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summit firebird


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This is my second build of this kit first was when they came out down here around 2000, but the decals were destroyed on that one when the clear coat was applied. anyways it will be box stock, traced around the decals with some clear acetate to make the paint masks (hopefully I placed them right :-/).






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Nice build so far Brett... she is looking good. Can't wait to see her completed. I have this kit myself and I started to build the chassis up just for a roller chassis. I don't know what it is but I have always wanted to build just a roller chassis out of one of the pro stock cars. Nothing more than the Chassis, rear end, Rims & tires. this is another one of those builds I started a few years ago that is hiding on my shelf.... :)

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Thanks guys :lol:, Engine, block is painted with DuPont bright aluminum which was then dullcoated ,heads , exhaust and manifold are metaliser stainless steel unbuffed and the carbs are metaliser titanium with titanium silver dry brushed over them. No other work done to it yet.

Chris, I know what you mean, but think I'll scratchbuild a more modern looking frame to display like that.

Richard, what can I say but modellers ADD :lol:. Nah really go to get back to them and the willys, but hands have been real bad at the moment so just easing back into it. the 57 is stupidly close to being done , need to make up fuel cells for the mustang and willys and fuel pumps for both. Have done the rear end for the willys so its almost on wheels now, new updates hopefully soon.

Body is DuPont white masked off the bottom then DuPont black misted on the top half as I used a Pactra acrylic rc paint for the purple. will post pics of why with next update.

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Thanks Steve, its Pactra's purple pearl, kinda pinkish over white but purple over black


got a bit done today/night but the pics are a little dark, ya should be able to make out whats going on tho





chassis is complete



decals tomorrow

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Thanks George, the black I used was/is DuPont basecoat, its the same as whats used on the dash, as for where to get you're out of luck from me ( I live in New Zealand) ( down under) so can only recommend you try hobby shops either online or local to you. i f you ask in the general board I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction. Good luck and thanks again. Oh not sure if it looks better over gloss or not, assume it go's on the same.:)

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Brett, Know what you mean by Modelers ADD, suffering from it myself, got most of my RoadHammer Hemi done (a little scratch-building to finish)for the Demon, started on the Next Generation Semi-Hemi for my "Mind Witch" build, part of my Witches Trilogy (Black Witch,Mind Witch & White Witch), but can't seem to work on any enough, sit there and say "do some work on one of them,any work, work on one for an hour", but nothing seems to get done, well, I am getting the paint scheme & pictures for the decals for the "Mind Witch" done but everything else is just taking sooooo long to get the gumption up for. Hopefully I'll get to work on some of it today & the upcomong weekend. Your Firebird is coming out nice.

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Hey brett i should have that decal sheet since i have thatjit and started it just for.the rolling chassis idea. If you want the decals from my kit just let me know and i can send them to you.

Thanks Chris,I really appreciate the offer but don't see much point. I've had 3 sets go west so far,so assume any others of that vintage will be the same. Cracked open and started the Tom Hoover' Pioneer funny car last night and those decals are toast as well( at least all the black parts). Have white decal paper ordered should be here early next week, just got to cut them out then (that will be fun :mellow: )

But thanks for the offer and the encouragement guys, this one will get done soon.

Edited by brett
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Brett... I am going to check my stock of slixx decals that i have as doubled mentioned i cant remember if slixx did a set of these or not. But i am also gonna take a look at the decals that came in my summit kit to see if they look good or not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

tried the Micro scale liquid decal film today and although they lasted longer than the others they wouldn't come off the backing paper and tore :( . will attempt to print my own this weekend, wish me luck I think I'm gonna need it

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Real nice job so far Brett where did you get those gauge decals?

John Pol

Thanks John. I painted the gauges on this one,flat white face an red applied with a toothpick for #s and needles. I really need to get some sort of magnification for the detail work.

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Brett offer still stands if you want me to send.ou the decal sheet from my kit. Since i won't be using it.

As I said Chris,I really appreciate the offer but I'm just gonna print them myself. If that doesn't work I'll design a new paint scheme with Summit sponsorship as a phantom.

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