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DM Wrecker project

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I had several kits and projects going a few months ago, then took a leave of absence to remodel my house. I never liked the yellow wheels or the graphics on this model, so my first mods were to change that. I removed all of the graphics and painted the wheels black. I'll make new water slide decals for the finished wrecker. I saw another wrecker on eBay pretty cheap, and a 1:24 resin dump body and thought it would be cool to make a 1953 dump truck.

Last night I got the first wrecker disassembled, and that was no easy task! Getting this all put back together will be a challenge to say the least.

Black wheels.jpg


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Great project, I will be following along.  Dump truck is a great idea.

For anyone looking for the wrecker body, there was a cheap knock off of the Danbury mint truck.  It may be Welly.  I have these two, with correct period wheels. I've also seen this same truck with big donk wheels.  Price range for these was $15-20.


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Decided to go full tilt on this one. Tonight, I completely disassembled the cab so I can strip it and repaint a different color. Taking one of these apart really makes one appreciate the detail that goes into high quality die cast models.



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