'd feel so much better knowing she could shoot someone to defend herself and the boys). As far as the boys go- 5 and 7- They love it.. The oldest has a Buck Daisy and shares with the youngest until HE'S 7, and I also have an air rifle which I told my oldest he could have it when he turns 10 and THEN the youngest gets the Daisy, and I get a NEW break barrel air rifle. My oldest is as good a shot as I am. Sometimes he does much better than me. He's got ADD and shooting is the only thing, so far, that he's been able to slow down and concentrate at. He can shoot a 22 rifle just as well. This year he gets to go squirel hunting. He cant wait. Asks me just about everyday if its squirel season or not.

Heres a pic of him getting his new Daisy for his birthday. My Dad saw the box and immediatly thought of "A Christmas Story"--- "You'll shoot your eye out, you'll shoot your eye out". Thats all I could hear my Dad sing in the background. He had NO IDEA thats what he was getting!!


Here's a pic of us shooting that night after he got it. He said I was shooting it too much. Thats how I wound up getting my own.



Heres a pic of him concentrating on the target box.


Edited by abedooley
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I SECOND THAT!!!! Even though I think I'd trust a drunk woman before a drunk man. :mellow::huh::o;):blink::(:(

NOT TOO SMART? Thats what gives us, who wanna carry guns, a bad rep! Just giving the liberal hippies more ammo.

On the same note-- If you're like me and you like to go out into the great putdoors and go wheelin (trail ridin, muddin, rock crawlin, huntin, etc.) PICK UP YOUR TRASH!!!!! DO NOT GIVE THEM AMMO... Use tree straps if you have to winch out!! If you are out and you see trash, PICK IT UP!!! Whether its yours or not!! If you have an oil leak or any kinda leak--- carry a small shovel and just dig out the contaminated dirt and throw it in the back of your truck!! If we all was to pick up after ourselves (and other SLOBS too) they would have nothing to fire at us! and we wouldn't have to worry about having to stay in the god forsaken cities!! :rolleyes:


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Guest zebm1

Hey, you can't trust tha water these days...Hillsborough County, Flawduh uses 85 chemicals in their city water ...and it starts out from tha Hillsborough River.....so what ifn gators, fish and birds chit in tha stream......it's still water......dat's why we flawduhns drink purified water ina can......it's Miller High Life Time. :mellow:

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Guest zebm1
Can anybody post a website, or an article on the newer FL gun laws? I am a new resident of FL, one of the first things I did when I got here was to secure a CCW. I am just not too well versed in the ins and outs of the FL laws.

Here's a website that will get ya started: http://crime.about.com/od/gunlawsbystate/p/gunlaws_fl.htm

Or you can buy one of these, go to tha 2nd page: http://www.gunlaws.com/fgog.htm

But basically, about Carry in Flawduh:



Unless covered under the exceptions, it is unlawful to openly carry on or about the person any firearm, or to carry a concealed firearm on or about the person without a license.


Persons having firearms at their home or place of business.

Enrolled members of clubs organized for target, skeet, or trapshooting, while at, or going to or from shooting practice.

Members of clubs organized for collecting antique or modern firearms while at or going to or from exhibitions.

Persons engaged in fishing, camping or hunting and while going to or from such activity.

Persons engaged in target shooting under safe conditions and in a safe place or while going to or from such place.

Persons who are firing weapons for target practice in a safe and secure indoor range.

Persons traveling by private conveyance if the weapon is securely encased, or in a public conveyance if the weapon is securely encased and not in the person’s manual possession.

Persons carrying a pistol unloaded and in a secure wrapper from place of purchase to their home or to a place of repair and back.

Persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing or dealing in firearms.

Military, law enforcement personnel and private guards while so employed.

It is lawful to possess a concealed firearm for self-defense or other lawful purposes within the interior of a private conveyance, without a license, if the firearm is securely encased or is otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use.

A firearm other than a handgun may be carried anywhere in a private conveyance when such firearm is being carried for a lawful use.

This exemption does not authorize the carrying of a firearm concealed on the person.

An application for a license to carry a handgun concealed is made to the Department of Agriculture. The license is valid for five years and is honored throughout the state. The application shall be completed, under oath, on a form promulgated by the Department of Agriculture and shall include the applicant's name, address, place and date of birth, race, and occupation.

The Department of Agriculture shall issue a license if the applicant::

Is at least 21 and a U.S. resident.

Does not suffer from a physical or mental infirmity which prevents the safe handling of a firearm.

Is not a convicted felon.

Has not within a three-year period preceding submission of the application been convicted of a crime of violence or committed for drug abuse or been convicted of a minor drug offense.

Has not been adjudicated guilty even with a suspended sentence for a felony or misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, unless three years has elapsed since probation or the record is sealed or expunged.

Is not a chronic or habitual drunkard.

Is not currently under any injunction restraining the applicant from acts of domestic violence or repeated acts of violence.

States that he desires a legal means to carry a concealed weapon or firearm for lawful self-defense.

Miscellaneous Laws Include:

Under Florida law, there is no "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a lawful right to be. Instead, you may stand your ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.

Florida has mandatory sentence enhancements for any serious felony, such as murder, rape, aggravated assault, burglary or robbery, committed with a firearm. The penalty is increased if a machine gun or a semiautomatic firearm with magazine capacity of more than 20 centerfire cartridges is possessed during a serious felony or narcotics offense.

It is unlawful to knowingly discharge a firearm in any public place, or on the right of way of any paved public road, highway or street or over any road, highway, street or occupied building, except in defense of life or property, in performance of official duties or where expressly approved for hunting.

Except during the hunting season as established by law, it is unlawful to carry a firearm within the limits of a national forest area. Exempt are persons who have obtained a special permit by the county commissioners or persons traveling on state roads when the firearm is securely locked within a vehicle.

It is unlawful to have or carry a firearm in the presence of one or more persons and exhibit the firearm in a rude, careless, angry, or threatening manners, except in cases of self-defense.

The state legislature has preempted the regulation of firearms and ammunition. No political subdivision of the state may bring legal action against a firearms or ammunition manufacturer or distributor for the legal manufacture, marketing, distribution, and sale of firearms and ammunition.

I hope that this helps get ya started down tha Legal Path to Carry Bossman. :(

Oh yeah, I just noticed that it doesn't list tha new law that our Legislature has been debating, not sure if it passed, I think it did. In that you can carry a firearm (pistol) to work, but it must remain in a locked box, in your auto. Bet it worries tha employers.....piss off tha employee and he goes postal on Tha Boss! ! !....I'm just kidding yall..... :mellow::rolleyes::(

Edited by zebm1
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