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YES.....another USPS rant!!!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!??

Dave Van

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I have noticed that the USPS is now far better for delivering packages than for general mail, at least in my little part of paradise. Roughly 15 years ago the sorting center that handed off to my local post office was rated as the worst in the US. It would take weeks for a birthday card to be delivered to the next county over. It's much better now.

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After sitting in Six Mile SC for 4 days my package started moving again. 2 days later I got it. For a 1 pound package that started only 200 miles from my house and ended up going through 5 states pretty poor service. While it was wandering the country I figured the address label was maybe wrong of hard to read causing the issues. NOPE....BIG clear label with bar codes etc. Oh well.......


This is a two edged sword. I got a late package.........BUT as the package was shipped not far from my house shipping was $9. There is no way the USPS even broke even routing the package the way it did. 5 states, 10 cites and untold miles in a truck. No wonder they operate in the red all the time. 

Editorial over. Thanks for allowing a vent! 

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stupid usps, i was supposed to get something delivered today and i checked the tracking and it says i can pick it up from the post office. im going to be really annoyed if it doesnt arrive tomorrow and I actually have to pick it up

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/26/2023 at 11:53 AM, peteski said:

Yo, Casey, this has*NOTHING* to do with socialism.  Look up the definition.  You are just using buzzwords which seem to be convenient for you at the moment.   Even the entire U.S. government itself is nowhere close to being socialist. I could expand on who runs our government, but that would get me banned from the forum.

Also, the USPS is not actually run by U.S. government.   What you seeing here could be related to badly designed routing algorithms (since everything is done by computers), and of course by the incompetence of the employees (which is rampant in today's world, all around us, regardless of the political  association, not just at the post office).  Incompetent people are everywhere, all over the world, regardless of which country or political regime they reside in.

not sure where you got your information from, but the USPS is an agency of the Federal Government, in fact it was created by the supreme law of the land, the Constitution.

My point was that in socialism, the government runs things and the employees have ZERO incentive to work harder or make things better (the exact scenario the USPS is in). The result is always the same.....shortages, slow downs, horrible service, no accountability. The USPS should have been privatized years ago.



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