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Model Cars Magazine Forum

Nocturnes 2.0

Plasticated Guy

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Hello, all! I haven't been here for a while due to both work and working on multiple builds. I had to restart this Camaro because of a few problems of my own doing. First off, when I installed the engine I forgot to put in the upper control arms. And as for the electric fan, after I had stripped of the paint and was cleaning off the purple stuff, something broke off it that I couldn't replace. So it got tossed. After a trip to Hobby Lobby for a new Camaro, the build recommenced.


The engine is the new block with the standard fan.


The chassis is done and went together okay.


Here's a side view showing what could be the rake.😁


As can be seen from this underside view, the exhaust didn't quite line up with the headers. I don't know if that's the way it fit on these RS versions, or if I'm just lucky that way.😏 The quick fix I did sort of works.

Next, the interior. I've also got a few other projects closer to completion. Stay tuned, my friends!

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