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Show Us Your Stash!

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My stash is an accumulation of over thirty years of collecting and then the USAF causing me to stuff them all into boxes and puting it all in storage when I got stationed in Japan. Starting getting out the old stash and adding to it earlier last year.










Thats most of it. A few more file cabinet drawers here and there. its hard to find a spot for them all. Building a new hobby room now that will fit tons, but slow going.


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I found a small stash of built-ups that I'll snap a few pics of ASAP. Still, more of the same as you saw in my original post. There's a mid-70's Dart, a '68 Bonneville convertible (I inherited from my father-in-law, freshly rechromed bumpers and such, and soon to be restored), a Johan DeSoto, etc., etc. Good stuff guys. Thanks for posting! Brings back some great memories of old kits. AMT/Round2 will have their collective hands full if they decide to reissue even more of the moldy oldies.

BTW, there have been 525 views and only 30 replies to this post. It appears we have some 'lurkers'. ph34r.gif


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occasional Saturday evenings

If we all lived in the same neighborhood, every day would be Saturday! Not one day would go by that one person wasn't at another persons house either building or talk about building or bashing or...........

Imagine grown men having slumber parties? Did I just type that out loud?

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The funny thing is, I only have one photo, and this is maybe 1/10 of it anymore. Most of it is in the garage, and the entire other half of the room is filled with them now, too.

I'd be 1003 before I got to the bottom of this pile...

Mark, when you have a room dedicated, you know you got it bad! Like you, it seems as though my stash had taken on a life of its own there for a while. I was always looking for MORE ROOM to fit a fresh stack. Keep in mind, most of my kits were purchased second-hand, and I'm a sucker for a good deal! Can't tell you how many times ONE old kit has lead me to MORE, and you know, I can't have just one. ;) I have learned to FOCUS, and buy only what I know I'll be inspired to build. No more, "hey, a new reissue!....I better buy a couple before they're all gone!". Besides, there are so many cool paint colors and metal-etch detailing kits to buy!! B)


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If we all lived in the same neighborhood, every day would be Saturday! Not one day would go by that one person wasn't at another persons house either building or talk about building or bashing or...........

Imagine grown men having slumber parties? Did I just type that out loud?

I hear ya, Les!! I'll bring the pizza....


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It may be small, but it makes up for what it lacks in quanity by it's quality. There all opened, most by me, I like to see what they give me that it shown on the box. Not pictured because there currently somewhere between BC and Ontario, MPC '78 Dodge Sport (Monaco 2 door) and AMT '78 LRT (yes a 3rd one), there's also a Tamiya, mechanics, figures and accesories set I have also not pictured. I did however add a picture of the Sport. I used to be the builder who for a little under 4 years bought, then built what I bought. ;) Needless to say my collection never really grew that much, but lately with learning new skills it takes me forever to finish anything, so I have plenty of unbuilts I bought with projects in mind. :D Not pictured also, around 50 Built ups/Junkers, awaiting Resto, or tear down. Some where gifts, hense them being not so much my style, but Heck anythings worth a shot. B)

Inside the Daisy jeep box is 2 AMT '53 Ford Trucks, that are complete and unpainted but neither had a box. Same with the AMT '90 C1500 Stepside box, there's 3 '88-'93 GM trucks in there complete, 1 stepside, 1 short bed single cab, and 1 longbed single cab. I only had the Stepside box though.

The Dodge Sport (I got a great deal becuase of the boxes condition, but it's Sealed inside)


the rest.




I'm proud of it.


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The Dodge Sport (I got a great deal becuase of the boxes condition, but it's Sealed inside)


Nick, I'm not going to try to get it from you, but do you plan on building this as the custom? If you do cut the roof to make the custom top and wind glass, I could really use the intact A pillars and roof

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I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box and I'm sure not now, but I just don't understand having that many models on hand to build.

No offense is meant I just don't understand it.

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I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box and I'm sure not now, but I just don't understand having that many models on hand to build.

No offense is meant I just don't understand it.

Hey Donald, I'd like to say on my end I slopped into a lot of it. I feel very lucky. The unlucky side of the hobby is I had a 300+ built collection destroyed which makes an instant junkyard for parts :lol: The lucky side is that I get very lucky with thrift stores/swap meets/club meetings on cheap kits. Even if there is things started, the parts are worth $5. $5 to $10 is what I normally pay for kits. I really did not plan on having this much so soon. I'd buy a cetain kit for a certain club meeting and then find something else I like better :lol: Another junker buy was 83 cars for $10. Instant junkyard/parts depot :D

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I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box and I'm sure not now, but I just don't understand having that many models on hand to build.

No offense is meant I just don't understand it.

Because parts is parts! I have about 450 kits in my stash but don't plan on dragging them out for pics.

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I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box and I'm sure not now, but I just don't understand having that many models on hand to build.

No offense is meant I just don't understand it.

I hear where you're coming from, Donald. We're probably thinking along different lines, that's all. While having piles of kits just sitting on a shelf might seem a bit excessive to some, I see it as an affordable luxury. It's a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy, AND can afford to.

I'm 44 now, been building since '72 or so, and I went a LOT of years 'buying a kit, building a kit' as $$ allowed, not really having any real 'collection' of unbuilts to speak of. I dropped out of the hobby for a bunch of years in the 90's, and didn't really jump back in until my son, Alex, started showing interest in building....he's now a 3-time NNL Junior-class winner, BTW...... :lol: So, I blame him! It wasn't long before we were attending toy and model shows together, and scouring the shelves of the local hobby stores, Alex looking for easy-builders, and me searching for the long-lost, and/or 'never-had' kits of my youth. Before I knew it, I had acquired a couple of shelves of clean, unbuilt kits, old AND new. Alex has also built a little stash of his own.

NOW, I visit my stash when the mood strikes, and pick something off of the shelves that really lights my fire at THAT very moment....sort of a 'striking while the iron's hot' kinda thing. HAVING a decent little collection allows me that luxury. That said, I really don't have much $$ tied up in my collection, relatively speaking, so I don't have to feel guilty about having them stacked up in my basement. Can't say that about some of my friends who have many thousands of dollars tied up in stalled, unfinished 1:1 auto restorations (can you say money pit?), or a few of my other buddies who have buckets of cash wrapped up in a boat that they only get to enjoy once in a while, when the weather cooperates.

So, in the end, to each his own. Some of my fellow builders are still quite content 'buying a kit, building a kit', and that's great too. Regardless, we're building, and we're enjoying each others enthusiasm for the hobby. As long as there are legions of us doing so, there will always be a modeling hobby. What's not to like about that? :lol:


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I have never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box and I'm sure not now, but I just don't understand having that many models on hand to build.

No offense is meant I just don't understand it.

Ever pay way the heck too much for a kit that you wanted to build and had to go to eBay because it was long out of production? Well, I sure as heck have! Hated every minuted of it. So, I buy the kits when they are availible and store them for later. Kind of a retirement stash. :D

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I have been building, collecting and sometimes trading models since 1966. At the moment I have 2,133 models in my stash. I realise I will never be able to build them all and in a couple of years I might be trading them on the net but for the moment I enjoy them all.









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