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Time to come clean

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Ok this P's me off ok guys here's my two cents ok, Hell come clean then solve the problem, i hate to say this Kevin but your making a bad name for minors on this website, when I make a deal i finish it and sens the stuff I'm younger that you and i work hard for my money but i still send the parts or cars that i make deals for. I never welch on anything. So buck up buddy and get your act together. :)

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i work hard for my money

Hey what a novel idea! A job! I don't recall Kevin ever mentioning he had one of those. That would pay for some postage wouldn't it?

I worked a part time job and was a full time student back in the day. You can't tell me in a city of 180,000 in south California, there's no jobs. Micky D's is always hiring.

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Guest Mustang3.8
Ok this P's me off ok guys here's my two cents ok, Hell come clean then solve the problem, i hate to say this Kevin but your making a bad name for minors on this website, when I make a deal i finish it and sens the stuff I'm younger that you and i work hard for my money but i still send the parts or cars that i make deals for. I never welch on anything. So buck up buddy and get your act together. :P

This ticks me off, too. Dukefan is right 100%! I also work hard for my money. I've dealt with Dukefan, and I can personally say that he's a great guy to deal with. But, guys like you, make me so angry! :rolleyes: Get it together, man. This is NO way to make/keep friends! This is all can say without cussin' like a trucker.

Edited by Mustang3.8
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WOW i can say that i have recieved a pm from one of the people i owe as well as a buddy of another member has threatin me so if you guys can find anything in my first post that states i will not come thru on my end of the deal then do it.God ###### i mean to tell you i think im doing the right thing of owning up to the situation and telling others and i get blasted.And to think of stripping parts off my hearse to cover shipping ###### now why didn't i think of that oh wait i did.Wow its kinda bad when someone fesses up and gets blasted on.Makes people want to leave the hobby.Just plain WOW.

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God ###### i mean to tell you i think im doing the right thing of owning up to the situation and telling others and i get blasted.And to think of stripping parts off my hearse to cover shipping ###### now why didn't i think of that oh wait i did.Wow its kinda bad when someone fesses up and gets blasted on.Makes people want to leave the hobby.Just plain WOW.

You can't expect one good deed to erase several years of bad dealings.

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Guest Mustang3.8

Don't let this make you quit the hobby, Evilone. I thought of quitting the hobby when I was kicked off another model car forum. But I did'nt. Don't let this get you down. I've been through many hard times myself. But I never gave up. This is not an "ease up" reply.

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Lee, that's kinda unfair to the other younger members of our forum,I know it wasn't meant to be, but it's each individuals actions that should determine that individuals strength of word. To lump them all in one group, because of their age, isn't fair to the guys/girls who DON'T have a tradeing problem. I don't know the reason behind Kev's problems, it's none of my buisness,But I'm glad he let me know he's tellin folks! (Sounds almost like he's admitting to an addiction!) :blink::lol:;)

I apologize to any OTHER minors that I dissed. I did not mean to clump all of you with this person. I know there are good ones to deal with. As adults, we need to be careful.

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I don't have a dog in this hunt, so it doesn't affect me in one way or another......as a matter of fact, I didn't plan on getting involved at all....until now.

I keep seeing other minors thinking this makes THEM look bad. Listen, guys....don't worry about that. Only a fool would judge an entire group based on the actions of one. I traded with several kids on other forums over the years and never had a bad deal.....and this doesn't make me change my feelings.

Years ago, at the "other place", I started a "Good Trader-Bad Trader" thread, so we would have something kinda like Ebay feedback..........maybe we should do that here? Dunno.

So there. Thats all I have to say Y'all have a great day! :blink:

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I think this thread has gone on long enough. Give him a chance to do what he needs to do to make things right, hounding and talking bad about him won't make it go any faster. I have dealt with Kevin, while it took a little bit on his part because of money, which I understand, he came through on his end.

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Guest promodmerc

I just want to know since when is a 20 year old a minor?

At least that's what his profile claims.

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I just want to know since when is a 20 year old a minor?

At least that's what his profile claims.

Yeah I thought that too. With the UTI student thing in his signature he'd have to be at least 18. Got no horse in this race 'cause Ive been hearing horror stories since day one and never wanted to deal with it. But if it was me that had lost out I believe I'd get together with the other guys that were ripped off and take the loss and lobby the admin to have him removed. Sounds harsh but one guy said a year and a half. And kevin's big claim is that he hasn't ripped anyone off just got backed up and in over his head. A year and a half IS a rip off Kevin!!! Hope you do whats right man cause I've seen people bend over backwards for you. Just remember if you're given an opportunity to clear your name and get everything straight that is was a blessing and not a priviledge. Some of these guys are beyond apologies. So if I were you I wouldn't post anything in the wanted or swap sections. Good luck.

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This ticks me off, too. Dukefan is right 100%! I also work hard for my money. I've dealt with Dukefan, and I can personally say that he's a great guy to deal with. But, guys like you, make me so angry! :P Get it together, man. This is NO way to make/keep friends! This is all can say without cussin' like a trucker.

Not to take away from the situation but thanks for the kind words Kevin S.

WOW i can say that i have recieved a pm from one of the people i owe as well as a buddy of another member has threatin me so if you guys can find anything in my first post that states i will not come thru on my end of the deal then do it.God ###### i mean to tell you i think im doing the right thing of owning up to the situation and telling others and i get blasted.And to think of stripping parts off my hearse to cover shipping ###### now why didn't i think of that oh wait i did.Wow its kinda bad when someone fesses up and gets blasted on.Makes people want to leave the hobby.Just plain WOW.

when Robert81 said "just because you do one good thing that it won't fix many years of bad deals" he was absuloutley right. Hey don't get Pissed with us some of us have had to put up with waiting for you, Personally I haven't but others have. Stay in the hobby or leave it well if you enjoy it and maybe clean up your act then that's fine but if you stay in it but don't fix the problems you've made for yourself then to me your a crook. Get a job or something, hell I'm 13 ok and i work hard for my money but I WORK.

Edited by Dukefan69'
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Ok so i read this post cause he sent me a pm too. I also read in his pm that he is telling me to tell my friend to keep his mouth shut. After getting mad a sent him a peice of my mind.

You know what??? I have honestly had it with you. I know it took me a long time to send my ###### but ######, i may lose my house. Now what u say to that. I also got school, i may get a job too, i may have to move. You know if you could be honest with me i would have not reacted like this. But sending me replys like the dog food is out, hearse needs to be filled, fish food is out. That is BULL. If you would be like my friend who is jobless, has 2 kids, and actaully has a FAMILY to support it would be different. Also dont tell my friend on lil to shut his mouth. U dont know him and u dont know why he did it. So please. I would love my stuff.

This is my pm to evilone^^^^^^^

WOW im gonna tell you this i will bet anything that in my post it said nothing along the lines that i would nor will not come thrue with my end.Also i will tell you this your friend has no reason to thretin me with physical nor mental harm.Keep this ###### up and i will no longer hold my end of the deal for the fact i did not sien a document stating that i would.

I will come thru but i will hold the items in question until i get a full apology for the smack talking you did.If you go back AND READ I DID NOT SAY I WOULDN'T HOLD MY END i said i was a bad trader and that was it.

The reply i get back from evilone is this one^^^^^^^^^

It clearly says i need to apologize for getting mad at him. IT asl clearly states that he may longer hold up his end of the deal cause i got mad. I have every reason to get mad. I have been getting b.s excuses since six months. Read this carefully.

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OK, guys... by now I'm pretty sure everyone has seen this thread and has heard about Kevin's history of bad trading, as Kevin himself has admitted.

No real point in continuing to state the obvious. He needs to contact each and every person who he owes, or respond to those people who have contacted him... but that should all be done privately between Kevin and whoever he has unfinished business with.

There's no point in continuing this thread. Nothing positive will be accomplished here by adding more comments on the situation.

Kevin... get with your trade partners and make things right to the best of your ability. Via PM or personal emails.

That said, I'll leave this up as a heads-up to whoever wants to read it, but no more additional public comments on the subject.

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