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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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John... Thanks Brother. I am chipping away at this tin work and getting closer to being able to call the fabrication done on it...lol

Alright so last night I was able to add a little more to the dash. I am trying to replicate this portion of the dash that you can see here. This is also the only picture I have that is a clear pictures to work this from:


Here is where I started, I started with some .250 wide by .010" thick Evergreen styrene and got the angle of the bottom one where I wanted and then added the second piece on top:


I have trimmed the top portion off and now I need to sand everything flat and then start drilling the holes for the rivets on this portion of the dash:


Edited by Mooneyzs
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So... I have gotten a little more done to the tin work. got all of the rivets marked and drilled out for the dash area. And then I have been going round and round on the placement of the retaining ring for the fire windows. From all of my reference pictures I have, I don't have any that show it really well and its making me question which side of the tin it is supposed to go on. I will show you pics of both sides

I have drilled all and installed the rivets on the dash. I think it looks pretty good with the spacing:


Now onto my dilema about which side the retaining ring for the fire window should be on......

Driver side??:


Engine side??:


I am confused... LMAO

Edited by Mooneyzs
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Another great update Chris. You must have bought a 55 gallon drum of rivets for this build. I can see why you would get burnt out on this. I get stuck on something and go to a different build completely. Looking forward to more of your work.

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Bob.... thank you.

Dave... thank you my friend. I think vy now i would have stock in scale hardware...lol even though i am burnt on it. I know that i only have a little more to fabricate for it then i can do the final body work and ger it in primer. All though i am ready to get back on the engine and body.

Thank you my friend. Was great to chat with you today and thank you for the help and advice.

Jim... thank you. I made the change and am putting the bezel on the driver side as well as I made the bezel a little narrower since I made it too big to begin with.

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So I have another small update for you all. I worked a little more on the dash. starting with adding the bottom portion of the top of the dash trying to replicate from the actual shot I showed earlier a few post up. and then I decided that my fire window bezels were a little to big and i cut them down and then drilled holes for the rivets/bolts. Here are a few pics.....

Here is the top portion where I added some more .010" thick plastic. I am waiting for the glue to dry and I will trim off the plastic that is not needed:


Here is the updated fire window bezels along with the bolts/rivets that will hold them in place:


Here is the other one:


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I have started to do some more work on the tins today. I am getting closer to being able to call the fabrication done on this one. I feel its been a long road just for this tin work but I know in the end it will all be worth the hard work I have been putting into it. I started today by making the clearance bump that will go on the tin for the steering linkage. I have also started to sand the dash again to smooth out the added pieces to it. will show pics of the sanded dash later.

Here is the start of the clearance bump with a few pieces:


Here is the parts glued together:


Opposite side:


Setting it on the Tin work to see how it fits and looks:


Here is the other side, looks like I need to bring the height down a tad and make the rounded portion have a bigger radius and not such a sharp point so to speak:


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John.... thank buddy.... i think ibam gonna toss a few more rivets in the mix to drive them crazy.... haha

Mike... thanks buddy. You dont know how ready I am to move onto the next part....lol i am so tired of tin work haha

Ok fellas.... I did work on it some more last night and made some good progress. I didnt get a chance tonpost pics last bight but I will post them when i get home from work today. I have just a couple more items on the to do list for the tins and then I can call them done....phew! Lol

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Dave... Thank you sir

Scott... Thank you so much. I will count how many rivets are in the tins at the moment and get back to you...lol Oh for sure when its done it will have a tally of how many nuts and bolts were used where...lol yes I am that nuts to break it down on this build... haha :lol:

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