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My MADD distributors have become go-to items for almost every build because of their quality and ease of use, but they lack a vacuum advance unit, which would be found on almost all street cars for decades.


My scratch-building abilities are pretty poor so I'm curious if these might be available in resin or metal.

If so, links would be greatly appreciated. 


"These need to be about 2 millimeters to be correct scale.   I use something called “bead bumpers”.   They are tiny discs that go between necklace beads if you want to space them out.  You can get both 1.5 and 2 millimeters and a lifetime supply is less than $5 dollars

these are really tiny.   Drill a hole in your distributor and glue in some 28 gauge wire.  Slide on a bead bumper and then attach your hose from there to somewhere on the intake manifold.   I also have 3d printed distributors both with and without advances



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