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how do i remove future ?

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hey guys

several months ago i painted a windshield with some future tinted with testors acrylic blue

when i was done i put a cap on the bottle of tinted future and put it away for several months

well, the other day i had another windshield i wanted to tint with the future so i looked at the bottle and thought it still looked good (paint was still very nicely mixed)

so i stirred it and shot it through the airbrush

on second though the future/paint mixture might have gone bad

so, long story short, the windshield looks dull and wavy and i want to start over

how do i remove the future/paint mixture ?

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Windex will cut it.....just spray and wash....or soak it in fresh future. Ammonia will cut it.....but will also make chrome disappear

not an awefull lot of chrome on a windshield ;)

but just to be perfectly clear (after all, that is my goal here)

this windshield is not yet glued into the body so i can take just that part and redo it

im sure the wifey has some windex 'round here somewhere, not sure bout the amonia...and I should have some more future downstairs

thnks fellows

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first, get yourself a time machine...oh, wait..you mean...

I actually saw a time machine for sale online awhile back. The ad said it really worked. You dialed in whatever year you wanted to go back to, then put this metal band that was connected to 110 volts around your head and tuned it on. It was only 500 bucks. I decided to pass, so they might still have it. B)

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I actually saw a time machine for sale online awhile back. The ad said it really worked. You dialed in whatever year you wanted to go back to, then put this metal band that was connected to 110 volts around your head and tuned it on. It was only 500 bucks. I decided to pass, so they might still have it. B)


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Ammonia smells awful, but it's super cheap, available at any supermarket and it won't hurt lacquer-type paint or styrene plastic. If your Windex contains ammonia, it should do the job just fine. And it also dissolves tape residue and similar goo.

(Check the label. Because everyone hates the smell, some of the new window cleaners don't contain ammonia.)

IMPORTANT: Anything that contains ammonia can ruin water-based paints like Tamiya acrylics.

Everybody knows this, but it can't be said too often: Always test a new chemical on an identical surface before putting it on your model.

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I actually saw a time machine for sale online awhile back. The ad said it really worked. You dialed in whatever year you wanted to go back to, then put this metal band that was connected to 110 volts around your head and tuned it on. It was only 500 bucks. I decided to pass, so they might still have it. :)

Nah. The guy and his machine are probably back in 2001, buying up muscle cars and short-selling Enron stock like crazy.

Sounds like you missed out on a good deal. Or, more likely, a fatal dose of high voltage electricity.

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I actually saw a time machine for sale online awhile back. The ad said it really worked. You dialed in whatever year you wanted to go back to, then put this metal band that was connected to 110 volts around your head and tuned it on. It was only 500 bucks. I decided to pass, so they might still have it. :rolleyes:

you didnt buy it ?

im shocked !

but then again, if you would have you'd be shocked

it seems amonia is the awnser here, maybe i ought to burry it in the cats litterbox ?

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So hen you gonna try it, Eelco? You have plenty of advise, now it's up to you to do it. Hope your efforts are successful. We'll be waiting.

i thought this was like finishing a model...we all talk about doing but we never actually do

ill try the windex tonight :)

(wont be able to take pictures since the wifey took her phone but ill keep you guys posted)

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well, so far the windex has severly brittled the glas

it did cut through some of the paint/future, it is signifcantly smoother though slightly clouded

i polished it with toothpaste but wasnt too confident in the structural integrity of the peice

maybe ill polish it some more tomorrow

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hey guys

several months ago i painted a windshield with some future tinted with testors acrylic blue

when i was done i put a cap on the bottle of tinted future and put it away for several months

well, the other day i had another windshield i wanted to tint with the future so i looked at the bottle and thought it still looked good (paint was still very nicely mixed)

so i stirred it and shot it through the airbrush

on second though the future/paint mixture might have gone bad

so, long story short, the windshield looks dull and wavy and i want to start over

how do i remove the future/paint mixture ?

Not sure about the paint but-Denatured alcohol will remove the future.

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i work at walmart, they dont have it :D

they are converting my Walmart to a super Walmart..(Englewood Co) Despite the mess.

I found my bottle of "Pledge Floor Care tile & Vinyl Floor Finish (with Future shine )

Clean Scent.

premium finish for beautiful shine and durable acrylic protection

Johnson a family company.rolleyes.gif

27 oz bottle.

It, has worked as the old Future did and 91% Isopropyl alcohol will clean it off if not too dry easy.

but i think it might take a while to get hard future off stuff thats dried for a long time.

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