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one of this week's victims


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I found this on sale back when it was new and stashed it thinking that it was the classic AMT 57 with added stuff. I never really looked at it until this week. What a surprise and what an excellent kit. It was bone stock only in this version but I added the Cragars, buckets, tiller and floor shifter. The photo-etch was a nice thought but I only used the grille. I was stoked with the metal spear inserts but they didn't fit well enough. I had to use the kit-supplied foil for the trim, very aggravating due to age I suppose (the foil's age, not mine), or weak adhesive. This has to be one of the most accurate American kits ever as far as replicated details, IMHO. The distributor wiring worked, the rubber hoses worked. The firewall was a breeze to detail. My only complaint is that the gunsites could fit a tad better. What else did AMT do with this kit?

Another car as I lusted for it in the 70's




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This looks cool too! I have that Monogram version of this, it's not so great kit, but with a few details... Ok... Yours looks nice, good painjob on it, wheel choice is good and I like that stance... Foiling looks good too.

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Nice car!!!!!!!!!! What version of the kit is that? I am not into '57's but I do appreciate them and I do like them - I have just never had the urge to own one. Still, they are pretty and an icon automobile. I guess that my tatstes lean more towards the more unusual stuff that is not so sought after. I have several of the older AMT Bel Air 2 door sedan lits that are still sealed and I'd build them totally stock. I always liked the copper color that they came in with a beige roof. ;):):lol:

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