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I think I have a solution for all the contest judging discussions.

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I think the pledge below should be administered at each and every contest around the country or even world. It might just solve all the problems that we encounter and make things a lot more fun.

I, state your name, being a model builder extraordinaire, do here by acknowledge the inferiority of the judges that are about to peruse my labors. Knowing they lack the talent that I have in my small finger, I accept their limitations and predigests and give them my full support as they make these decisions that are above their ability and comprehension level. I will take the high road and accept when my masterpiece is beaten by that pill of junk setting next to it. Knowing that this a hobby and the rest of the contesting are here to have fun, I will accept the fact that that big honking trophy that should be mine, mine, mine will not be setting in the specially designed and built alter that is currently awaiting it in my hobby room. No alas, it will be riding home next to my arch enemy but I will the man of grace and dignity and shake his hand and congratulate him on a great model. This I promise in the all that is model holy, so help me (insert your form of deity, God, Mohammad, Alfred E Newman or whoever).

(Optional) Have build place hand on Bible, Mad Magazine, model car magazine?

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Or...go to the trophy store and buy your own trophy, then have it engraved to say what you want it to say. That saves the judges even more time and effort :) You can buy a really nice trophy for about $20, more if you want a larger trophy :)

Or...hold your own contest. Be the organizer, host, setup person, registrant, judge and sole entry. That way you can't lose...unless the judge is a complete idio...never mind :)

Or...sell all your models, better yet give them away, and collect stamps :)

Or...ask your wife for a larger 'honey-do' list that will take up all your time and leave you no time or money for modelling :)

Or...just stop complaining and build for fun...what a concept :)

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