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Looking for pics of models painted with Testors Acrylic Teal (GP00570)

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I'm fully familiar with Chezoom Teal, so no need to post any of those pics.

Testors' acryl teal seems to have a slightly different hue to it, but I'm guessing the primer color may have an effect on that.

Also, I'd appreciate hearing any pertinent info about ease of use, coverage ability (opacity) drying time etc. The vast majority of my experience with acrylics has been with Tamiya paints, so I'm curious as to how well this stuff works.


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Got a pic with a little more light? I'm looking for a color close to Ford 1993 Cobra 'Teal'. The color in that pic looks pretty dark.


Hey Eric if you are wanting that exact 1993 Ford Cobra teal color, my recommendation is to go to an automotive paint supply store. I know some people don't want to spend the money on automotive paints cause some of the material can be pricey and may not have the equipment to spray them. when I was 19 or 20 I used to work in an Auto Body Supply store and we used to pump paint into aerosol spray cans all the time. and living here in AZ the few shops that I go to get my paint supplies. They will pump single stage enamels into cans. I personally use PPG's DBC base coat clear coat that I spray out of a HPLV detail gun. But believe this will expand on colors for people out there. with paying a couple more bucks than testors or tamiya paint cans with what I believe would be better paint in my opinion. I believe the cost is somewhere between 10 and 14 dollars for a 12oz can. They have tons of color books broken out by year and make of the manufacture.

Edited by Mooneyzs
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