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hard to use this site

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I go to the "other" site and get around just fine. What gives here? Will I ever come back? This would be in my "blog", but I cannot figure out how to work that, either. I can't upload pics here, I have tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried, and I have had about enough. If I can't get help. I will not use this site. That means the "other" site will get my attention. I prefer your magazine to the other one. But I need a response, I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If I can't get help. I will not use this site.

It does not really seems the way to handle things by 'threatning' of leaving the website, just use the help-functions and READ!

Where I was used to PhPBB completely, this site was completely different for me. However, with just a healthy set of brains and read through the different topics, I managed to navigate quite well and is a piece of cake.

And frankly, I never seen somebody not being able to wander around here. But given the fact that you are only here if people give you 'this board'-101, than I would suggest you set your priority's right.

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I gave him an instant answer! I told him how to post photos within minutes of his post. In fact I gave him 2 different ways to do it.

He claimed he tried 6 times but it didn't work.

Let's see... it works for everyone else, but he claims it "doesn't work". So where does that suggest the problem lies? With the site... or with whatever method he was using to try and post pictures? :)

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I just recently learned how to check my E Mail without the help of my wife. :):o:lol:


Like Neil Armstrong said... "That's one small step for a man..." :P

What gets me is not that he didn't know how to post photos, but that after I told him how to do it he claimed it doesn't work! :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

[url=http://public.fotki.com/Builderman/my-most-recent-build/]I'>http://public.fotki.com/Builderman/my-most-recent-build/]I have learned a couple of things. 1- that people here will help if you ask, and 2-don't drink alcohol and post. I hope there are no hard feelings. Maybe I am getting the hang of "FOTKI", maybe not. we will see.http://public.fotki.com/Builderman/my-most-recent-build/

Well, no luck so far. url="http://public.fotki.com/Builderman/my-most-recent-build/

I might get it sometime.

BTW, I work 72+ hours a week as a toolmaker, I don't get to play on the internet all day.

Edited by Chris Akers
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I tried to edit your post with the link you have.

The URL does not specify what the extension is for the image.

If you click on the image in Fotki, there is a SHARE button

Click that, and you get the URL to copy and paste here:


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