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I have an almost finished build and a just started build on my desk right now, and I haven't touched them for over a month. I really want to, I just never make it over, I'm just feeling so lazy lately. I am really busy at work, but thinking back, even on busy days, model building has always been relaxing afterward. So, what I'd like to know is, where can I can some motivation/inspiration to get back to it? What do you guys do? Im sure this happens to all of us at some point.

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Just find something easy and stupid that doesn't require a lot of thinking. I've had the same problem. Wife was started having fainting episodes in the beginning of October. She's been seeing specialists and going through tests for brain and heart and everything in between after passing out in the doctors office and being sent to the emergency room. Its been hard to come home after being at the doctor's/lab/hospital all day and work on several projects I have started, just no motivation. Our clubs Feb. theme is a Mad Max apocalyptic build. So it got me thinking, just cut up kits, use spare parts, and don't worry about perfect paint and details, go wild without any real thought. It seemed to work. I had two charger kits that I raided for the engines and assorted parts for previous builds, so I just started to destroy what was left and rebuild. It got to be fun again because I didn't have to worry about it being perfect. It got me going again. I still didn't have anything for our Jan. meeting's open theme, so I had a snap tight camaro concept that I modified and tried some new ideas on for a quick and fun build. It seemed to get the juices flowing again and I'm back planning my other projects, but it's been a long 3 months.

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Starting at small projects or snaps or just build a kit with no detailing....just build it,even if you can't paint the kit.....just build it...its how I got back into building more.it just important to just build.no worries about how it will turn out.just build it.I had to tell myself a million time to forget plans and just build it.that is what I did and it worked.thanks,Chris

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I hadn't finished anything in almost two years. I was laid up due to surgery, and couldn't get to my room in the basement. So my wife brought up a Polar Lights Batmobile that my son bought me years ago. Finished it in a week. Didn't paint the body, just polished the plastic, now I'm working on two other stalled projects that should be done around the first of the year. Best thing I could have done to get me motivated was to just do a quick build straight out of the box. Even if its just a snap kit, put something togeather thats easy and quick every once in a while. It'll keep the juices flowing. That's what i intend to do from now on. We have to keep it fun, thats the point, right? :):D

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Everyone gets in a slump once in a while. Baseball players, golfers and writers. I've learned over the years there is not much you can do but to ride it out. If I try to force myself to build something that lacks that inspired motivation I get, I might as well throw it against the wall and call it a diorama. What I do is resolve myself to the fact that I'm not in the groove and be patient, for it will return. Instead I pull out stacks of 60's Car Model & Model Car Science magazines and browse them for ideas. My favorite builder back then and even still today is Don Emmons. It takes no time at all and the rush hits me again and I ride the wave! Here's a madel I built from a Don Emmons article.


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hey bud, i have had this happen to me a couple times. the longest i have gone is 5 years and the last time it happened was earlier this year after i had my appendix taken out. that one lasted almost 3 months.

for the longer period, i discovered model car forums. saw everyones work and the detail that has gone into them and it sparked that flame again.

for the almost 3 month period, which was may 13th-aug 3rd. add 5 days in the hospital and about 1 month of not being able to sit for long periods of time equaled to me loosing motivation. but i just had to get back at it, so what i did was get my ass back to the desk. even if i just sat there looking at my project. i sat there for hours, thinking and thinking. till finally i got my thoughts into motion and started up again.

if a project is getting to you, which happens to all of us, just do what the other recommend, start something simpler. not much detail, a quick build. it does help if a project is getting to you.

hope this helps.

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i find there are two ways for me to get out of the funk (and as you saw, we all get into funks from time to time)

the one way is what is most suggested here, just grab a simple model, maybe even a snap kit and have at it

after 45 minutes you got something to put on the self and you can say "hey, i finished one today"

the other way is the total opposite, start making something that requires so much effort, creativity and cutting and scratching (building that is) that it will jumpstart the creative juices (kinda like that shot of adrenaline right in the heart)

maybe take a revell tuner kit and see if you can turn it into a rear engine dragster or take a 94 impala and turn it into a bass fishing boat

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Yeah, mine too............I think it might be in the same place all of those "missing" socks go....

I thought the missing sock were what kept the dryer running. If its with them....I think we're in trouble. Any way, I have a snap together Mach 5, I think I may try that as a quick build and see what happens. Thanks guys, at the very least, its good to know I'm not alone.

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