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Mr SKWIRLS and Gunthar das clown


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:blink: Well sirs, now ol' Mr SKWILRLS aint just talkin' in me head, he be showin' me things as well! :blink:;)(ether dat, or I needs to check me shroooooms B) ) I's purty sure I aint seein' things that aint there, but not too longo go I was walkin' past the bench and Mr SKWILRLS and him driver :o were's there!


:huh: Hmmm...aint really what I thought he'd look like, but Herr SKQWILRL said to get me a goodly gander so's I could starts the buildem up of him driver dude, so real quick like I grabbed my camera, set it on X-ray and took a shot.....


....and got us a goodly skully image for to start construcktion of dat clown for Mr SKWIRQLS. Took hims X-ray and scanned it into me

compurter and drewd up some plans....


Did notice Mr SWQURLS driver didn't aint got no brain-- at least it didn't show up on the X-ray, but we's got us a patteren and time to be carvin', sculptin', and slinging some paper mache over some claydoughs :blink:

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;)WHOA! The Ledster musta had him some gooooooooood cookies! :lol::blink::P

Yep, Led, things're either gettin' better with ol' Mr SKWILRLS now dat I be Frankensteinyin' him a driver dude-- :lol: or I just be morphin' meself into the buildem up :lol: .

Ya'll be doin' like ol' Ledster done tole ya-- I gots to keep my hands on the job ;)

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Went shopping as per Mr SKWILRLS 'structions and got us some supplies for hims driver dude


I figured I'd give the poor feller a brain


and a shave :huh:


He started gettin' to be lookin' purty uglies


but we soldiered on


and.......oooh :huh:


He done got way too ughly-- so I just had to walk away for awhiles ;)

When I got back-- YIKES!


Apparently he's just as bad as ol' Mr SLWKIRLS and

tooked him a lil' ol' hisssyfits and blowed his top!

Oh well......


back to the drawing bored ;) Think we'll try us some wood

for Herr Drivers' skull :rolleyes:

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Holy Shamoly Capn, looks like da sqwoil dun took on a life of 'is own!!!! Ya better be havin some Holy Shamoly water 'round ta keep them demons at bay!!! Man, wat's goin on with the FrankieMerc??? If THESE 2 start runnin together you MAY be in for a Worl' o' HURT!!!! :lol:;););)

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Ya better be havin some Holy Shamoly water 'round ta keep them demons at bay!!!

Oh yeah George! Them demons keep tryin' ta trip me up, but I just keeps prayin' and tryin' to do the right thing. My prayers are answered, and I makes it thru OK thanks to Jesus. (Don't be tellin' nobody, but ol' Mr SKWIRLS, and now Herr Gunthar the Clown driver, aint got the smarts to be demons, so I's kinda safe thereabouts :lol: )

Andyhows, I done went back at the drawing boared and picked a better line to be following fer a buck fer Herr Gunthar's head


Made a template, and layed out some slices of wood for to glue Herr Gunthar's skull up at the proper like thickness (he be just as thick-headed as ol' Mr SWKIRLS :D )


Got them skull slices all scrolled out......


...gathered everthing togehter.....


....applied a genenreous amount of Elmer's brain goo ta each slice....


....and clamped 'em up.

After letting the brain goo set up, the trick will be in removing all the extra wood so's Herr Gunthar's skull buck will be left. Hopefuellie carving out his skull will go welly and then we'll be puttin' paper mache over top of the buck for his 'skin'-- kinda like a puppet head. We shall see what happens B)

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"Puppit Hed" I LIKESES dat! Can I use it as a NEW werd ta decribe alla thick hedded folks I be knowin??? Caz I KNOWS ALLOT O' em!!! Don't tell O'l Gunthar wat ya be callin him,caz he MIGHT get preturbed atttcha! Like I sed, Ifn hims an ol Frankiemurc team up, HOOOOO EEEE it'll be a hot time inna ol town tonite!!!! Lookin good though, caz I allus likeses ta see jus how yer mind works (or don't) wen yur doin this nutty stuff!!! B):lol::D;)

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Finally got ol' Gunthar's blockhead outa the clamp...


...and spended some time contrimplating our next steps :D After a few

minutes of serieous like contrimplatin' I was ready ta go. Layed out some

red lines for to be whackin' excess woods away from Herr Gunthar's noggin.


First stop were's ol' Jimmy's bandsaw-- got it fired up and did some slicing...


...then were's time fer them really cool sharp things ;) Gunthar was kinda afeard

to do anything-- he just sat still :lol:


I was havin' a great time, slicin' & awhackin' on the clown :P:P:D


....and he sure be lookin' clowny like! :D


I could only just take just so much of dat clown face, so's I wrapped 'im up

with some heavy duty foil-- :blink: Now he looks like Gunthar the baked potater clown head!


Times fer some more contrimplating......

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Capt'n, Ya know, I DON'T REALLY think the ol "wrappin 'is head in foil so's he can't read yer mind" trick is gonna work! If I saw the movie correctly, Ya gotsta wrap YOUR head in foil! Try it, an get back ta me! Meanwhile, I'd be REAL careful like wit alla them SHARP objects you got layin 'round there!!! :lol::D;)

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George , Wrapping tape wont help this wild child ! I saw sanding sealer on the work bench ! I saw Chicken Noodle soup on the bench ! Do you have any idea what the long term effects are from the exposure to the solvents in those two chemicals are ? Dopn't you realize that is what the Russian Army tried to make Rocket propelliant out of ? Ed Shaver B)

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George , Wrapping tape wont help this wild child ! I saw sanding sealer on the work bench ! I saw Chicken Noodle soup on the bench ! Do you have any idea what the long term effects are from the exposure to the solvents in those two chemicals are ? Dopn't you realize that is what the Russian Army tried to make Rocket propelliant out of ? Ed Shaver B)



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