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A friend of mine called this morning from the Eugene area, about a 100 miles south of Portland

Oregon where I live, to wish me Merry Christmas.

We were having fun talking and being grateful for our hobby and our friendship, and how cool it is that we can be so adventurous and creative with this hobby, and express ourselves, sometimes in some pretty challanging ways. ( Chris my friend, is a way-good builder and an amazingly cool person.).

A friend of his emailed him and shared a very simple, yet to me very profound view on life and model building, I hadn't heard before.

I thought it would go well here on the forum.


Sort of the "Long Version" of "NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED" <img src="http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> .

I have found this little bit of wisdom more true as I have gotten older and pushed myself to achieve more, sometimes for a long while, to break through to a new level of my life, including my model building, but always proves to be rewarding and worth the struggle to get there.

Maybe some of you feel the same.

All the best for the Holidays - dave <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

Edited by Treehugger Dave
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A statement with a great deal of truth, and definitely worth remembering.

I've done that to one degree or another, I think all of us have. Has it always paid off? Hardly, usually I've suffered mightily for it, but to make the attempt is what makes greatness, or at least gives you the capacity to deal with the insanity that is life.

To not try is to resign yourself to failure.

Charlie Larkin

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Dave, I swear, you have to be the most upbeat, cheerful guy there is! You always have a positive attitude. I'm not sure how you do it, but if you can, it's a great way to get through life... <_<

Merry Christmas!

Harry, I've never seen complaining, bad attitudes or un-happiness ever change anyone's life for the better , or help friendships, or other relationships be stronger, or even get a good start on a friendship when a person is negative.

A very good friend who's been part of my life since before I was born, began teaching me at the lowest point of my life, that life is a package deal - THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY :rolleyes: , and that we're to learn how to embrace it all for our own good, and the good of others.

Any circumstance, good or bad, can help mold our character and our integrity, if we accept the inevitable, that it happens to us all for our good - that there is a purpose for everything that happens, and not to waist our time feeling like a victim, or complaining about the unfairness, but look for the good and the purpose of the difficulties, that will help shape us and mold us into someone who's not perfect, but can be a much kinder and caring friend to whatever part of the world we have around us.

All this helps make me a better modeler, because at this point in my life, I choose to look at life half-full, and see that most anything is possible if I'm willing to believe it, and try, until I've tried my hardest. Whether I fail or succeed at what I try, I measure my success by the quality of my attitude, and my tenacity for not giving up, not so much about the build itself.

Edison, who successfully invented the lightbulb after 500 failures, was awakened by his son one night, and was told there was a fire in his laboratory. They watched as it burned to the ground, taking everything with it.

The frantic son was beside himself, but Edison himself seemed rather unaffected.

His response -


Edited by Treehugger Dave
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