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Government Motors is born!

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I just checked in with my boys in the Obama administration and we are sending a black helicopter to pick you up. It should be there any minute. ;):D

That might explaine the 3 black helicopters we've seen hovering around.

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Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

Sounds like youve been watching Glenn Beck. I agree that there are parallels. He had direct influence in the auto industry, and didnt the Nazi regieme decide to help Mercedes win the Formula 1 championship? At least 'Bamma hasnt gotten involved in NASCAR yet.......hmmm, wasnt Bernie praising Hitler recently? Maybe the administration could pronounce Bernie as our "Morosports Czar". But we'd probably have to give him citizenship first.

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Or even more astonishing are the parallels our current president shares with Adolf Hitler. Look at the backgrounds of his "czars." You don't even have to dig that deep, the curtain is right in front of everybody, all you gotta do is take a quick peek to see the horror show. I wish more people took a little gander, but they just can't be bothered. They take Obama in like a hippie does with a tab of acid.

Do you mind citing some of these parallels that you speak of?

I dont think you can compare him to hitler thats a very strong statement

I dont think he is trying to wipe out a whole race of people!!

Our current president is a lot better than our last one.

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I just checked in with my boys in the Obama administration and we are sending a black helicopter to pick you up. It should be there any minute. ;):D


If that were too happen then he would have a point.....as is maybe his tinfoil hat fell off


Thats really a good one mm

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scroll down to "list of czars"

this guy supports mass sterilization through your water supply

this lady is a member of Socialist International

As I said, do a little research and you'll find what you need to see Obama isn't a good guy at all. If John Holdren doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. But I might be wrong, maybe you'd like to be sterilized and/or poisoned through the public water supply. The Constitution was very well thought out, and they've trampled over every bit of it to ensure they have power over us. Wake up guys, look at the laws being passed and god forbid you should put 2 and 2 together... :D

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Sounds like youve been watching Glenn Beck. I agree that there are parallels. He had direct influence in the auto industry, and didnt the Nazi regieme decide to help Mercedes win the Formula 1 championship? At least 'Bamma hasnt gotten involved in NASCAR yet.......hmmm, wasnt Bernie praising Hitler recently? Maybe the administration could pronounce Bernie as our "Morosports Czar". But we'd probably have to give him citizenship first.

Actually I haven't been watching anything as I dont even have basic cable. At least you agree there are some parallels, you're paying more attention than these other clowns.

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Are you quite insane? or are you on Meth?

Ok, you bash on me for saying things that you think are "offensive." Then, after you're shown to be the uninformed one and things are mended, you come out with this ridiculousness. I'd venture to say that YOU are the insane meth addict. I'd really like this to be civil, like you inferred, but unfortunately you can't stick to what you say. You obviously want to turn this into a "battle of wits", rather than sticking to the matter at hand. Now you've offended ME, DIRECTLY. Also, I'm actually very "with it" and I'm totally clean, I'll even send you some of my pee if you want it :lol: How's that for offensive? Should I turn it up a notch?

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Wow, CC, good to know that you and you alone have seen through this dark conspiracy and that you're seeking to warn the rest of the world via a model cars Web site!

Helluva guy, you are! :lol:

There are a lot of people out there who see the same thing, maybe you should get out more? I just so happen to like building models and joined this site, and since the topic came up I thought I'd share what I think (thats the point right?)... Aren't you just a "helluva guy"? Go ahead guys, keep bashing me, I got thick skin ;) Seems like this is the only thread where more than 2 people have ACTUALLY replied to something I've posted. I thought modelers were more of a friendly breed than most, I'm being shown the opposite by a few people in this thread... :lol:

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Well, if you'd like to talk models, rather than trying to persuade me that I should subscribe to your nut-ball political views, I'll be the friendliest guy you'd ever want to meet ... ;)

I second that motion! Who do you think you are, Mr. Cosmic Cadillac, comparing the president to Hitler? That is complete lunacy at any level. As much as I disapproved of almost everything Bush and Cheney and their ilk did, I would never compare them to Hitler. If you can't take the heat, quit your bitchin', put on your tin-foil hat, and leave the kitchen! We give Jairus a lot of heat and he can take it!

Now , you will have to excuse me because I need some more time to make ultra-liberal conspiracy like plans to steal all your money and give it to homosexual atheist pornographers! who favor gun control and want to put safety(training) wheels on all Harleys! That is, after we round up all of the "true" Americans! With our black helicopters.


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And after we finish taking over the car companies and design econo-safety specials that you will be required by law to drive, we will take over the motorcycle, snowmobile and "personal watercraft" companies and put helmet interlocks in the ignition and force all operaters of said vehicles to wear head to toe kevlar safety gear and install safety cages on all vehicles. And then there are the speed limiters... I think 10 mph should do. Let's see..........what else can we take over and make safe and correct???? HMMMMMM. :lol::lol:;)

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Maybe move it to the Rants and Raves section. And Krow, turn off the ALL CAPS and take a chill pill. Relax.

Rob, this wasn't just meant for you, and the caps was purely intentional: I have a great deal of respect for everyone on this board for their insight and experience in building models. I do not, repeat do not care what your political bents are, any of you. But this load of garbage has been floating around entirely too long and dividing a group of people over something that doesn't have anything to do with model cars. If people want to tout their beliefs of any sort, there are plenty of sites out there to do it, and if you choose the right one, you will be cheered on like a hero for voicing your say. But maybe we should leave politics, religion, ethnicity, and all that stuff outside here. I want to learn from you guys (and gals) not be preached and argued at.

I'll get off my stump now and shut up and go back to lurking and hoping that this one dies-the sooner the better.

Ken Roenneburg

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Rob, Andy and Ken,

My understanding over a year ago was that this forum is for discussing model cars ONLY. Not a place to discuss religion, politics or even the price of tea in china! Even in the Rants and Raves section! I was explained this aspect more than once when I tried to post my views. Yet it seems the hypocritical stance of many members of this forum is that only those of one particular belief are allowed the freedom to post screed and nonsensical stupidity.

While me and others who share my political and religious beliefs are shouted down claiming "off topic rants" are not allowed.

Apparently this is just another example of trickle-down-hypocrisy so prevalent in the current federal administration!

It is this attitude and the rude way many of you conduct your hobby that keeps me on other forums were civility and freedom of speech are much more prevalent. :angry:

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