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Tom Daniel's MONOGRAM '55 Chevy BADMAN

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I am trying to put together a timeline/chronology for the different iterations of the Badman kit with details to better identify and date them. I know a few things already but there are still some shady areas. For example, I have two that seem to be first runs of the kit circa 1970, but they bare different numbers. 6747 which is a Mattel reference number, and PC229 which is a MONOGRAM number. Boxes are otherwise identical, and not 90s reissues to my knowledge. So, which came first? And in what year, 1969 or 70? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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Monogram used the PC ("plastic car") numbering system prior to their tie-up with Mattel, so the PC number kit would be the first issue.  Also, the "200" suffix on that one would indicate the original kit's list price, $2.00.  Prices started moving up around 1970: AMT went to $2.25 for most car kits during 1970.  They went to a "225" suffix on theirs, but it appears Monogram dropped the list price suffix when they went to the Mattel numbering system.

I do remember having a mid/late Seventies Badman kit with photographic box art, and clear parts that were not tinted in any way, totally clear.  

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