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F430 Challenge - More of a street version.


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I fugure that since I am new here I should show you all more of my current Ferrari F430 Challenge. This kit is the competition version, but I wanted to make it more streetable, kind of like the Stradale that is coming out soon. If anyone else from AF sees this then they are probably aware of my turmoils with this one. But, most of you have not known about my fun with this model.

This is kind of a copy and paste post since I started this last November. Sorry to do this way, but recreating this whole build would take a while to duplicate.

So, Fujimi F430/Crazy Modeller PE:



Heavily modded engine bay thanks to Robi J:


So far, so good, body is ready for paint:



:banghead: As I made it this far, I found one error in the body work, and since I primed the whole body I couldn't really fix it. So, I scratched it and started another body that will not have the flaw. Oh well, I will strip the other one someday. ######. :banghead:

So, hopefully there is a lot to come, I am thinking white for sure.

Thanks guys


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Ok, here are some small updates to you all, but a lot of time to me, lol.

Finally got the cage built and it was a bit tricky, but eventually went together well:


Since I over primed my other F430, I started the other one, here are the front vents filled and edges worn sharp:


New body:


Next to an old friend:


Since I had to re-remove the vented areas on the rear, I gave myself a chance to mess one up. So, I removed it fully to the edge of the panel line and installed a thin styrene strip to fill the missing edge:



Needless to say, it worked really well and I am more pleased then just leaving it. I am sure no-one would notice, but I do. :screwy:

Now, brakes need some attention. Since Robi J. has enlightened me to the world of Photoetch saws, my world is much easier. I removed the hubs from the back of each rotor:


Then I removed the caliper from the rotor:


My only issue with doing this is coming up in the next few pics.

In the past, I have used etched parts for rotors with no problems at all. This is my first attempt at using part etched rotors and plastic calipers together. I am very pleased with the way that the rotors assembled. It was nice to see that they offered two version for the front rotors. Here are the parts:


Here are all of the pieces for each rotor:


These Etch cutters are the best tool I have found for etching! I love them, and they cut through thick etching very easily:


Here is a completed rotor:


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Ok guys and gals, I finally had a chance here lately to actually work on a dang model!!! School is out for the break, and I am trying to stay home more, so for that I can do some work here and there.

First of all, I finally realized that I do indeed need a new camera. After all of this time spent doing very accurate detailing, my camera will not show it! I am sorry, and please be patient until I get a new camera. But, here are the updates after starting this over two months ago. So far, I am ecstatic that I started another body, and am very glad I had another kit to use parts from.


I saw that the mirror problem for this kit was obvious; the support arms were way too big. So, I sanded them down, but did not try the drilling method like Robi J. I instead filled the areas on the pillars of the body and then drilled new holes for the arms.




Here is what I got from this idea:



It looks great, and is very secure. I am happier with this method then trying to drill out the arms, that would have been very hard!

Now, the brakes like I mentioned before came with two options. One set allowed for the traditional wheels with the stems on them. This kit however has a different approach with wheel stems that are about 1/4", so they are different. I obviously didn't pay attention, but it was easily fixed by making the other rotors.




Also got the rear end ready for the etched pieces.


The cage is also ready to go.




Chassis so far.


Etchings for the front air dam, they fit beautifully.


I wanted to also put a Tamiya 360 engine in this F430. But, I tested fitted a lot and knew that it would be way to much work for this display. So, I scratched that idea. Thankfully I had that other kit, so I could reverse almost everything that I had done to the engine bay. Waste of time, but valuable experience.


Last, but not least, the new body is finally ready for primer.



Grey primer first.



Then white.



And finally, Tamiya Pure White - 3 mist coats.



Tonight I am going to wetsand the body with 8,000-12,000 and the first wet coat begins. I am moving this Saturday, so I have to get the body finished by then.

I hope you all enjoy what I have done. I will hopefully have a new camera soon.


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Well, I am about to quit this ###### hobby! I can't seem to win with this Ferrari. :banghead: I only get to work on it about 3 hours every two weeks. Basically, I have no time and when I do, I make no progress because small things happen. Since I am so anal about these small things, I have to correct them.

Now I am even more pissed then before when I had to start another F430 body. I have spent about 20 hours on this body. 4 mists coats with two kinds of primer, 2 heavy coats of primer, 3 mist coats of Racing White, and 2 wet coats after that.

Then for the first time, I sanded the body with 6,000, 8,000, and even 12,000 grit paper. Before I even polished it the shine was incredible:



So, it was time for something to go wrong. Then my mirror snapped off. I guess I wasn't too mad, just concerned as how to fix it. Because I knew the other would break, I just took it off.

Next I polished the body for about 2 hours, I really made sure I got a hell of a shine before wax. And I did! But after wax, this thing was like a mirror. I just didn't have anyway to really show it at night. So, my bathroom lights helped:




This was also my first time panel washing a white car. Normally I wouldn't, but I tried and it looked phenomenal.

So, I was chugging along, and the body was finished. I have never been happier. I even stripped the wheels in 99% alcohol and had them ready to work on:


My idea was to strip them, add a strip of .05" to widen the lip, and paint them gloss black. So my first step was widening them:



They were really easy to widen. I did each one in about 3 minutes. They just seemed to work with me. :screwy:


Here is the difference in the stock rim, and the modified one. It looks really got IMO:


Ready to prime:



And primed for the gloss black:


So, I actually painted them, and put them on the chassis and added the body. With the red calipers, this F430 looks awesome. So,........something had to happen.

Well, remember those mirrors. :banghead: I had to re-attach them. As I tried to remove the stems from the mirrors that were left on the car, my good ol exacto knife slipped and dove right into the left fender.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I just about threw the model against the wall. Most people would have added a drop of white paint or tried to touch it up, but I just couldn't try that. I would always know it was there. So, body number 2 is....Off to the Alcohol bath!!!





Now, I am back to the beginning of starting all over. So for the hell of it, I stripped the wheels too. I noticed one of them had too much paint in the spoke joints. So why the hell not, right?!?!?:evillol:


So, maybe in three more months I will have the body redone and ready to go. This wasn't really an update, but hey, it was progress

Thanks for looking (laughing) at me, lol.

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Ok, I finally got two nights in a row that I could work on this ###### thing! No homework, no wife (fiance lol), no dog, no nothing. I made time for this Ferrari that has become the bane of my existence!!

So, I started back at square one with the whole body and wheels. Even after I stripped the wheels I felt that I did indeed need to go black with them:


Here is a bad pic of the rear vent/mesh from Crazy Modeler:


After many hours of studying the real F430 Challenge I have noticed some things from Fujimi that are inaccurate. Here is what the stock intake looks like:


This is too square and needed to be rounded at the rear to be more like the real thing:


Next was the engine bay cowling. I noticed (again) after observing the real car that this piece is made of CF. So I started that with templates and the execuion of them:



Next were the seats. Fujimi included a backing piece for the seats that made them entirely way too bulky. After referring to my photos I noticed that the real seats had a good amount of padding that simply rapped around the seat. Since I wasn't going to use the "extra part", I figured that I could replicate the look with filling the back. So, I added putty to the back:



After sanding it smooth, and getting a great contour, I was very happy with this decision:



While I was at it, I cut the holes for the seat belt restraint system. Not a great pic, but I fit it in the chassis:


Now, more to the wheels. I was really sad when things went wrong last month and this whole project has to be started over, basically from scratch. So, when I re-did the wheels, I was determined to get it right. This is not an ordinary F430-it is a track/street incarnation. therefore, there needed to be the usual Ferrari logos in the center caps:


EJan provided these wonderful emblems, and I am glad I bought 4 sets as I will definitely use them in the future:


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And,............................here are what the finished wheels/tires will look like. I can honestly say that after waiting for the result, I am completely happy! I love the look that I decided to go with. Not many Ferrari's will look like this. That is why I love the hobby; I am my own design shop:


Since the body was drying from its first wet coat (actually 15th coat, read the whole thread and you will know, lol) I decided to work on the etch pieces for the rest of the body. I cut almost all of them from their trees and figured that the fuel fillers would be a great place to tinker around. Here are the seperate parte:


This is what 5 pieces, some flat black paint, some sand paper, and a lot of patience with super glue provided:


Here are the two together finished, I was very pleased:


Don't know why, but I thought a pic of my "work box" was fitting:


On for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was brought to my attention earlier that the brakes were wrong according to what I have done. Well, again, the photos were searched and I cannot believe it, but what I found was weird. There is a photo where the front caliper is positioned to the front of the wheel, and another where the caliper is in the back?!?!?! So, I kept their positions the same. After further investigation, I noticed that the way that Crazy Modeler has you build the brakes is wrong (it seems). My rear rotor is larger than the front, but the caliper is only right for one rotor. So, as per instruction, I did what was right. It looks wrong in my mind, but I will not change it because the calipers will no fit to anything but the rotor they are designed for.

Since I was playing with the brakes, I decided that they needed more "flare". Out came some Enzo Caliper decals for the F430. Don't worry, I have 6 other Enzo kits to take from, lol. I also looked over the photos again, and it appears that a "clean" F430 might have brakes like this:



I am happy, and more than glad I decided to make them better looking. What do you all think?

Now, again, after many,....................many months, I started the ###### body again. My temper is about out with this one. But, in the end it worked out better I think?! I was able to finish all of the body work that I did not know about. And, I can say that it looks better than before I f'd up.



So, the body appears "new", at least to me, lol.


And here is what it will tentatively look like:






So, for an update, I am pleased, but this is far from over. And, I am glad I never gave up. Maybe before the 60th Anniversary I will have this one finished. Then, the other CS begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all like the progress!!!

I would love to hear any criticism, good or bad.

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Ok, more progress, finally.........

I have many finals, but this is what I want to do!!

Here are all of the etch pieces that needed to be painted. I made sure that they were all separate, and each had its own attention.


Next was the seat. I already made up for the padding. I made a template with tape and it covered the back of the seat. I was thinking that if I did this, then I could make my CF template.



So, I made the tape template. Then I sprayed SMS Faux Fabriq on the seat.



So, I sprayed that, then the interior was next. Crazy Modeler made a great set, and here is what it looks like installed:



Then, I painted all of the etch for the F430.

Then I went on with the etch/vents:



Last night I spent about 2 hours on the catches. The pic for these is bad, sorry.


Here is the cockpit with the Crazy modeler painted:





After all of this, my etch pieces are growing:


Now, the roll cage. It was primed, smoothed, and ready to go. After my references I wanted to add a cage padding.

Tamiya tape and a bit of glue worked the best:



After that, I painted the pads flat red and added the bolts.:



The tub was painted flat black, and looks great!



Here is the template from the drivers seat:


Cut out:


The seat, and the CF ready to go:


Final results:



Hope you all like the progress!!

Comments are always welcome.

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Wow! Very nice and entertaining build! :lol:

I might have handled your mirrors a bit differently..............I like to press fit mine on .020 brass rod (drill a hole in an inconspicuous area) then paint them along with the body. If you have some alligator clips, these come in handy for holding these while painting.

I'm always afraid of not getting enough paint in the area where the mirrors are to be attached, so it's better if I can put them on later.

Those PE cutters ARE excellent tools.........I love what you did to those brake rotors! The paint looks fabulous! I'm a big believer in the old adage........"If at first you don't succeed".........

Keep us updated!

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, thanks for the replies, I didn't see them until tonight!

I have no time for anything, especially a hobby like this. But, I will try, and try I do. Finals ended a while back, but work has been sapping me. That and the no-more-free-time I get form the woman. Life could be worse. I have been working on this off and on for a while. After 8 months and lots of ######, the body is like I want it - finally!!!! I polished it with my Micro Mark kit to 12,000 and this thing shined like I cleared and waxed it. Well, I didn't do either. I polished it and barely waxed it. Looks great, but again, the pics are at night:



Rims installed and the silly nose piece added. I think this piece looks aweful in scale, especially by Fujimi. But, it belongs:


Now, aside from the dash, the cockpit is completed. Here is the almost complete rolling chassis:


Brakes and wheels completely installed:


All of that mesh found a home and it was a PITA!! Still, I got it:




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(Disclaimor - look at post before)

Now, as it sits, here she is. I am so happy with the color and the rim color I chose. Everything is falling into place nicely, which is odd?!!?!

I decided to use Enzo turn signals in the front cause they were not just plastic lumps on the body. This was a last moment choice as I installed them after painting. I made sure I was very careful when doing this and it paid off. I am so glad I chose this! I need to add a little BMF to the backs of them and they will shine better I hope.


Here are the fillers added to the body. They really payed off I think:


Here is the best part--all of the rear mesh. Most was easy, but some were a pain to install. Again though, it all worked out:


Kind of blurry, but it looks great!!!! The wheels look so good with the red calipers, I am so happy:


And here is where she stands as of today:



Tomorrow I will do the panel lines, and add the badges to it. I also painted the recovery points bright yellow to add to the badges. So, the overall theme will be white with black, and yellow to match the badges. This thing might be finished before the new year, lol.

Hope you al like it?!?!!?!? :D:lol:

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Enzo....BRAVO....BRAVO. I can respect when you said...."you may not see it, but I do" and "it's the little things". I admire your work ethic, your eye for detail and most of all, your perserverance to build the model the way you invinsion it....no matter what!!!! I have many a time been at that last bit of work on a model....noticed something wrong...cursed, rant and raved or like you put it "banghead" took a deep breathe...and started over, and if it meant from the very begining....so be it. As Mr. Geary said this post of your build has been very entertaining, I love the way she is comming out....she looks great...can't wait to see her done. I look forward to seeing more of this post.


PS. Love the Corona bottle on the work table pic.

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Enzo....BRAVO....BRAVO. I can respect when you said...."you may not see it, but I do" and "it's the little things". I admire your work ethic, your eye for detail and most of all, your perserverance to build the model the way you invinsion it....no matter what!!!! I have many a time been at that last bit of work on a model....noticed something wrong...cursed, rant and raved or like you put it "banghead" took a deep breathe...and started over, and if it meant from the very begining....so be it. As Mr. Geary said this post of your build has been very entertaining, I love the way she is comming out....she looks great...can't wait to see her done. I look forward to seeing more of this post.


PS. Love the Corona bottle on the work table pic.

Thanks for the kind words. I will admit that I am too anal for this hobby, but that is the way I am and the way I want to build. Starting over twice had really dampened my spirits for the hobby, but look where I am now with it!!!

I might admit also that the Corona bottle could be a factor in earlier mistakes, but not since. I have learned that I enjoy drinking beer and modeling, but can't do them together. Not that I was drunk while doing anything, but after a few your nerves are not the same. lol

Soon she will be done. Thank you all for your kind words, I really appreciate them!!!

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This is a truly outstanding build. I especially like threads like this as I get to learn something along the way.

I may have missed it earlier, but what type of CF decals are you using? I have some CF from SAS, but I don't like it very much.

Can't wait to see the finished Ferrari! IT will be a gem for sure.


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This is a truly outstanding build. I especially like threads like this as I get to learn something along the way.

I may have missed it earlier, but what type of CF decals are you using? I have some CF from SAS, but I don't like it very much.

Can't wait to see the finished Ferrari! IT will be a gem for sure.


I discovered SMS CF decals years ago and that has been all I will use!!! They are by far the best from what I have seen. Since I have not used others I can't say, but I have never had a problem with them.

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WoW!! This was a very interesting thread! I love the Black on white btw!

Ya really got things neatly done in the end, and i cant wait for more updates!

And btw; are those a-arm kinda thingies on the tub really accurate?? :?

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I've noticed those various shaped Saw Blades from "MODLERS"

where can I get a few of them .... do you have a LINK to a Site ?

My LHS doesn't carry them



Those are the Crazy Modeler Photo Etch SAws that I got from Hiroboy's site. They are awesome and have saved many hours of cutting with a larger saw blade or x-acto. Look over his site for what you need, but this is the set that I acquired and think that they are worth 10x the price!!!


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are those a-arm kinda thingies on the tub really accurate?? :?

You mean the suspension components? The arms are molded into the bottom of the chassis tray. Then you sandwhich the hubs onto those with another support (a-arm thingie). As for accuracy it is negligible. You can't see much of them once the inner fenders are placed. So far I think that the stance is perfect for the Challenge. The regular F430 appears to sit higher in real life and through Fujimi's models.

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