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for you dirt guys out there here's how i mud up my cars... this not rocket science, if you get to much on, wipe it off and go again!! that's the beauty of using REAL dirt, a little water cleans up any/many mistakes!!

ok, your're gonna need a pan or two for the 'mix', have some 'heavy' stuff all the way down to basicly muddy water, an old toothbrush and some imagination!!

this is my set-up...


lets get started!!

i usually do this during contruction but as i'm not close to muddin what i've got wip, i used this Stoops sprinter...

grab the toothbrush, choose the 'mix' of your choice, dip the brush and flick it[run the thumb down the brush]onto the car...

for the wheels/tires, again, i usually do this off the model, amyway, i use the long thin pan to roll the wheels/tires thru and somewhat cleaning the tread off.. for this instance i just 'painted' the mud on as i wasn't gonna pull the wheels off of this!!


use as much as you want... a lot to reflect a 'heavy track' in practice or a little to reflect a hard, dusty, blue groove track with a little tack on the bottom..



don't forget to get UP under things...wings, hoods, fenders, etc...look at it and figure where the roost would go...

now, that wasn't so bad was it??




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

for you dirt guys out there here's how i mud up my cars... this not rocket science, if you get to much on, wipe it off and go again!! that's the beauty of using REAL dirt, a little water cleans up any/many mistakes!!

ok, your're gonna need a pan or two for the 'mix', have some 'heavy' stuff all the way down to basicly muddy water, an old toothbrush and some imagination!!

this is my set-up...


lets get started!!

i usually do this during contruction but as i'm not close to muddin what i've got wip, i used this Stoops sprinter...

grab the toothbrush, choose the 'mix' of your choice, dip the brush and flick it[run the thumb down the brush]onto the car...

for the wheels/tires, again, i usually do this off the model, amyway, i use the long thin pan to roll the wheels/tires thru and somewhat cleaning the tread off.. for this instance i just 'painted' the mud on as i wasn't gonna pull the wheels off of this!!


use as much as you want... a lot to reflect a 'heavy track' in practice or a little to reflect a hard, dusty, blue groove track with a little tack on the bottom..



don't forget to get UP under things...wings, hoods, fenders, etc...look at it and figure where the roost would go...

now, that wasn't so bad was it??




do you have any of this kind of clay you could send me i need for the same exact car in picture


Edited by doug2013
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most of it came from my backyard!! some came from baseball diamonds, best time is the fall as it real puffy dust...

go to the park, the edge of the street, anywhere there's dirt...

and, thanx for lookin...

good luck with the rally car...put a little on at a time and let it dry, if it's wet, it's dirty!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great tip! I thought about this way but never did it and now I am convinced! Do you dull coat/ clearcoat after or just leave it?

i keep them in cases, so, i just leave it and pick it up by the cage or the wheels... AND if ya ever want to change it, it just a bath away from fresh canvas!!

thanks for lookin guys!!

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Those examples look good, but I would require something more permanent. I plan on doing a model with mud, but I plan on taking it to shows. The mud needs to be permanent... adding more mud later on isn't a realistic option afaik.

Maybe those who do dioramas would know if someone here doesn't know?

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Those examples look good, but I would require something more permanent. I plan on doing a model with mud, but I plan on taking it to shows. The mud needs to be permanent... adding more mud later on isn't a realistic option afaik.

Maybe those who do dioramas would know if someone here doesn't know?

I basically have used the same technique for mudding up a car. For a more permanent solution try using Elmer's White glue..it sets up like concrete when it dries.


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I have a question, it might be stupid but what do you mix the clay with, water or what, and it dosent come back off when you touch the model, told ya it was probaly stupid question, but ive never done this.

just water... and you can use some Dullcote or Krylon Matte, but, like i said, i keep them in cases and am carefull how i pick it up...


it's not like it rubs off easyily, but, it will if ya keep messin with it...

Edited by weasel
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