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Why Do I Bother Building Again?

Guest 66dragfreak

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Guest 66dragfreak

Ya know, there are days in this hobby when I have to sit back and ask myself why I punish myself trying to build these things. Today is one of those days.

While working on my Cuda, I tried the trial fit of the body to the chassis. All was looking great. I happened to look at the directions and saw where the rear valence was not glued to the body until after the body was on the chassis. As I looked at my body I saw where I too, had left the rear valence off the body. "Good!" I thought to myself as I slipped the body onto the chassis. But, imagine my dismay when I started pawing through my box to dig out my rear valence panel to trial fit it to the body with it on the chassis. Then it hit me as to why this kit sat dormant for so long. I don't have the bloody rear valence panel!!!!! The kit was missing this piece when I got it way back when and now I FINALLY remembered why it sat in the box so long.

So, here I have this beautiful Plum Crazy Cuda and no rear valence panel to finish the damned thing! :mellow:

I really need to find a rear valence molded in the purple plastic in order to finish this. Otherwise the color won't match if I have to paint a piece molded in another color.

Ya know, somedays you're the winshield and sometimes you're the bug. Today I'm the bug!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Ya know, there are days in this hobby when I have to sit back and ask myself why I punish myself trying to build these things. Today is one of those days.

While working on my Cuda, I tried the trial fit of the body to the chassis. All was looking great. I happened to look at the directions and saw where the rear valence was not glued to the body until after the body was on the chassis. As I looked at my body I saw where I too, had left the rear valence off the body. "Good!" I thought to myself as I slipped the body onto the chassis. But, imagine my dismay when I started pawing through my box to dig out my rear valence panel to trial fit it to the body with it on the chassis. Then it hit me as to why this kit sat dormant for so long. I don't have the bloody rear valence panel!!!!! The kit was missing this piece when I got it way back when and now I FINALLY remembered why it sat in the box so long.

So, here I have this beautiful Plum Crazy Cuda and no rear valence panel to finish the damned thing! :lol:

I really need to find a rear valence molded in the purple plastic in order to finish this. Otherwise the color won't match if I have to paint a piece molded in another color.

Ya know, somedays you're the winshield and sometimes you're the bug. Today I'm the bug!!! :lol::lol::P

That sounds like just the beginning of my Starliner build. :lol::mellow:

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Awwww, C'mon Bri, you know you love it! So it's just another little thing you gotta overcome, so what else is new? Ask if anyones got a rear valance in purple. Once you find one, you'll ask why you ever posted this thread. We're modelers Bri, a little thing like a valance shouldn't stump an ol modeler like yourself! Adapt, improvise and OVERCOME! You CAN do it, I know it in my bones! Any body got a valance for Brian? If so, step up an help a brother out! :mellow:

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I couldn't agree with you more. I had just finished up polishing up a beautiful paint job on my Ferrari 575M, and while attaching the front and rear body lips I managed to get a smear of superglue onto the passenger door. Ruined the paint job completely. I was so discouraged and angry with myself for my clumsiness I very nearly threw the nearly completed model into the trash.

I'm going to try to sand out the flaw and repaint and polish the door only, but I'm not expecting good results from the ordeal. It's one of those days where I hate the hobby.

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Guest 66dragfreak

For issues like that glue smear, I'm more inclined to go with the USAF's song, "Off we go into the wild blue yonder" as the model takes flight to meet the far wall. B)

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I couldn't agree with you more. I had just finished up polishing up a beautiful paint job on my Ferrari 575M, and while attaching the front and rear body lips I managed to get a smear of superglue onto the passenger door. Ruined the paint job completely. I was so discouraged and angry with myself for my clumsiness I very nearly threw the nearly completed model into the trash.

I'm going to try to sand out the flaw and repaint and polish the door only, but I'm not expecting good results from the ordeal. It's one of those days where I hate the hobby.

Before you do that, can you get CA Debonder? If so, try a small amount on the smear and see if it comes loose. I do not know if it would hurt the paint or not, but it could be a chance to avoid sanding and repainting the door. Just an idea.

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Before you do that, can you get CA Debonder? If so, try a small amount on the smear and see if it comes loose. I do not know if it would hurt the paint or not, but it could be a chance to avoid sanding and repainting the door. Just an idea.

I tried that, immediately after the accident. It didn't really work; it took some of the superglue off, but not all, and on the parts it took off the glue it also removed the paint. Sigh.

I've already sanded the door down smooth and reshot it with one coat of paint so far. I need to sand again, and shoot another coat of paint again, because right now the door looks like a different color than the rest of the body despite my using the same paint. I'll have to get the clearcoat back on to make a true comparison.

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This is exactly why I keep goofy little kits around for a quick build. I finish a simple and quick kit and I feel good about the whole thing. The more complex the build the more little kits that get done. Reminds me of what fun feels like.


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