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My long term Nova build

Scott H.

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Once again I present for your viewing enjoyment crappy pictures from my cell phone because my regular camera is in North Carolina... B)

Well, onward with the show.


This is a long term Nova Drag Wagon project that I started tonight.



I was looking at the body of the car as started wondering if they used the original 63 Nova Wagon as the basis for it so I dug mine out. After a quick comparison it was evident that they did and I got an idea.



The drag body was designed as a funny car with no door lines but I didn't want to build it in that configuration, soooooo.....



Out came the masking tape, the original 63 Nova Wagon body, a razor knife, and presto, I had a door template. The black sharpie lines were put on after I scribed the door lines so they would show up in the pictures after I removed the template.



A little work with the back of the razor knife, since I have no idea where I put my panel scriber for safe keeping <_<:blink::huh: , and I have the beginnings of a door slammer Nova drag wagon!

I have a ton of work to do to this one, so it's going to be a long term project for me with updates coming as I find or make the parts I'm going to be needing for it. With it being a Funny Car to begin with, it has no real interior but the original one from my 63 fits. I might make a mold of it and cast it up to modify for my needs. I'm also considering making a copy of the chassis to modify also.

More to come (with better pictures hopefully) as it happens,

-Scott H.

Edited by Scott H. AKA Cpt. Bondo
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That sounds like a cool project! Is he making a 2 door phantom wagon or a 4 door wagon like came from the factory?

I would love to see pictures of it if you can talk him into sharing his build with us,

-Scott H.

Edited by Scott H. AKA Cpt. Bondo
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