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Looks like the end is near for USF1

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Some key players have resigned.

Their primary sponcer has left the negotiation table and is talking with another team.

P. Windsor said they couldn't build a car in time to meet deadlines.

I suspect something didn't go well during crash testing which was only being done this week, while the rest of the grid is on their 3rd test session.

It has been confirmed that the USF1 facility in NC has been put up for sale.

Several reports are coming out that they will not make the grid for the first race which would be in violation of their concord aggerment with FIA & F1.

It is said it's only a matter of time now that USF1 has officially folded.

At any rate it is not looking good for them with 3 weeks to go before the first race.

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I know a few of the people involved with the USF1 team in Charlote, and they are saying that Bernie is putting every roadblock he can in the way of a US team being Successful. Seems Bernie is holding a grudge over Tony George refusinf to pay over twice as much for an F1 race than any other country!


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I know a few of the people involved with the USF1 team in Charlote, and they are saying that Bernie is putting every roadblock he can in the way of a US team being Successful. Seems Bernie is holding a grudge over Tony George refusinf to pay over twice as much for an F1 race than any other country!


I don't believe that. They are not the same people.

That doesn't explain the Glenn doing FIA improvements, which can only suggest a US Grand Prix at the Glenn in the future.

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As big of a jerk (I have otherwords, but they aren't appropriate here :o ) as Bernie is, he also seems like the kind of guy that would do that just because of this team happens to be American, just like the George family is. I thought Mom fired Tony because of all of his screw ups, including the whole F1 debacle ;)

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