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The Jairus Watson Artwork Challenge


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That is an early Caddy motor. Best Caddy out there is Revell's Parts Pac, which includes the carbs and manifold you need. Stacks are available through Replica's and Minatures for about five bucks.


Give them a call at 410-768-3648 ask for Norm and tell them Jairus sent you.

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Sweptline... would be better if you included your name somewhere. The rules on this forum require your name posted as your handle or in the signature block.

Now, the Caddy motor might be hard to find. The Revell Parts Pac was discontinued a LONG TIME AGO! But mint copies keep popping up for realistic prices so I figure that Revell over guessed the market by a LOT back in the day! At any rate you can find them on ebay and at NNL's for five to 10 bucks and the bits are well worth the price.

The Caddy motor was also included in the "Orange Crate" street rod/dragster/showcar but you only need the block heads, valve covers, valley cover and oil pan.

There is also an aftermarket custom Caddy motor out there. Think it is the '49 Ford kit and has a hole through the block for a metal axle. That will be your second option. Beyond that.... the Revell '59 Caddy Eldorado might be the wrong era motor but at least you have a caddy power plant.

Edited by Jairus
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So do you get a print of Jarius' work or entering? that would be worth the price of admission! Are there any openings still left?


you need to pm fletch to see if any openings left and you get a copy of artwork cause whatever piece you get is what you have to build.

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For those interested I got half a dozen additional pieces of artwork from Jairus this morning. If you're interested please get in touch with me. We will be cutting off the official Challenge once these drawings have been emailed out. Just like Chicago get in early or it may be to late.


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Having problems starting mine. Basically, do I use the Revell Thom Taylor 34 or the AMT 34. I am leaning towards the AMT as the molding is a bit better. Both of my copies of the Revell kit have molding issues with the bead on the outside of the fender arches.

This is my artwork.


As you can see, the beads on the outsides of the fenders is very prominent in the illustration. On my Revell kits, that bead is almost gone on both sets of fenders. The AMT kit has much crisper moldings. Is the Revell kit 1/24 or 1/25? I could use the Revell body with the AMT fenders... I am rambling too much :)

For rolling stock, I believe I will be using the Cragars out of the 37 Ford coupe kit. In the illustration, the fronts look like Cragars, the rears look like Torque Thrust IIs. I am going with Cragars all around. The tires suspicously look like the TRXs found in most of the Monogram muscle car kits of the 90s, but I will be using the Goodyear Bluestreaks that replaced them. Anybody know where I can grab some surf boards? Didn't the Revell 31 sedan have a couple?

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As you can see, the beads on the outsides of the fenders is very prominent in the illustration. On my Revell kits, that bead is almost gone on both sets of fenders. The AMT kit has much crisper moldings. Is the Revell kit 1/24 or 1/25? I could use the Revell body with the AMT fenders... I am rambling too much rolleyes.gif

For rolling stock, I believe I will be using the Cragars out of the 37 Ford coupe kit. In the illustration, the fronts look like Cragars, the rears look like Torque Thrust IIs. I am going with Cragars all around. The tires suspicously look like the TRXs found in most of the Monogram muscle car kits of the 90s, but I will be using the Goodyear Bluestreaks that replaced them. Anybody know where I can grab some surf boards? Didn't the Revell 31 sedan have a couple?

You can add the beading with round stock

as far as the wheel tire combo ask Jarius, but I know he used a lot of pegasis wheels on his art.

Those look like big and little T's 19" and 23" I have used that combo many times.......



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The only reason I think the fronts look like Cragars is the spokes are flat. The rears definitely look like TTs. I have thought about just enlarging the Cragars. I do have a couple of sets of the 19 and 23 TTs, so that is a possibility as well. I got a year, so I can work it out and see which one looks better.

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Having problems starting mine. Basically, do I use the Revell Thom Taylor 34 or the AMT 34. I am leaning towards the AMT as the molding is a bit better. Both of my copies of the Revell kit have molding issues with the bead on the outside of the fender arches.

As you can see, the beads on the outsides of the fenders is very prominent in the illustration. On my Revell kits, that bead is almost gone on both sets of fenders. The AMT kit has much crisper moldings. Is the Revell kit 1/24 or 1/25? I could use the Revell body with the AMT fenders... I am rambling too much :lol:

For rolling stock, I believe I will be using the Cragars out of the 37 Ford coupe kit. In the illustration, the fronts look like Cragars, the rears look like Torque Thrust IIs. I am going with Cragars all around. The tires suspicously look like the TRXs found in most of the Monogram muscle car kits of the 90s, but I will be using the Goodyear Bluestreaks that replaced them. Anybody know where I can grab some surf boards? Didn't the Revell 31 sedan have a couple?

When I did that drawing for Plastic Fanatic (The first time) in '93 I believe the 5 spoke wheels were suppose to be generic Cragars. But Torque Thrust II's would be cool too plus lower profile rubber.

Surf boards can be found in a couple kits: Revell 1931 Woody or Sedan, new Revell 1937 pickup. Not sure if the AMT '41 is still out in circulation but it also has a semi scale long board.

There are many others that had them, as surf boards have been popular bits the companies included in model kits.

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This looks cool! :D

Shame I'm on the other side of the world. ;)

Just an observation Jairus, you're gonna have your hands full responding to 50 odd JWAC WIP threads.

Better get those typing fingers limbered up.... :D

Alan, just an FYI we are doing an email contest as well as the big reveal at the Pacific NW Model Car Fest, so if you're interested let me know.


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Dave, Ahhh, yeahhh. How does it work? I'm still a bit newbie.....

I'm guessing the biggest problem for me would be getting hold of whatever kit I drew.

it works as follows

you shoot fletch an email that you want to join

he in his place sends you two emails, one to say welcome and one containing a picture of jairus' artwork

then its up to you to replicate it as best as possible

of course, you want to start by asking jairus to describe what he had in mind when drawing this

then you start scavenging for kits and parts and get going

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Dave, Ahhh, yeahhh. How does it work? I'm still a bit newbie.....

I'm guessing the biggest problem for me would be getting hold of whatever kit I drew.

Alan, the premise is to build the artwork as closely as possible. Anything that you can't see use your imagination based around what would be appropriate for the era of the artwork.

So yes, the first hurdle is to acquire the kit for the drawing then gather the parts needed to complete the build. The Challenge runs through March 26th next year.

For the email contest all that will be required is a single photo, shot in the same attitude and angle as the artwork. A panel of judges including Jairus and myself will determine the winner. Basically, it will be how well you replicate the artwork. So, needless to say the quality of the photo will be very important.


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Some of you guys taking part in this challenge have already built one or maybe two models inspired by my illustrations. I know one guy who has shown me 5 projects (begun but not yet finished) all based on my drawings. I am of course honored by the interest and touched by the huge response to this challenge! Frankly I had little expectations and figured that maybe 10 or 12 people would choose an envelope. Turns out we beat that just during the first couple hours! In fact the first half of the names on the list were attendees at the Pacific Northwest Model Car fest and more than half of those builders are members of Scale Auto Builders Association!

Which brings me to mention one special member and good friend Stan Ulrich.

I have known Stan for years. Not sure when he joined but it seems like he has always been around. Stan is unassuming, never boastful and would give you the shirt off his back if need be. If I ever needed a part or whole kit... Stan was the first one to offer it to me for no charge.

Stan is also one of the most prolific builders in the club and has probably completed more of my designs than any builder barr none!

Not only has he built more of my designs than any other... but he is good at it too! If he would slow down, polish his paint and fret over the details he'd really give Bill Geary a run for his money. Yeah, Stan is that good! But for Stan the fun of the build is .... building, not winning awards.


So I thought I would take a moment and show you two of Stan's builds which are NOT in this challenge. (although I think the artwork is...) Stan built these quite a while ago and for some reason gave them to me! I am honored of course and they hold a special place in my collection not because they are something I thought up... but because of Stan's loving craftsmanship not to mention friendship.


Both cars represent a significant amount of scratchbuilding and both also feature real wood used in the construction! The Boattail even has wood framing on the INSIDE just like the drawing. The attention to details is first rate!

I show these for not only Stan's recognition but to give you guys an idea of what it will take to compete with Stan and the rest of SABA. Because these guys are GOOD!

May the best modeler... enjoy himself! :lol:

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