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69' Nova Finished


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Yes! That's a great looking Nova. The overall look is very good, even though I've never been a huge fan of body color bumpers. Looks like the paint job turned out well and the detailing under the hood looks good too. Very nice and clean build, and of course, hopefully you're able to beat that cancer!

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First, but not most importantly, beautiful finish on the Nova Luis. It reminds me of root beer candy. Num.

And now, to life. I feel you man. I lost both of my parents to lymphoma. At the far too young age of 64, I feel daily like a ticking time bomb.

But if this nasty affliction can claim a baby, we got no room to complain. Fight, Fight, Fight!!!!!

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Great looking Nova. I share your concerns with Thyroid Cancer. A few years ago I had a growth around my Larynx and Thyroid. They had to remove half of the Thyroid but other than fighting a weight problem I'm 100%. I hope you get well soon.

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Great looking Nova. I share your concerns with Thyroid Cancer. A few years ago I had a growth around my Larynx and Thyroid. They had to remove half of the Thyroid but other than fighting a weight problem I'm 100%. I hope you get well soon.

Hi espo, thanks for your kind words and thoughts!!!!! I had the same issue with the weight. I started cycling a few year ago because i have knee issues. I was 268 lb... now I'm 214 lb. It took me some time. I know you will win this. Keep the good fight. 


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Hi espo, thanks for your kind words and thoughts!!!!! I had the same issue with the weight. I started cycling a few year ago because i have knee issues. I was 268 lb... now I'm 214 lb. It took me some time. I know you will win this. Keep the good fight. 


I'm 6'2'' and have been around 225 to 235 lbs. most of my adult life. As I got older and less physical I was getting over 250 lbs. I'm now at 285 lbs. and look pregnant as I carry all my weight around the middle. Your mention of bicycling reminds me of something I used to enjoy. I still have a Schwinn Moab hanging in the garage. Maybe I should get my fat @$$  out there and ride. Thanks for the idea.   

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I'm 6'2'' and have been around 225 to 235 lbs. most of my adult life. As I got older and less physical I was getting over 250 lbs. I'm now at 285 lbs. and look pregnant as I carry all my weight around the middle. Your mention of bicycling reminds me of something I used to enjoy. I still have a Schwinn Moab hanging in the garage. Maybe I should get my fat @$$  out there and ride. Thanks for the idea.   

It will help you. This is something that not everyone knows. In March 2016 my wife and I lost a baby. It was a hard for us. It was a surprise for us and everyone was excited for the new future member of the family. We all ready have a 12 years old son. The only two things that helped me to kept my mind away of the sadness and depression was the hobby and cycling. Specially cycling. I was doing cycling for loosing weight.... but going out to ride with my family helped us to bond and heal the lost. We are still dealing with the situation (specially my wife) but when we are riding you bike outside, just to have a good time..... it helps a lot.   

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It will help you. This is something that not everyone knows. In March 2016 my wife and I lost a baby. It was a hard for us. It was a surprise for us and everyone was excited for the new future member of the family. We all ready have a 12 years old son. The only two things that helped me to kept my mind away of the sadness and depression was the hobby and cycling. Specially cycling. I was doing cycling for loosing weight.... but going out to ride with my family helped us to bond and heal the lost. We are still dealing with the situation (specially my wife) but when we are riding you bike outside, just to have a good time..... it helps a lot.   

I'm extremely sorry to hear about the loss of your child. I can't even fathom what that would be like for anybody. My wife and I have no children together but I have two sons by my first marriage. We got involved in bicycling shortly after we got married. We were living in Sacramento Ca. and my job at a local Chevrolet dealer demanded long hours and a constantly  changing schedule. After we married my wife went back to school at U.C. Sacramento to get her degree. This gave us a few mornings a week together to ride the bike trail that runs along the Sacramento river. The trail goes from Folsom Lake all the way to Old Sac. We would usually get to ride about 20 to 30 miles and then get some breakfast together before I went to work and she went to classes. We both staid  pretty slim then. I'm retired now and I don't golf so maybe this is the time to get the bike out., of course we may be getting a little snow in the next month or so. No more excuses I'm doing this.         

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