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VW Funny Car Semi Scratch Built

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I've been looking at this forum for a while now from the UK with amazement. Some of the builds on here are truly sensational. I just don't know how they are done. I look at some of the shots and just think "Well how is that possible." Anyway I thought I'd add my latest completion. I feel a little embarrassed compared to some of the builds on here but here you go.

I started this model in the mid 90s after I left school and always wanted to build it as a drag racing funny car. It was the Revell VW Street Machine kit. It started off like this.


So being only 16 and thinking I could manage it I decided to attempt a roof chop. After going through alot of filler and undercoats I ended up putting the model down and leaving it in the cupboard for about 12 years. After moving out of my parents and then in with my wife I got some urge back for model building. On my list was to finally finish this.

I'd already completed the interior years before pulling parts from alot of AMT kits. I scratch built the roll cage (which I don't think would pass any FSA regulations) and spent ages on detailing the interior. After many coats of primer and sanding I finally felt I have got the exterior paint right. This was all hand brushed. I decided to hand paint the logo on the sides through a stencil which was possibly not the cleanest way but my lack of space and tools made this my only option. I don't really have the knowledge for how I would do this realistically. I finally finished it off with decals from some unknown AMT kit.

All critisisms are welcome. :(










Edited by Rich Ghia
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Those rear wheels look menacing the way they fit. Your hand painting skills are amazing.

Took the words right out of my mouse, Mike; I like it too. It's rare to see one of those Revell Beetles built with so many of the kit parts. :D

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I like it! I especially like the roof chop. You've obviously put a lot of time and effort into this, and it paid off. It's cool to see what can be done without a lot of technology (airbrush, etc.). I agree about your painting skills, remarkable!

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