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Protect your thumb!

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I dont' always follow my own rules when working on a model. When trimming a plastic part with my hobby-knife, I occasionally skip the plastic and hit my thumb. I've tried to make myselfe a rule to stick a bandade on my thumb BEFORE I begin modeling so that the bandade will act as a cusion.


You don't want blood all over your nice new plastic!

So rule of "THUMB", remember the bandade first! :D

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i have times cutting my self with knifes or drilling holes in my finger too!

but the worst one is i was using my dremel when the cut-off wheel broke into a 100 pieces and one flew into my eye at 35,000 rpm! i was very lucky, it only caught my eye lid, not the eye ball! but it hurt for 2 weeks!

and how about this one! i was trying to press a couple of parts together by hand, and i broke my thumb cause of the pressure!

its not fun working with a cast on your wrist and arm! but its a great weapon! i used it to defend my self when some one try to rob me! it was like putting a cheese shredder to his face! ;)

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It would be fair to say that all of us have cut, glued, scratched, etc. something other than was intended. Its not something we like to brag about. I've found that if I put on a latex glove before working on a model it saves me some hassle. No paint on me, an extra layer of protection from knives, glue, etc.


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Well, I have glued my fingers together. I have actually glued a cut together/ LOl. Good doctorin there! I have painted myself more then models I think. Yes, I ahve even butchered my self too. I had been cutting a top off of a car while watching a movie and slipped and cut a nice 1/2 v slice out of my thumb almost to the bone. Very not good. Oh, instead of going to the hospitol for stitches, that is the time I glued my cut so it would heal. yes I have a scar, but would have had anyways! None of it compares to the cut I got opening a glass bay food jar though that would not open!! That almost took my knuckle off from the fingernail on the middle finger, across the first knuckle and half way up to the second knuckle!! By the way, never went to the docotrs then either!! I wrapped it up in paper towels and masking tape. LOL. So who needs doctors? LOL. DID not know about the super glue trick then!Jody

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Thank's for shareing guy's. But the point of my thread was to PREVENT minor cut's with the knife by simply putting the bandade on your thumb BEFORE you start building. However, what's the point when I dont' even follow my own rules? How many of us really think about these thing's when we get excited about a kit, start opening up the package, and begin cutting the parts of the sprue? :D

I guess it's like sew'ers, meaning people who sew thread, putting that thumb-guard on their thumb's first. What do they call it? A thumble?

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:rolleyes::rolleyes: ugh......This may not be PC but I cant say I've ever cut a finger as I learned from a master cabinetmaker

that # 1 rule is ALWAYS SHARP........ TOOL AND OPERATOR!!

SO use a sharp new blade and always cut away from you.

Now about dropping #11 points into leg.....I'm not sayin nuthin!!!!!!!! ;):rolleyes:

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A friend of mine and I were building one night, when his X Acto started to roll off the table, so he tried to stop it, but instead caused it to flip and land point first in the top of his right leg. He pulled it out, and in a few minutes a wet spot of blood started to grow on his jeans.

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A friend of mine and I were building one night, when his X Acto started to roll off the table, so he tried to stop it, but instead caused it to flip and land point first in the top of his right leg. He pulled it out, and in a few minutes a wet spot of blood started to grow on his jeans.

I'd just let the knife roll onto the floor.

Edited by FujimiLover
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The Prime Directive specifically states: Blood shall stay inside the body.

So stop splitting yourselfs open. B)

The above posters have a good point: sharp blades always cutting away from yourself.

I've got a nice scar under my left thumb, seven stitches, from using a dull box cutter at work. I'm thankful it missed the tendon. A lot of lessons were learned. The paper work I had to fill out was horrible. Almost worse than loosing a pint of blood while somebody searched for the first-aid kit.

Getting back to the point of the thread, I use a small pair of trimmers to remove parts off trees. I find it makes things much easier and a lot less DNA left on your tools and work space. :)

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The Prime Directive specifically states: Blood shall stay inside the body.

So stop splitting yourselfs open. B)

The above posters have a good point: sharp blades always cutting away from yourself.

I've got a nice scar under my left thumb, seven stitches, from using a dull box cutter at work. I'm thankful it missed the tendon. A lot of lessons were learned. The paper work I had to fill out was horrible. Almost worse than loosing a pint of blood while somebody searched for the first-aid kit.

Getting back to the point of the thread, I use a small pair of trimmers to remove parts off trees. I find it makes things much easier and a lot less DNA left on your tools and work space. :)

Yes, I do use the tiny "clippers" now to remove the parts off the sprue. But I'm talking about once you'v done that and you trim the parts clean. That is where the danger starts. I wonder if one of those rubber thumb covers that people use to protect their thumbs from paper-cuts will work? Seems like it'll be more comfortable and easier to work with than a thimble.

Edited by FujimiLover
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