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Nice work so far! :lol:

As far as your tiny drill bits, a well stocked hobby shop should carry them. If not, you could check out MicroMark.com as they carry tons of stuff for the hobby.

I have a whole set that runs from #61-#80..................it's good to keep extras of the super tiny ones as they will invariably break without warning! :lol:

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i was looking at the hobby shop i go to for the detail stuff, theres walls of detail stuff, and i never saw drill bits but the pully kits cost more than the model it self which is rediculus, a guy could put quite a bit into the detail stuff, but i need to get out of heating up pins with a lighter so drill bits need to come first, but i guess ud be the guy to talk to about detail stuff, i found this site through one of your models, cant remember which it was but i was stunned by the detail

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no man thank u for the complements. but im in good at my usual hobby spot, get them deals, which is nice on the wallet, well my girls wallet right now.... i leard not to tell my boss what i really think of him, which is one reason why i have time to work on the scale cars, instead of my real ones. and the shortage of money to build my motor. but im trying to find a job in a body shop instead of a cold wet damp radiator repair shop. lol body shops need to be warm for everything to work right lol warm is nice and i have a way with metal

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Nice detail work, really nice overall build, I got my set of tiny drill bit's off of ebay, for like 8 buck's including shipping, just a thought....

i was thinking of ebay but i dont really understand the #60-#80 type stuff besides thats how u identify them from each other, but like what would be the right sizes for doing carb details ya kno or what sizes should i look for in a kit

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what would be the right sizes for doing carb details ya kno or what sizes should i look for in a kit

If you can afford it, it's best to get the whole range. I bought mine already organized in a case which has a slide out section for whatever number I need.

It would also be good to pick up some sort of wire guage with the drill bit #'s on it. You put your wire through the corresponding hole that slides through easily without being sloppy-------and it'll tell you what drill bit is best for what you need.

I can't give you an exact number size because that depends on whatever you're working on, but I'd say somewhere in the #73-#77 range you'd most likely need. :D

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i was thinking of ebay but i dont really understand the #60-#80 type stuff besides thats how u identify them from each other, but like what would be the right sizes for doing carb details ya kno or what sizes should i look for in a kit

I got mine in a lil case that has them in a little holder like big drill bits and are numbered 61-80 on the inside, If I do plug wire's I will use 73 or 74 witch to some seem a lil big but I dont have to fight the wire to get it in the hole, mine also came with a pin vice, so if your doing carb stuff all you have to do is match your drill bit to the size of stuff you are using, or go one bigger, here's a picture of what I got.

And like MrObsessive said get a few extra of the really small one's as they do have a tendency to break on you, without warning



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thanks for the pics guys they help alot, i just wasnt sure how big or small they were, and it seems that the higher numbers r the smaller bits, i was just courious cuz i was looking at these sets online and i had no idea how big or small they were... some times it would be nice for them to put a scale of some sort or even a penny next to the stuff

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