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paint stand

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Hey Derek, Look for the Tamiya Paint stand for bodies and parts. One of the most used tools in my arsenal:


It comes with this paint stand for the bodies you paint as well as what I call a parts paint stand, of which I haven't any pictures.

Anyway, they range from $12-$20 depending on where you buy, and most likely at a hobby shop or online.


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Go to the grocery store and buy some Kikkoman soy sauce in the small restaurant style bottles. I use masking tape to hold bodies, hoods, etc to them and using poster tack I can hold a myriad of parts using wire, toothpics, etc to hold them.

You can buy a lot of bottles for what the Tamiya paint stand costs.

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I use a very simple stand for bodies that you can make from materials you might already have. The wood block is 1" thick, 4" wide and 8" long. I used bigger diameter wire clothes hangers for the holders, about 8" long with 60 degree bends on the ends that hold the body. I drilled a series of holes in the wood that the hanger wire will fit tightly, and to adjust for different length bodies. I also drilled some large holes in the block to hold it better while painting. With just some slight tension on the inside of the body, the wires have held the bodies flawlessly, and are easily adjustable. Here is a shot of one with my son's Civic body on.


For smaller flat parts such as hoods, I use 35mm film cans weighted with BBs, with a pencil or rod stuck down in, and an amount of masking tape wrapped at the top as a holder.


For even smaller parts, I save long straight pieces of sprue, and actually glue the part on the end of the sprue, using liquid cement, at a place on the part that will be covered or hidden. The part will stay on for handling, but will come off easily when done painting. Here is an engine brace glued on to the sprue where it will be attached to the body. Having a 35mm camera helped me acquire the film cans. If I have a quantity of parts the same color, I use a small box or container and punch holes to hold the parts. Very effective, it works for me!


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Hey Randy,just so happens i was reading the board the other day looking for some ideas on the paint stands.I kinda copied your idea,and it works great!.I have only painted one car with it, so it's still early to fully tell.

The body didn't like to sit very well just on the wire tips of the coat hanger,so I placed some foam earplugs on the ends. Naturally this ended up costing me nothing but some time to put it together.

Thanks for the great idea!


Here is my first bare metal foil attempt also:


I haven't quit figured out how to wrap it around the front bumpers.


My wife is the only one I have to ask during building,she doesn't like the red windows. leave'm or git rid of them?


Thanks again for the idea,Randy!

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Marc, gotta picture? I'd like to see how you do that.


Sure do....



Not much to it, Chris. They have a wide, stable base that turns easy in your hand while you paint and they fit inside my Nesco dehydrator with two extra rings. My oldest ones are 7 years old now and I have probably 8 or 9 that I use.

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For small parts I use popsicle sticks with blue tape folded over.

Big stand... Pretty much like Randy's... homemade with a block of 1"x4" and coat hanger wire...


Randy, from the paint buildup on your stand, I'd say you been using it for 10 yrs or so? My other, older one looks like that!

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Steve, I made that stand about 15 years ago! I can't take full credit, as I know I saw the idea in a model car mag somewhere, but since I made that one I've seen them at shows for around $10.00! My son said I should have gotten a patent on it. :D The neat thing with this stand, besides the simplicity and ease of adjustment, is you can easily get paint under the body sides and up into the inside of the body easier.

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The one thing I've changed recently is how it contacts the inside of the body. My old one (and Randys) have 4 seperate wires, bent at a 90 degree angle, to contact the body. The recent one I built has a 2 post C shape, so theres a long edge contacting the body front to back.

Here's some pics of my body stands...


Pretty typical of how I mount small parts...


Man, That paint booth is an embarrassment! :D

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I'm cheap. I use old spray cans for bodies. I tape foam on the sides until the body fits snuggly. I also use masking tape inside the roof to hold it to the cap of the can. For smaller parts, usually tape them to a wood stick. If the part needs paint all around, I drill a small hole, superglue a piece of wire and hold it wth those great little office alligator clips.



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My paint stand is a hockey puck with 4 holes drilled into the face of it. I insert coat hanger wire into the holes, similar to other paint stands here. The advantage is that I can rotate it in one hand while I paint.

Got any old plastic cream cheese or butter tubs? Wash them out good, turn it over and poke a bunch of holes through the bottom. I paint parts on tooth picks and then pop them into the holes for drying. It never falls over, holds a ton of parts and costs nothing. I use fun-tack on the toothpicks, or attach alligator clips to them or use the plain toothpick in a hole in the part, or drill one where it won't show.


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