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Ferrari Tribute from Shell

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This is what I think they are: BUT there is no accuracy guarantee written or implied :lol:

The first one: I think it is a Ferrari 500/125 from 1951

The second one looks like a F1 512 from 1965

Third one is a 1970 312B (IMO, the 312 both the F1 and the 312 PB World sports Car championship racer had one of the best sounding engine in car history)

The next one (in Rio de Janeiro Brasil) looks like a '97 310 or a '98 300 (square side intakes)

Then there's a quick glimpse of what I think is an F-2004 (side pods) in the Grand Hotel hairpin in Monaco, setting off the alarm of a Ferrari 612 Scaglietti,

and the last one in the gas station has me puzzled. It looks like a 2004 or 2005 but I think it is NOT a 2006, (again side pods). I don't think it is the same as the one shown around Monaco, because the Monaco one has a big Vodafone decal on the side and the front wing is different.

But the video is quite fast so it is hard to tell for sure.

Great commercial by the way! Love the sound....

Is it possible to download and save a youTube video?


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The second car is what I think of when I hear formula 1 or Indy car racing. Maybe because that is what I saw growing up or the influence of my father(wanted to drive formula V for years), but those 'missle' cars will always be my favorite. Probably why I have 6 or 7 of the olsonite eagles and such in my stash. :D

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From an online source it appears all the driving was done by current Ferrari test drivers, all except the Australian one I think which was performed by a private individual - perhaps it was his car used in the commercial?

I'm guessing that any helmet liverys were coincidental or perhaps a "nod" to the era and heritage of Ferrari racing??


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Guest zebm1

Izz, from perusing tha yootube page, looks like if yu join as a member, then yu can download tha video to yur hardrive, but I'd scan tha heck outof it first.


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