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How I build dioramas.


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I have made up a series of pics on how to repair a crack when landscaping a vignette or diorama.They are pretty much self explanatory and can be found by clicking on the thumbnail.

If at any time you feel that there is something that you don't understand or the pics are not clear enough please feel free to stop me and ask any questions on the" how to..s" of diorama building.If I don't have the answer I will try to find it for you.

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A Temporary Detour

The mayor portion of this build is now behind me(the creative ,fun stuff) and whats left of the summer weather is going fast so I plan to make a short detour into something different and work on my Peregrine/Bleriot sculpture for awhile.Finishing the Backyard Flyer will be reserved for the rainy days but I need some sun for awhile.


If anyone is interested this thread can be found temporarily at the above address.Basically it is a mix of woodcarving and modeling techniques.

Edited by JohnReid
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Just for fun I put all 5 modules together to take a few forced perspective pics of various subjects. I enjoy playing around with the camera using the facade as a backdrop.None of the models depicted are finished they are here for composition purposes only.

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Meanwhile the leaf arrangement continues as it is still raining a lot here in my area of the GWN.

I originally thought that this would be a Spring scene but with all the leaves it looks more like Fall.Leaves that have spent the Winter under snow are more compacted come Springtime.I have noticed that just before the first snowfall gardeners tend to dig up the old flowers and vegy gardens so that would explain the bare ground.Some small bushes and the grass can stay quite green right up until the first snowfall.The only thing that I really need to change are the sprouting tulip bulbs.

This change of seasons will also give me much more room for decorating and weathering the whole scene with leaves on the roof and gutters etc.....

As far as the storyline is concerned,Spring was a nice statement about the renewal of life but Fall would work just as well as a story of the end of something.Those last few days before the first snowfall in Canada can be quite dramatic as it seems that nature just stands still for a moment in time waiting for the onslaught.

A walk in the forest at this time of year is an unforgettable experience here in the GWN.

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The following is a great free online book for novice diorama builders.The author Ken Hamilton has kindly OK'd it to be published here.This book is now out of print.Thanks Ken.Cheers! John.

I've been searching for that book wthout any luck. This will hold me for a while

Thanks to Ken, John, and Mercman!!!

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I recently read in the local newspaper that a large RR diorama (layout) here in Montreal is being forced to find a new home.The problem is there never was any plans made for this eventuality and there is no way to take it apart.

So another huge piece of modeling history will now end up in the garbage due to poor planning.

I see this often too on an individual level.Guys take a lifetime to build layouts that can't be moved and are just too big for most homes.Some of these are really little works of art that deserve a better fate. Someday they will probably be highly sought after by collectors ,hobbyists and museums ( after most have already been tossed in the garbage) as examples of our brief historical era of modeling will then be quite rare.

If you care about the fate of your stuff and I think most of us do,give a little thought about the future and do your stuff in modular sections or even a series of mini-dioramas that can easily be taken apart.I don't know how many times I have overheard the RR guys at the local hobby store talking about this very subject in very sad tones of too bad about this guys layout and what a shame about that guys layout when a little pre-planning may have made all the difference.Modules are really the modern way to go now if you care about the future of your stuff.

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I recently read in the local newspaper that a large RR diorama (layout) here in Montreal is being forced to find a new home.The problem is there never was any plans made for this eventuality and there is no way to take it apart.

This also happened to our local model railroad club, whose layout had been built over many, many years in the unused baggage building alongside our local CN station. When CN decided to increase the # of tracks and build a brand new, much larger station beside it, the baggage building became history and the club has been forced to find a new home. The original historical station has been preserved and will be used as a ????, but despite pleas from the club, CN refused to allow them space in the old historical building. Personally, I think the layout would have made a great display for passengers to view while waiting for their train, especially as the building will have an unused basement.

I'm not involved with the club, but I have seen the amount of work and detail they have put into the excellent layout. What a waste!

I guess CN just don't give a "hoot". (Sorry for the pun!)


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Sticking leaves to a flat surface where you don't want to use spray alcohol because of its effect on the acrylic paint has to be approached a little differently.

I use straight white glue put on with a small brush,sprinkle the leaves on and blow off any excess.Subsequent areas that require more leaves can be built up using an eyedropper for the alcohol and then the usual water/glue mix .

Take a look at the normal patterns in nature created by the wind and rain and vary your leaf patterns accordingly.

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